Essays on Innovation Policy, Knowledge Networks, and Cost Reductions in Deployment-related Technologies in the Solar PV Industry

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Deployment policies have stimulated a large number of renewable energy investment and deployment on a global scale, but they still need to be scaled up at least six times faster to keep global warming below hazardous levels. Therefore, particular emphasis should be placed on understanding the impact of deployment policy on technological innovations and cost reductions, because being more cost-effective and efficient can further facilitate scaling-up. The overarching aim of the dissertation is to understand whether and how deployment policy can lead to technological changes and cost reductions. To be specific, the first essay focuses on whether and how demand-pull policy can impact technological innovation. The second essay explores why deployment policy is essential to promote technological innovations through studying firms' knowledge acquisition behaviors when conducting innovations. The third essay investigates three primary learning mechanisms through which deployment policy can facilitate cost reductions and contributes to separating these three mechanisms, namely, learning by doing, learning by searching, and learning by interacting. The particular focus of this dissertation is the role of geography. The importance of geography as an element of technological learning and innovation continues to be debated by researchers. The salience of this topic is ever greater today, when governments across the world are struggling to balance the opposing pulls of inward-looking, protective approaches to economic growth (e.g., "local jobs" and "preferential procurement") and outward-looking, collaborative, and open approaches to economic growth (e.g., "open innovation" and "imported talent"). Additionally, this dissertation is related to a broader question, which also sums up my main research topic: what combination of innovation ecosystem features - including, local deployment policies, technology characteristics, social and human capital, demand factors, and supply conditions -- translate into persistent localized innovation and economic benefits

