Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy

Book Description

Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, grade: 1,3, University of Bonn (Wirtschaftspolitische Abteilung der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät), course: Geldtheorie- und politik, language: English, abstract: Does inflation reduce welfare? What is worse, a volatile exchange rate or a high inflation rate? And is the central bank able to drive these variables? These questions are the topic of a paper by Jordi Gali and Tommaso Monacelli, published in 2005 and titled “Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy”. As apparent by the title Gali and Monacelli (G+M) analyze the influence of monetary policy on the volatility of the exchange rate, more precisely the nominal exchange rate and the terms of trade. For this purpose they create a small open economy with sticky prices of Calvo-type. Due to its minor size this economy does not influence the world economy. However, depending on the degree of openness this economy is affected by the rest of the world. Having specified this framework, G+M introduce three different monetary regimes and evaluate the resulting exchange rate volatilities . Using a central bank loss function G+M rank these three rules according to the implied welfare which shows a positive correlation between welfare and exchange rate volatility. Thence G+M prefer Taylor rules over an exchange rate pegging. To get a general idea of Gali and Monacelli`s argumentation this expose will start in chapter 2 with an abbreviated overlook over G+M’s model of a small open economy. In the following chapter there will be the introduction of the three central bank rules, necessary to close the model, as well as an analysis of the underlying welfare levels. Since the welfare evaluation is based on some special assumptions, chapter 4 will give an overview of recent literature which discusses possible extensions as well as their implications for G+M’s ranking of implied welfare. Concluding chapter 5 will summarize G+M’s most important results as well as evaluate if the possible extensions render G+M’s analysis, respectively their results, worthless.

Essays on Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy in a Globalized World

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The aim of this thesis is to analyze the impact of globalization on the dynamics of inflation and monetary policy in a globalized world. It consists of three essays.In the first essay we investigate the impact of financial globalization on the behaviour of inflation targeting emerging market economies with respect to exchange rate - Do central banks respond to exchange rate movements or not? We use quarterly data for six emerging market inflation targeting economies from the date of their inflation targeting adoption to 2009 Q4. The chapter uses small open economy new Keynesian model à la Gali and Monacelli (2005), and employs multi-equation GMM technique to investigate the relationship. We find that the response of central bank to the exchange rate in case of Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Thailand is statistically significant while insignificant for Korea and Czech Republic. Theoretically, it should not be so as even under flexible inflation targeting central bank responds to inflation deviation and output gap; we think that the peculiar characteristics of emerging markets, like fear of floating, weak financial system and low level of central bank credibility make exchange rate important for these economies. In the second essay we investigate empirically the relative importance of monetary transmission channels for Brazil, Chile and Korea. This chapter uses monthly data from the inception of inflation targeting regime to 2009 M12. We use a SVAR model incorporating the main monetary transmission channels combined together instead of individual channels in isolation. The empirical results indicate that the exchange rate channel and the share price channel have higher relative importance than the traditional interest rate and credit channel for industrial production. The results are not much different in case of inflation, except for Korea. The high ranking of exchange rate and share price channel is in line with the results by Gudmundsson (2007), which finds that exchange rate channel might have overburdened in the wake of financial globalization.In the third chapter we investigate empirically the role of openness - real and financial - on the inflation dynamics of Brazil, Chile and Korea. The chapter uses monthly data from the inception of inflation targeting regime to the end month of 2009. In this chapter we employ the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) technique. We use imports to GDP ratio as an indicator for real openness whereas Chinn and Ito index (KAOPEN) and total assets plus total liabilities to GDP ratio form the data set of Lane and Milesi-Ferretti are two proxies for financial openness. The chapter concludes that there exists, generally, a positive relationship between real openness and inflation. However, in case of financial globalization the results are inconclusive as they are sensitive to measurement method of financial globalization.

