Essays in Financial Liberalization and the Aggregate Economy

Book Description

This dissertation consists of three essays on the effects of financial liberalization on the aggregate economy. In the first essay, I analyze empirically the effects of financial deregulation on wage inequality. To identify the causal effect of the reform, I exploit differences in external financial dependence and capital-skill complementarity across industries. I analyze two different episodes of deregulation: across countries within Europe and across states within the U.S.I provide evidence that, in both episodes, financial liberalization increases wage inequality disproportionally in industries with high financial needs and strong complementarity. I also find that the differential effect on relative wages is particularly strong in economies with rigid labor markets, while the effect on relative labor flows is stronger in economies with flexible labor markets. In the second essay, I conduct a quantitative analysis to calculate the effect of financial liberalization on aggregate inequality. I develop a simple two-sector general-equilibrium model with capital and labor market frictions. I calibrate the model in order to match the reduced form results documented in the first essay. According to a back-of-the envelope calculation, financial liberalization explains 20\% and 15\% of the increase in aggregate inequality in the U.K. and the U.S. during the 1980-2000 period, respectively. The simulation also shows that financial liberalization leads to an increase in the level of wages of both types of labor. In the third essay, co-authored with Sebastian Stumpner, we analyze empirically the effects of financial liberalization on total factor productivity (TFP) and capital misallocation. We use a large cross-country firm-level database and find that deregulation increases productivity disproportionally in industries with high financial needs and low asset tangibility. We decompose industry productivity into an average-productivity term and an allocation term, measured by the size-productivity covariance, and find that the industry TFP gains are primarily driven by a reduction in misallocation across firms. We also find that financial liberalization decreases the within-industry variance of the marginal product of capital and decreases the covariance between the marginal product of capital and TFP. Finally, we document that deregulation increases the market share of domestically-owned firms, which ex-ante are more financially constrained.

Macroeconomics, Finance and Money

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This volume focuses on current issues of debate in the area of modern macroeconomics and money, written from (a broadly interpreted) post Keynesian perspective. The papers connect with Philip Arestis' contributions to macroeconomics and money, and pay tribute to his distinguished career.

A Survey of Financial Liberalization

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Three Essays on Financial Development and Economic Growth

Book Description

Abstract: The primary part of my dissertation investigates the potential effects of financial sector development on economic growth. In order to reveal the nature of these effects, I focus on the potential channels of influence from the financial to the real sector. I investigate the link between the financial sector and economic growth focusing on the role of the financial sector in funding innovative activities. To this aim, I construct a model where the economy is driven by innovative activities that require both human capital and external funding. My analysis shows that when certain conditions are satisfied, there exists a unique equilibrium where the growth rate of the economy is jointly determined by the levels of human capital and financial development. An implication of this is that financial liberalization policies that do not adequately address the fundamentals of the economy can cause bank failures and possibly a financial crisis. Furthermore, the model suggests that, depending on the parameter values of the economy, there may be two forms of poverty traps, one with a small number of bankers and the other with a large number of bankers. Also, I examine empirically whether financial development has any effect on the rate of technological innovation using patent applications as a proxy for innovative output. For a sample of twenty eight countries from 1970 to 2000, my analysis shows that financial development is indeed significant in raising the growth rate of innovative output. In addition, I investigate whether financial development enhances investment efficiency. The efficiency channel hypothesis states that financial development may increase the efficiency of investment by directing the funds to the most productive uses. I examine if there is any evidence of financial development positively affecting the efficiency of aggregate investment using developing countries as a sample. Compared to the volume channel, the efficiency channel has received relatively little attention until recently. I address the issue of the efficiency channel using two alternative measures of aggregate investment efficiency. I find that, for developing countries, financial development significantly and positively affects productivity of investment.

