Entomología económica y manejo de plagas

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Este texto reemplaza un manuscrito no publicado que fue preparado por el primer autor en 1999 y que fue multiplicado de manera informal en la Sede Palmira de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. En general, esta versión cubre los mismos aspectos del manuscrito original, pero amplía y actualiza los temas inherentes a la relación planta-insecto, el muestreo de poblaciones, el papel de los insectos como vectores de enfermedades de plantas, el control biológico y el control químico. Incluye también algunas bases ecológicas del manejo de plagas, una discusión bastante detallada sobre los principios del manejo de plagas y un capítulo sobre ácaros de importancia agrícola. Con base en la valiosa obra del profesor Raúl Vélez Ángel de la Sede Medellín de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, se han preparado perfiles técnicos de cincuenta de las más importantes plagas agrícolas que ocurren en Colombia. Se espera que este texto sea de utilidad para los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional, en particular para quienes adelantan especialización en Protección Vegetal.

Entomología económica

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Manejo y control de plagas de insectos

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Proposito y alcance; Factores que intervienen en los problemas de plagas de insectos; Danos causados por plagas de insectos; Metodos y economia politica; Identificacion y clasificacion; Encustas sobre las poblaciones de insectos; Control regulado; Bases ecologicas para el control; Resistencia de las plantas y animales a los insectos; Control mediante parasitos, depredadores, y competidores; Control microbiano de insectos; Manejo mediante principios geneticos; Control mediante la verificacion de los metodos de cultivo; Control fisico y mecanico; Antimetabolitos, disuasivos de la alimentacion y hormonas; Atrayentes quimicos y comportamiento de los insectos; Repelentes quimicos; Esterilizacion; Insecticidas; Sistemas integrados de control de plagas; Principios economicos del manejo de plagas; Organizacion y adiestramiento.

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Progress Report 1979

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Natural Enemies of Insect Pests in Neotropical Agroecosystems

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This book aims to address the importance of natural enemies and functional diversity for biological control in Neotropical agroecosystems. Several aspects related to the conservation of natural enemies, such as vegetation design and climate change, are discussed in Part 1 and the bioecology of several insects groups used in biological control in Latin America is presented in Part 2. Part 3 is devoted to mass production of natural enemies while Part 4 describes how these insects have been used to control of pests in major crops, forests, pasture, weeds and plant diseases. Lastly, Part 5 reports Latin-American experiences of integration of biological in pest management programs.

Insects and Diseases of Mediterranean Forest Systems

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Insect and disease issues are often specific to the Mediterranean forest systems rather than shared with the temperate forests. In addition to the specific native insects and diseases, the forests are subject to the invasion of exotic species. The forests are also at risk from high degrees of human activity, including changing patterns of forest fires, land management activities, intensive plantation forestry using introduced timber species from other Mediterranean climate zones, and atmospheric deposition. Combined with elements of global climate change that may disproportionately affect Mediterranean climate systems, this creates a number of significant management issues that are unique to the Mediterranean forests. It is our goal that the information contained in this volume will contribute to understanding the unique aspects of Mediterranean forest systems and to protecting these critical resources.

Bioactive Compounds in Phytomedicine

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There are significant concerns regarding the potential side effects from the chronic use of conventional drugs such as corticosteroids, especially in children. Herbal therapy is less expensive, more readily available, and increasingly becoming common practice all over the world. Such practices have both their benefits and risks. However, herbal self-therapy might have serious health consequences due to incorrect self-diagnosis, inappropriate choice of herbal remedy or adulterated herbal product. In addition, absence of clinical trials and other traditional safety mechanisms before medicines are introduced to the wider market results in questionable safe dosage ranges which may produce adverse and unexpected outcomes. Therefore, the use of herbal remedies requires sufficient knowledge about the efficacy, safety and proper use of such products. Hence, it is necessary to have baseline data regarding the use of herbal remedies and to educate future health professionals about various aspects of herbal remedies.