Essays on Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in Small Open Economies

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This thesis addresses interactions between monetary and fiscal policies in a theoretical dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model of a small open economy and in an empirical model under a structural vector error correction model (SVECM). The thesis consists of three essays. The contribution is both theoretical and empirical that enables a better understanding of the complexity of interactions between monetary and fiscal policies in small open economies. The first essay examines the equilibrium determinacy under monetary and fiscal rules. The goal is to investigate how monetary and fiscal policy interactions ensure a unique and non-explosive (determinate) equilibrium for a small open economy. The study focuses when policy makers implement a set of policy mixes to address domestic output price inflation control for monetary policy, debt stabilization for fiscal policy, and joint output stabilization tasks. The result indicates that two policy schemes facilitate a determinate equilibrium. First, monetary policy actively controls inflation when fiscal policy sets a sufficient feedback on debt. Second, monetary policy becomes passive against inflation when fiscal policy is insolvent. Adding output stabilization to each rule simply causes variants of this fundamental. An interest rate rule with output stabilization can be more passive against inflation while providing a stronger response to the output gap. Fiscal policy is required to set higher feedback on debt along with its stronger counter-cyclical policy. The second essay links between the equilibrium determinacy and policy optimization. This essay provides insights into the design of policy mixes and compares determinacy outcomes between two theoretical models of a small open economy: with and without an explicit exchange rate role. This study shows that policy interactions in a small open economy with an endogenous exchange rate is quite sophisticated, especially when a monetary rule is added with an output stabilization task and/or targeted to Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation. Additional concern for monetary policy in an open economy causes a partial offset to its reaction on domestic output price inflation that weakens its effect on the real debt burden. To minimize economic fluctuations, policy makers should mute the role of output stabilization for monetary policy, and set minimum feedback on debt that is compatible with the degree of counter-cyclical fiscal policy. Substantially active response to inflation is satisfactory for monetary policy with CPI inflation targeting. The third essay empirically presents monetary and fiscal policy interactions in Thailand's SVECM suggested by a theoretical DSGE model developed from the previous essays. This essay shows that the DSGE-SVECM model can be supported by Thai data. A shock to monetary policy is effective with a lag. Government spending policy is also effective with a lag and some crowding-out effects on output. An adverse shock in tax policy unexpectedly stimulates the economy, indicating room for enhancing economic growth by relaxing revenue constraint. Monetary policy is mainly implemented to correct a consequence of a fiscal shock on inflation (and also the domestic and foreign shocks), while fiscal policy appears to counter a consequence of the monetary policy shock on output.

Essays on Exchange Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy for Open Economies

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The thesis consists of three chapters of self-contained empirical and theoretical studies. In Chapter 1, I examine whether the Balassa-Samuelson effect is indeed the reason behind the behaviour of the currencies of transition economies. So far, in the literature, transition Economies appear to be subject to the Balassa-Samuelson effect. This implies that their currencies experience a prolonged appreciation in real terms as their convergence goes on. However, in the current literature, the effects of the capital account have not been analyzed extensively. In this paper I show that the capital account, rather than productivity, is a key determinant of the appreciation of the currencies of transition economies. I find that a long-run relationship exists between the real exchange rate, productivity, the real interest rate differential and the capital account. Moreover, those variables are found to cointegrate in a nonlinear fashion according to a smooth transition autoregressive model. This implies that a multivariate smooth transition error correction model is the appropriate model to describe their short-run and long-run dynamics. In Chapter 2, I examine the importance of a real exchange rate target in the monetary policy of a central bank. I address that question both empirically and theoretically. Using monthly data I estimate of a structural VAR model for the Eurozone providing evidence in favour of real exchange rate targeting. I examine this case theoretically using a twocountry DSGE model; I find that when the home central bank includes a real exchange rate target in its interest rate rule, it achieves lower welfare losses compared to the Taylor rule. Contrary to similar papers, I compute the optimized coefficients in the interest rate rules considered. I show that the benefits from real exchange rate targeting at home rise as persistence in inflation and output increases. In the robustness analysis I show that a rise in the fraction of backward looking consumers affects negatively the performance of the real exchange rate targeting rule and positively that of the Taylor rule. Asymmetries in the degree of rule-of-thumb behavior in consumption have important effects, as regards the performance of a real exchange rate targeting rule. The performance of both rules is not sensitive to variations in the degree of backward looking price setting behavior . In Chapter 3, I show, using both empirical and theoretical analysis, that changes in monetary policy in one country can have important effects on other economies. My new empirical evidence shows that changes in the monetary policy behaviour of the Fed since the start of the Euro, well captured by a Markov-switching Taylor rule, have had significant effects on the behaviour of inflation and output in the Eurozone even though ECB's monetary policy is found to be fairly stable. Using a two-country DSGE model, I examine this case theoretically; monetary policy in one of the countries (labelled foreign) switches regimes according to a Markov-switching process and this has nonnegligible effects in the other (home) country. Switching by the foreign central bank renders commitment to a time invariant interest rate rule suboptimal for the home central bank. This is because home agents expectations change as foreign monetary policy changes which affects the dynamics of home inflation and output. Optimal policy in the home country instead reacts to the regime of the foreign monetary policy and so implies a time-varying reaction of the home Central Bank. Following this time-varying optimal policy at home eliminates the effects in the home country of foreign regime shifts, and also reduces dramatically the effects in the foreign country. Therefore, changes in foreign monetary regimes should not be neglected in considering monetary policy at home.

