Ese Turix, Mi Amigo...

Book Description

Yucatán, 1847. La incipiente república mejicana está ocupada por tropas de la Unión Americana. Se inicia una ominosa guerra, la que pronto sería llamada "Guerra de castas". Tizimín, situado en las últimas fronteras de la civilización, una década atrás había padecido de asonadas de militares que pretendían separar a la península de Méjico. Desde 1812 la Nueva España habían derogado de facto las leyes de las Cortes de Cádiz, que otorgaban a los indígenas los mismos privilegios que gozaban los españoles. Los nuevos amos son ahora los criollos: hacendados, empresarios, militares, clérigos, y una pequeña burguesía, oprimieron los mayas y restauraron el feudalismo en la región. El levantamiento indígena resultante sería el más cruento que recuerde la historia del Continente. En aquel ambiente, un mozalbete de ambigua procedencia y trastornada personalidad, se involucra activamente en la contienda. La gente blanca del pueblo huye en urgida caravana hacia Mérida, ciudad blanca. En el trayecto, nuestro amigo va descubriendo la realidad de sus orígenes. Y todo parece haber cambiado para él. A la muerte de sus padres, su tía y el cura del pueblo ya se habían encargado de su educación. Un misterioso personaje aparece reiteradamente a suplantar su singular personalidad. Su fascinación por la aventura, la temprana avidez por el dinero, una innata empatía hacia los mayas, y sus relación con una jovencita indígena, le mueven a unirse a los alzados, al tiempo que sus nuevos preceptores le apoyan en su vocación a las letras. A cuatro décadas de la huída, Turix nos relata las peripecias de su vida, y nos da a conocer el intolerante ambiente de aquella época. "El escritor es un observador imparcial, no juez de sus personajes, o de las palabras que él pueda poner en su boca; aprende a alejarse de sí mismo y a mirarse sin complicidades. No resuelve problemas, sólo los plantea abiertamente", expresa en algún momento de su narrativa.

Women and Plants

Book Description

These in-depth case studies from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Europe and North America provide a state of the art overview of the gender dimensions of people-plant relations. The contributors reveal, among other things, the crucial role of women in plantbiodiversity management.

The Sociology of Language

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Cultural Activism

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This volume addresses contemporary activist practices that aim to interrupt and reorient politics as well as culture. The specific tactics analyzed here are diverse, ranging from culture jamming, sousveillance, media hoaxing, adbusting, subvertising, street art, to hacktivism, billboard liberation, and urban guerilla, to name but a few. Though indebted to the artistic and political movements of the past, this form of activism brings a novel dimension to public protest with its insistence on humor, playfulness, and confusion. This book attempts to grasp both the old and new aspects of contemporary activist practices, as well as their common characteristics and internal varieties. It attempts to open up space for the acknowledgement of the ways in which contemporary capitalism affects all our lives, and for the reflection on possible modes of struggling with it. It focuses on the possibilities that different activist tactics enable, the ways in which those may be innovative or destructive, as well as on their complications and dilemmas. The encounter between the insights of political, social and critical theory on the one hand and activist visions and struggles on the other is urgent and appealing. The essays collected here all explore such a confrontational collaboration, testing its limits and productiveness, in theory as well as in practice. In a mutually beneficial relationship, theoretical concepts are rethought through activist practices, while those activist practices are developed with the help of the insights of critical theory. This volume brings scholars and activists together in the hope of establishing a productive dialogue between the theorizations of the intricacies of our times and the subversive practices that deal with them.

In the Language of Kings

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The first anthology in any language to represent the full trajectory of this remarkable literature.


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A detailed history of the controversial explorer and his interactions with Aztec tribes and other groups in Central America.

Stories in Red and Black

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The Aztecs and Mixtecs of ancient Mexico recorded their histories pictorially in images painted on hide, paper, and cloth. The tradition of painting history continued even after the Spanish Conquest, as the Spaniards accepted the pictorial histories as valid records of the past. Five Pre-Columbian and some 150 early colonial painted histories survive today. This copiously illustrated book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the Mexican painted history as an intellectual, documentary, and pictorial genre. Elizabeth Hill Boone explores how the Mexican historians conceptualized and painted their past and introduces the major pictorial records: the Aztec annals and cartographic histories and the Mixtec screenfolds and lienzos. Boone focuses her analysis on the kinds of stories told in the histories and on how the manuscripts work pictorially to encode, organize, and preserve these narratives. This twofold investigation broadens our understanding of how preconquest Mexicans used pictographic history for political and social ends. It also demonstrates how graphic writing systems created a broadly understood visual "language" that communicated effectively across ethnic and linguistic boundaries.

Small Bones, Little Eyes

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A Snake in Her Mouth

Book Description

This collection, including poems from her early chapbooks as well as later writing, was first announced in 1994. The title poem, she says, is not only sexually suggestive, but alludes to the idea of a forked tongue liar or a gossip from which many of the other pieces derive.

Love at Gunpoint

Book Description

"[Nila northSun's poems] embrace her tribal identity and confront the challenges of being a contemporary American woman. Her poems are a confession of the extremes of her life: the highs of a first kiss, the lows of coming home to an empty house. They tell how it feels to hold a rebellious child, to wait too long for a too late lover and to miss tomorrow that is already gone. They tell what it is to love at gunpoint."--Page 4 of cover.