Ennoble, Enable, Empower

Book Description

"""Kabar Gembira yang diwartakan oleh Yesus Sang Almasih mencakup model kepemimpinan yang sungguh menarik dan senantiasa relevan sepanjang zaman. Kata kuncinya adalah Servant (Pelayan), Shepherd (Gembala), dan Steward (Pengurus). Kepemimpinan sejati pada dasarnya bersifat Ennoble (mengajak dan memungkinkan kita mencapai keluhuran kita), Ennable (membuat kita mampu, berdaya guna dan efektif) dan Empower (meneguhkan, memberdayakan). Dr. Anthony D`Souza adalah tutor para pemimpin kaliber dunia. Di antara orang-orang yang mendengarkan ceramah dan membaca bukunya adalah para Hakim Mahkamah Agung Amerika, raja media, konglomerat bisnis multinasional, Presiden dan Wakil Presiden dari berbagai negara, anggota kabinet dan parlemen, ahli bedah terkenal, para uskup agung, pemimpin universitas, profesor, penulis, dan bankir. Dr. Anthony D`Souza menjadi Konsultan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa untuk Kesejahteraan Sosial. Sampai hari ini pun, ia menjadi pembicara tamu luar biasa di lembaga-lembaga terkemuka, seperti Harvard University, George Town University, serta sederetan nama besar korporat dunia dan pemerintahan. Buku ini tak pelak akan melejitkan efektivitas dan keagungan Anda sebagai pemimpin, formal maupun informal."""

To Ennoble and Enable

Book Description

Emet le-Ya‘akov

Book Description

Emet le-Ya‘akov comprises a collection of essays celebrating the career and achievements of Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, who has served the American and international Jewish community with distinction in his roles as a synagogue rabbi, university professor, and public intellectual. These articles, like the honoree, recognize the importance of both history and memory, emphasize the necessity of accuracy in historiography, and do not shy away from inconvenient truths. They are divided into three categories that help frame the discussion around “facing the truths of history”: Textual Traditions, Memory and Making of Meaning, and (Re)Creating a Usable Past. The volume also includes a brief sketch of Schacter’s life and work and a bibliography of his publications.

Reasons why

Book Description

Reasons Why first argues that what philosophers are really after, or at least should be after, when they seek a theory of explanation, is a theory of answers to why-questions. It then advances a thesis about what form a theory of answers to why-questions should take: a theory of answers to why-questions should say what it takes for one fact to be a reason why another fact obtains. The book's main thesis, then, is a theory of reasons why. Every reason why some event happened is either a cause, or a ground, of that event. Challenging this thesis are many examples philosophers have thought they have found of "non-causal explanations." Reasons Why uses two ideas to show that these examples are not counterexamples to the theory it defends. First is the idea that not every part of a good response to a why-question is part of an answer to that why-question. Second is the idea that not every reason why something is a reason why an event happened is itself a reason why that event happened. In the book's final chapter its theory of reasons why is extended to cover teleological answers to why-questions, and answers to why-questions that give an agent's reason for acting.

Free and Ennobled

Book Description

Free and Ennobled: Source Readings in the Development of Victorian Feminism covers the knowledge gap in the field of Victorian feminist studies. This book is the outgrowth of a college course on the Victorian Woman. This book is composed of ten chapters, and begins with an introduction to womanhood. The succeeding chapters deal with the emergence of feminism and the introduction of the Victorian Feminism movement as part of social adjustment. Other chapters are devoted to controversial issues in women's right, including education, emancipation, work, and political rights. The final chapters discuss the achievements of the Victorian Feminism movement. This book will prove useful to sociologists.

The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3

Book Description

The letters found in Volume II reveal inside accounts of how The Screwtape Letters came to be written, the early meetings of the Inklings (with J.R.R. Tolkien giving readings about "hobbits" and "Middle Earth"), how C.S. Lewis became popular through BBC radio talks, but mostly how this quiet professor in England touched the lives of many through an amazing discipline of personal correspondence.

Ennoble and Enable

Book Description

From 2003-2017, President Joel launched and executed a vision for YU that centered on its students, providing them with multiple meaningful opportunities to develop their talents both within and outside of the classroom. President Joel also founded new programs and centers to extend the reach of Yeshiva University and its Torah U'Madda philosophy to communities throughout North America and beyond. These chapters, written by women and men in a variety of scholarly fields and leadership positions both in YU as well as in other institutions, celebrate President Joel's accomplishments by exploring ideas relating to the central themes of his presidency: education, community, and leadership. In addition, several authors consider the components and qualities that ennobled and enabled President Joel to excel in his career at Yeshiva. Together, they honor President Joel for fourteen years of exemplary service to YU and the Jewish people.

Word Finder

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