Methods for Environmental Trace Analysis

Book Description

Provides the basic skills and information required to prepare an environmental sample for analysis. Divided into two sections, i.e. Inorganic Analysis and Organic Analysis, this book covers selected techniques, principally atomic spectroscopy and chromatography. Using flow diagrams to augment the experimental information, it highlights the most appropriate methods and the likely results. Detailed experimental information provided in an easy-to-follow style with illustrations Describes the specific sample preparation approaches necessary to analyse a particular sample type Discussion of selected literature sources highlights the most appropriate methods and the likely results obtained

Environmental Trace Analysis

Book Description

This book covers all aspects of environmental trace analysis from sampling through to preparation of the sample to the analytical techniques used to quantify the level of trace metals or organic compounds. The book is divided into two areas: sample preparation for inorganic analysis and sample preparation for organic analysis. This allows the reader to focus on key aspects related to the preparation of samples for their subsequent analysis. Selected case studies provide the reader with the opportunity to consider how the sample preparation approach can be optimized for their own area of expertise.

Environmental Sampling for Trace Analysis

Book Description

Often too little attention is given to the sampling before and after actual instrumental measurement. This leads to errors, despite increasingly sensitive analytical systems. This is one of the first books to pay proper attention to representative sampling. It offers an overview of the most common techniques used today for taking environmental samples. The techniques are clearly presented, yield accurate and reproducible results and can be used to sample - air - water - soils and sediments - plants and animals. A comprehensive handbook, this volume provides an excellent starting point for researchers in the rapidly expanding field of environmental analysis.

Trace Environmental Quantitative Analysis

Book Description

A thorough and timely update, this new edition presents principles, techniques, and applications in this sub-discipline of analytical chemistry for quantifying traces of potentially toxic organic and inorganic chemical substances found in air, soil, fish, and water, as well as serum, plasma, urine, and other body fluids. The author addresses regulatory aspects, calibration, verification, and the statistical treatment of analytical data including instrument detection limits; quality assurance/quality control; sampling and sample preparation; and techniques that are used to quantify trace concentrations of organic and inorganic chemical substances. Key Features: Fundamental principles are introduced for the more significant experimental approaches to sample preparation Principles of instrumental analysis (determinative techniques) for trace organics and trace inorganics analysis An introduction to the statistical treatment of trace analytical data How to calculate instrument detection limits based on weighted least squares confidence band calibration statistics Includes an updated series of student-tested experiments

Organic Trace Analysis

Book Description

"Organic Trace Analysis" presents the basics of trace analysis, from sample preparation to the measurement: Students are introduced to statistical evaluation, quality control technologies, sampling and preparation of organic traces, as well as to enrichment and separation of samples. Spectroscopic techniques as chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and receptor-based bioanalysis are presented in detail.

Introduction to Environmental Analysis

Book Description

Welche analytischen Verfahren wendet man zur Charakterisierung von Umweltproben an? Antwort auf diese Frage gibt Ihnen der Autor dieses Bandes. Ausführlich erläutert er die umweltspezifischen Einsatzgebiete von Gas- und Flüssigkeitschromatographie, IR-Spektroskopie und Röntgenfluoreszenz bei der Boden-, Wasser- und Luftanalyse sowie beim Monitoring bestimmter Schadstoffe. Mit aktuellsten Informationen zu Strategien der Probennahme und zur Extraktion in fester und flüssiger Phase!

Sample Handling and Trace Analysis of Pollutants

Book Description

This book is an updated, completely revised version of a previous volume in this series entitled: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS -- Techniques, applications and quality assurance. The book treats different aspects of environmental analysis such as sample handling and analytical techniques, the applications to trace analysis of pollutants (mainly organic compounds), and quality assurance aspects, including the use of certified reference materials for the quality control of the whole analytical process. New analytical techniques are presented that have been developed significantly over the last 6 years, like solid phase microextraction, microwave-assisted extraction, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric methods, immunoassays, and biosensors. The book is divided into four sections. The first describes field sampling techniques and sample preparation in environmental matrices: water, soil, sediment and biota. The second section covers the application areas which are either based on techniques, like the use of gas chromatography-atomic emission detection, immunoassays, or coupled-column liquid chromatography, or on specific application areas, like chlorinated compounds, pesticides, phenols, mycotoxins, phytotoxins, radionuclides, industrial effluents and wastes, including mine waste. Validation and quality assurance are described in the third section, together with the interpretation of environmental data using advanced chemometric techniques. The final section reports the use of somewhat advanced analytical methods, usually more expensive, less routinely used or less developed, for the determination of pollutants.

Handbook of Trace Analysis

Book Description

This handbook is unique in its comprehensive coverage of the subject and focus on practical applications in diverse fields. It includes methods for sample preparation, the role of certified reference materials, calibration methods and statistical evaluation of the results. Problems concerning inorganic and bioinorganic speciation analysis, as well as special aspects such as trace analysis of noble metals, radionuclides and volatile organic compounds are also discussed. A significant part of the content presents applications of methods and procedures in medicine (metabolomics and therapeutic drug monitoring); pharmacy (the analysis of contaminants in drugs); studies of environmental samples; food samples and forensic analytics – essential examples that will also facilitate problem solving in related areas.

Chiral Environmental Pollutants

Book Description

This monograph contains a survey on the role of chirality in ecotoxicological processes. The focus is on environmental trace analysis. Areas such as toxicology, ecotoxicology, synthetic chemistry, biology, and physics are also covered in detail in order to explain the different properties of enantiomers in environmental samples. This monograph delivers a comprehensive survey for environmental trace analysts, analytical chemists, ecotoxicologists, food scientists and experienced lab workers.