Essays in Open Economy Monetary Policy

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International economic integration has risen during the last decades and the interdependence between each economy and the rest of the world has become central for policy decisions. My dissertation contributes to the debate about the conduct of monetary policy in a financially integrated world. In the first chapter of the dissertation I discuss the relationship between domestic policies and the currency denomination of foreign debt. Foreign debt is a double-edged sword. It allows countries to invest more than what would be possible given their own savings, thereby achieving preferable allocations that would not otherwise be feasible. However, it is the root of several crises. Foreign debt is especially hazardous when denominated in foreign currency; in such cases exchange rate depreciations increase the real value of the debt. An important question then is what determines the currency denomination of foreign debt. I use the adoption of Inflation Targeting (IT) in several economies during the last two decades to evaluate the importance of domestic policies in the determination of the currency denomination of debt. In order to control for possible endogeneity in IT adoption, I use matching and instrumental variables estimators; both generate similar estimates. The results show that monetary policy can have substantial effects on the amount of debt in foreign currency and that a more flexible exchange rate regime increases the use of domestic currency in foreign borrowing. In the second chapter of the dissertation I investigate the relationship between central banks balance sheets and monetary policy. Heavy foreign exchange intervention by central banks of emerging markets have led to sizeable expansions of their balance sheets in recent years - accumulating foreign assets and non-money domestic liabilities (the latter due to sterilization operations). With domestic liabilities being mostly of short-term maturity and denominated in local currency, movements in domestic monetary policy interest rates can have sizable effects on central bank's net worth. In this chapter I examine empirically whether balance sheets considerations influence the conduct of monetary policy. The methodology involves the estimation of interest rate rules for a sample of 41 countries and testing whether deviations from the rule can be explained by a measure of central bank financial strength. My findings, using linear and nonlinear techniques, suggest that central bank financial strength can be a statistically significant factor explaining large negative interest rate deviations from "optimal" levels. In the third chapter I investigate whether countries that adopted the IT framework for monetary policy have been constrained by exchange rate consideration when taking policy decisions. I present stylized facts which suggest that exchange rates have been allowed to float relatively free in IT countries. I employ Bayesian Analysis techniques to estimate a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) structural model for twenty two IT economies and compute posterior odds tests to check whether the central banks systematically respond to exchange rate movements. The main result is that only five central banks directly respond to exchange rate movements; all the other IT central banks do not respond to the exchange rate. I also confirm that IT central banks have been conducting strictly inflationary policies, raising real interest rates in response to increases in inflation.