Method, Theory, and Policy in Keynes

Book Description

This book is the third and final volume of essays celebrating the work and lifetime contribution of Paul Davidson to economics, specifically the development of post Keynesian Economics. The outstanding group of international economists examine areas in which Paul Davidson has an interest, or has made significant contributions. They explore international macroeconomic issues such as consumption and investment, wage and price flexibility, sticky prices and aggregate production, and financial liberalization. Other contributions discuss economic rhetoric and post Keynesian methodological issues while the final part of the book turns to real problems such as the politics and economics of the European Union, the stabilization of the international oil market and realities of financial liberalization.

The Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Financial Globalization: Evidence from Macro and Sectoral Data

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We take a fresh look at the aggregate and distributional effects of policies to liberalize international capital flows—financial globalization. Both country- and industry-level results suggest that such policies have led on average to limited output gains while contributing to significant increases in inequality—that is, they pose an equity–efficiency trade-off. Behind this average lies considerable heterogeneity in effects depending on country characteristics. Liberalization increases output in countries with high financial depth and those that avoid financial crises, while distributional effects are more pronounced in countries with low financial depth and inclusion and where liberalization is followed by a crisis. Difference-indifference estimates using sectoral data suggest that liberalization episodes reduce the share of labor income, particularly for industries with higher external financial dependence, those with a higher natural propensity to use layoffs to adjust to idiosyncratic shocks, and those with a higher elasticity of substitution between capital and labor. The sectoral results underpin a causal interpretation of the findings using macro data.

Essays on Financial Crises and Misallocation

Book Description

The following essays contribute towards our understanding of nancial crises and development dynamics. The dissertation is composed of three chapters. Chapter one---Lobbying for Capital Tax Benefits and Misallocation of Resources During Credit Crunches Corporations often have strong incentives to exert influence on the tax code and obtain additional tax benefits through lobbying. For the U.S. 2007-2009 financial crisis, I show that lobbying activity intensified, driven by large firms in sectors that depend more on external finance. Using a heterogeneous agent model with financial frictions and endogenous lobbying, I study the aggregate consequences of this rise in lobbying activity. When calibrated to U.S. micro data, the model generates an increase in lobbying that matches both the magnitude and the cross-sector and within-sector variation observed in the data. I find that lobbying for capital tax benefits, together with financial frictions, can account for 80 % of the decline in output and almost all the drop in total factor productivity observed during the crisis for the non-financial corporate sector. Relative to an economy without lobbying, this mechanism increases the dispersion in the marginal product of capital and amplifies the credit shock, leading to a one-third larger decline in output. I also study the long run effects of lobbying. Restricting lobbying implies welfare gains of 0.3 % after considering the transitional dynamics to the new steady state. Chapter 2---Market Power and Aggregate Efficiency in Financial Crises In joint work with Fernando Giuliano, we document that during financial crises in emerging economies, large firms become relatively larger and small firms become relatively smaller. What are the aggregate consequences of the resulting increase in market concentration? We answer this question quantitatively with a model where firms are able to exploit their market power through heterogeneous markups. Financial frictions take the form of a collateral constraint that gets tighter during a financial crisis. We discipline the model using detailed plant-level microdata for Colombia, and analyze the transition dynamics of an economy as it adjust to a credit crunch. We find that when firms are able to adjust their markups in response to a credit shock, the response of aggregate output and productivity is dampened. Variable markups act as a buffer that partially offsets the misallocation triggered by a financial crisis. This follows from adjustments at both the intensive and extensive margins. Chapter 3---Innovation Effort in a Model of Financial Frictions: The Case of Reforms The last chapter is part of an ongoing project to explore the role of innovation as a key ingredient to capture development dynamics of the growth miracles in the East of Asia. During the second half of the last century those economies carried out a rapid dismantling of distortions affecting the size of firms that led to a reallocation of resources. This, together with a slow financial liberalization, created the conditions for sustained increase in per capital income, an increase of investment rates and improvements in aggregate productivity. Using an environment with financial frictions and resource misallocation in a pre-reform economy, Buera and Shin (2013) were able to capture the first two facts. However, the model delivers counterfactual dynamics for aggregate productivity due to the assumption of exogenous firm level productivity. Extending their framework to allow firms to improve their productivity through innovation, I explore the implications of the interaction between financial frictions, resource misallocation and endogenous innovation.