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies Under Uncertainty

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Abstract Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies under Uncertainty by Kiran Nari Torani Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Resource Economics University of California, Berkeley Professor Gordon Rausser, Chair This dissertation presents both a theoretical and empirical examination of the optimal allocation of public R & D investments in combination with downstream policy instruments across emerging renewable technologies. The central issue remains how best to enable technological change, and accelerate innovation and widespread adoption of new energy technologies and move towards a more sustainable energy system. The first essay presents a stochastic dynamic real options model of the adoption of solar PV in the residential and commercial sector, evaluating the threshold and timing of the consumer's optimal investment decision given two sources of uncertainty. Analytic results regarding the threshold of adoption under alternative regimes of R & D funding and technological change, electricity prices, subsidies and carbon taxes are derived. And we simulate the model to obtain a cumulative likelihood and timing of substitution amongst energy resources and towards solar PV under plausible rates of technological change, electricity prices, subsidies and carbon taxes. The results indicate that there will be a displacement of incumbent technologies and a widespread shift towards solar PV in the residential and commercial sector in under 30 years, under plausible parameter assumptions - and that crucially, this can occur independent of consumer subsidies and carbon pricing policies (at $21/ton CO2, $65/ton CO2 and $150/ton CO2). In general, results across all scenarios consistently indicate that average historic consumer subsidies and carbon pricing policies up to $150/ton CO2 have a modest effect in accelerating adoption, and may not be an effective part of climate policy in this regard. Instead, we find that R & D support and further technological change is the crucial determinant and main driver of widespread adoption of solar PV - suggesting that subsidies and taxes don't make a substantial difference in a technology that's not viable, while research does. This further suggests that optimal policies may change over time, however current continued R & D support and technological advancement is the crucial determinant of widespread transition to solar and plausibly other backstop technologies - and that it should play a key role in policy measures intended to combat climate change. The results do not imply that carbon pricing shouldn't play a role in climate policy in general. Carbon pricing may be effective in reducing emissions and encouraging the transition towards other clean technologies - however it has a decidedly modest impact in accelerating adoption of solar PV at levels up to $150/ton CO2. The second essay examines the role of technology features in policy design, and provides a broader discussion and context to the results from the first essay. It examines the key role of the technology innovation cycle and changing optimal policies at every stage of the technology in the transition towards renewable energy technologies. And it examines the stages of the technology innovation process and the role of policy incentives at every stage - including the timing, sequencing, and role of investments in public R & D, in deployment polices, and in CO2 taxes. We examine the notion that that optimal policies will change over time, driven primarily by the characteristics of the technology, and its stage in the innovation cycle - and that this will crucially determine the impact, gains and tradeoffs between alternate policy measures such as R & D policies, deployment policies, and carbon pricing policies. We find that technology and policies must be deployed in a coordinated manner such that emission reduction benefits are achieved at an acceptable cost. And we find that targeted policy should consider every stage of the technology innovation cycle - from R & D to commercialization in overcoming barriers to the development and widespread adoption of nascent technologies. Based on our analysis and results we find that there is a pressing need for the reallocation of public resources from consumer subsidies towards public R & D budgets in emerging energy technologies such as solar PV, and plausibly other backstop technologies. We argue for an expanded role of aggressive R & D policies and increased public R & D funding - and contend that there is an imbalance in resources allocated towards adoption and commercialization subsidies relative to R & D investments for a technology such as solar PV. We contend that increased and aggressive R & D investments will be the key policy initiative in enabling the transition towards clean energy technologies such as solar PV in a sustainable manner. When deployment policies are justified, the appropriate timing and sequencing in the technology development stage is crucial. Investments in commercialization and deployment subsidies before sufficient R & D investments and breakthroughs have occurred will be ineffective and unsustainable, or alternatively will need to be very high to have any significant impact (Torani, Rausser, and Zilberman, 2014). Widespread adoption and commercialization of emerging and unproven technologies and systems will be unlikely to occur unless sufficient major technological discoveries and improvements have taken place - which will need to be driven by appropriate and sufficient R & D investments. The logical sequence of policies necessitates first making sufficient investments and allocating resources towards R & D and the necessary technological discoveries, which can then be followed by downstream investments to enhance adoption, experience and LBD. In general, we find that the appropriate emphasis and sequencing of R & D and learning investments is a pertinent issue, and optimal timing and allocation between the two depends in part on the characteristics of the technology itself. In addition, while almost all economic studies find a case for imposing immediate restraints on GHG emissions, e.g. with initially low carbon taxes, we find that reasonable and plausible levels of CO2 taxes may not be effective in encouraging technology adoption and reducing emissions while clean technologies are not commercially viable as yet. To be effective in encouraging technology adoption at an early stage of technological innovation, we contend that a large CO2 tax may be needed, far larger than suggested at reasonable levels - with significant implications on distributional effects and political feasibility. We emphasize that technology and policies must be deployed in a coordinated manner such that the emission reduction benefits are achieved at an acceptable cost (Williams et al., 2012). Our results suggest that the first and most important stage does not lie in imposing CO2 taxes, but rather in investing in R & D and technological advancements. Once clean technologies are sufficiently ready, reasonably priced carbon taxes will bite to a larger extent and be more effective at plausible levels. We find that one plausible strategy would be either to introduce high CO2 taxes or to subsidize R & D first, followed by deployment and LBD policies, and then to impose reasonable carbon taxes - in which case scientific advances and technological changes would make CO2 emissions abatement less costly, and CO2 pricing would be effective at reasonable levels. The third essay provides a precursor and basis for the other two chapters. The paper outlines an analytical framework to determine the optimal combination of renewable energy public R & D investment in combination with downstream policy instruments across the emerging technologies as an ex-ante portfolio analysis of public and private R & D under risk and uncertainty. Our framework is based on the estimation of probability distributions for potential future cost reductions resulting from R & D investments from the public and private sectors. To date, the government lacks coordinated support of renewable energy technologies across upstream R & D investments and downstream policy instruments. Without an objective, ex-ante guide for renewable energy investment, governments are likely to promote technologies based on the effectiveness of political economic efforts. The government's policies should however depend on the technology's probability distribution of cost breakthroughs for each technology and on the environmental impact. In this paper we outline an analytical framework to develop a portfolio analysis of R & D investments in renewable energy technologies, with the subsequent analysis designed to allocate R & D investments across renewable energy technologies in a manner that minimizes the risk for a specified level of expected returns, taking into account both the expected reductions in cost and the variance of the expectations of cost reductions, and thus providing an objective benchmark for efficient allocation of resources across renewable energy technologies. Special emphasis is placed on the estimation of probability distributions based on elicitation from experts in each field of technology in terms of the mean and standard deviation - on which we base the characterization of the underlying probability distributions on cost and productivity measures, and which forms the basis for executing a portfolio analysis of renewable energy technologies.

Future of solar photovoltaic

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This study presents options to fully unlock the world’s vast solar PV potential over the period until 2050. It builds on IRENA’s global roadmap to scale up renewables and meet climate goals.

The Future of Photovoltaics Manufacturing in the United States

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Technological innovation and growth are critical to U.S. competitiveness in a global economy. One means of facilitating growth and improving competitiveness is to foster more robust innovation ecosystems through the development of public-private partnerships, industry consortia, and other regional and national economic development initiatives. Public-private partnerships, in particular, catalyze the commercialization of state and national investments in research and development. One of the major projects of the National Research Council's Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy (STEP) is to examine state and local investment programs designed to attract and grow knowledge-based industries. STEP analyzes state and regional innovation initiatives to gain a better understanding of the challenges associated with the transition of research into products, the practices associated with successful state and regional programs, and their interaction with federal programs and private initiatives. In April and July 2009, STEP convened two meeting to assess the future of the U.S. photovoltaic industry and the practical steps that the federal government and some state and regional governments are taking to develop the capacity to manufacture photovoltaics competitively. The Future of Photovoltaic Manufacturing in the United States captures the presentations and discussions of these meetings. This report explores the prospects for cooperative R&D efforts, standards, and roadmapping efforts that could accelerate innovation and growth of a U.S. photovoltaics industry. It includes both efforts to strengthen existing industries as well as specific new technology focus areas such as nanotechnology, stem cells, and energy in order to gain an improved understanding of program goals, challenges, and accomplishments.

An Assessment of the Economic, Regulatory and Technical Implications of Large-scale Solar Power Deployment

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Electricity from solar energy has many favorable attributes. Despite its current high cost relative to other technology options, a combination of cost reductions and policy support measures could lead to increasing deployment of solar power technologies. Should this pathway occur, the unique technical and economic characteristics of photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) technology will have implications for the wider electric power system. Similarly, the characteristics of the many elements that constitute electric power systems will have implications for the efficient deployment of these technologies. This thesis attempts to assess these technical and economic implications, and derive regulatory implications that result. A static cost-minimization expansion model with an 8760 hour temporal resolution, adapted from the literature, was developed in order to undertake this investigation. Following analytical development of the model formulation, the model was numerically applied to a simplified representation of the ERCOT power system. This application involved assessing changes in investment, dispatch, prices and emissions across various solar power deployment scenarios. The final portion of the thesis then addressed the complexities associated with developing the necessary transmission that may accompany large-scale solar power deployment. Findings from this work include: a) an explicit representation of the components that constitute the marginal system value of PV capacity under transmission constraints b) reasoning for why the optimal system with large scale solar power capacity includes less baseload capacity in the long term - and insights into how this may not be feasible in real systems, and c) a presentation of how solar power deployment paths diverge across capacity and energy support schemes, and across type of solar technology. In addition, it is found that: d) under perfect conditions, locational market prices will provide the adequate locational signals for `system-ecient' deployment, provided that the solar generators 'see' the signals in their objective functions, and e) the appropriateness of transmission charges for solar generators will vary by circumstance - any charge warranted should be considered in tandem with the system pricing mechanism and any renewable support scheme in place.

PV Policy Frameworks

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Over the past decade, solar photovoltaics (PV) have attracted increasing attention as promising low-carbon innovations worthy of government investment. Numerous incentive frameworks have been developed to encourage the deployment of PV, with the electricity sector surfacing as the focal point for this policy engagement (through the feed-in tariff and other instruments). A variety of justifications have been advanced to support these policy interventions, spanning from GHG reductions to industrial development. However, PV and the policy frameworks that have been developed to support this technology face serious and growing challenges, including technical issues (e.g., the integration of intermittent sources into conventional electricity networks), social and political concerns (e.g., opposition to renewable energy support due to electricity rate impacts), and economic turbulence (e.g., consolidations within the PV industry). Innovative policy solutions will be needed to overcome these challenges and unlock the potential of PV in future energy systems. This paper explores the policy frameworks surrounding PV in three jurisdictions - Ontario, California and Germany - and draws lessons from these experiences in order to provide policy advice.

Creating Climate Wealth

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"Creating Climate Wealth is about how climate change, the biggest challenge of our time, can be turned into a $10 trillion dollar wealth-creating opportunity. Author Jigar Shah, internationally recognized for revolutionizing the now multi-billion-dollar solar energy industry, outlines how entrepreneurs and investors can unlock the massive potential that climate change represents. Shah argues that, while new technical innovation is valuable, deployment of existing technologies are the key to reaching our near-term climate targets. Rather than waiting for yet to be developed technology, business model innovation is the key to attract mainstream capital and unlock transformational change... Unlocking our next economy will be driven by thousands of companies deploying existing clean and resource-efficient technologies in electricity-supply (like solar), transportation, building materials, industry, forestry, waste, and agriculture."--