Essays on the Economics of Discrimination

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Collection of essays examining labour market discrimination, the impact of laws and policies, the treatment of children compared to the elderly, discrimination within the family, the economic underclass, and the treatment of minority members of society.

Essays on Labor Market and Public Policy

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My dissertation is composed of three chapters that focus on employment protection laws, age discrimination laws, and political institution that affect the labor market. The first chapter focuses on examining the impact of employment protections laws on prolonged duration of unemployment after the recent recession, the so-called Great Recession. The Great Recession has led to an unprecedented length of unemployment durations, which is costly for both individuals and society at large. The adverse selection model predicts that increased firing costs arising from employment protection laws lead to employers preferring to hire employed workers over unemployed individuals. The implication of this prediction is that employment protection laws may lengthen unemployment durations, possibly slowing down recovery from long-term unemployment. This article examines the interaction effects between employment protection laws and labor market conditions on unemployment duration. Using a Cox proportional hazard model, I find evidence that the positive effect of economic recovery on unemployment duration is lower in states that have stronger employment protection laws. The second chapter considers the effect of age discrimination laws on older women, a group who may be subject to intersectional discrimination, in which they are discriminated against for being old and for being women. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects women from sex discrimination, while the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits discrimination against workers over the age of 40. Since an older woman may be subject to discrimination in the workplace based on both age and sex, legal scholars argue that age and sex discrimination laws must be used jointly to protect the older-woman minority group. However, courts do not always use them together in practice and do not necessarily give older women protection based on membership in both protected classes. This implies that age discrimination laws alone may be not as effective, or may be even ineffective in protecting older women compared to older men. The present study examines this implication by estimating the differential effect of age discrimination laws on labor market outcomes between women and men. The findings show that age discrimination laws do far less to improve labor market outcomes for older women than for older men, which supports the argument that older women need to be classified as a subgroup of two protected classes to receive adequate protection. My third chapter analyzes the economic benefit of Chinese Communist Party membership. Many studies have found that Party membership brings economic benefits to Party members, but some studies also argue that the premium associated with Party membership is merely due to members' higher levels of ability and advantageous family backgrounds. The lack of consensus on the economic returns of Party membership implies that the role of Party membership is not well understood. This study estimates the economic returns to Party membership using three complementary approaches to address the endogeneity of Party membership status: proxy variables to control for omitted variable bias, propensity score matching, and instrumental variables. Although the magnitudes of these estimates vary across estimators, all the estimates show positive economic returns to Party membership. This paper also examines possible mechanisms for how Party membership may bring benefits to members and provides evidence that Party membership may generate political capital, but not social capital in the labor market in China.

Three Essays in Labor Market Discrimination

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This study comprises three essays exploring labor market discrimination using new data, a new application of an equilibrium search model, and a new game theoretic model of the dynamics of economic discrimination. In the chapter "Testing Standard Theories of Economic Discrimination: Productivity, Prejudice, and Lost Profits During Baseball's Integration" evidence from the integration of white professional baseball is used to explore the empirical dynamics of integration, and in so doing reveal the nature of the discrimination present in that market. An important finding is that owner discrimination appears to be the only traditional model of discrimination present in the market. Estimates of the profits forgone by owners are also generated, and are both statistically significant and substantial. In "Opportunities Denied, Wages Diminished: Using Search Theory to Translate Audit Pair Study Findings Into Wage Differentials," a new application of a search model of discrimination is used to estimate the extent to which documented levels of hiring disparity affect the economic outcomes of job seekers. A key finding is that even seemingly small differences in hiring rates can lead to substantially different realized wages. Perhaps even more important than the findings is the use of a theoretical tool to translate findings from audit studies of the labor market into more relevant metrics. In the third essay "Do Wages Approach Value When Productivity Signals Are Private?" a game theoretic model where only tenure and wages are publicly observable is posited. It is found that wages should converge to productivity even in this market of limited information. The model's predictions are also consistent with the stylized fact that a black-white wage gap persists at the high-skill end of the distribution, yet no "reverse gap" exists at the low-skill end. Additional empirical evidence is offered that is consistent with the dynamics proposed by the model. In combination, these three essays improve upon our understanding of economic discrimination by empirically testing various models of discrimination, translating audit study findings into more relevant metrics, and positing a model of employer learning that incorporates private signals.

Employment, Wages and Income Distribution

Book Description

Whilst there is widespread agreement about the goals of economic policy, consensus about how best to achieve them can be harder to achieve. No issues are more contentious than employment and income distribution. In recent years full employment and a just distribution of incomes have been downgraded as policy objectives, as greater priority has been given to price stability and balance of payments objectives. This emphasis has been supported by a mainstream economic theory which has an unswerving belief in the ability of market forces to achieve a satisfactory regulation of employment and income distribution Other economists have remained more sceptical, and none more so than Kurt Rothschild. This new volume collects together his twenty two most important essays in the area, many of which are appearing in English for the first time. Throughout pure theory is linked to relevant practical investigations.

Two Essays on the Economics of Discrimination

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This thesis covers two areas of the labour market not commonly studied in the context of discrimination: potential bias of job seekers against employers based on ethnicity and gender, and discrimination against employment seekers in the context of the unemployment insurance system. Utilizing survey experiments, both studies yield robust null results. Overall, these studies contribute to the understanding of discrimination dynamics in the labour market and welfare systems. Paper I shows that job seekers may not be motivated by discriminatory practices when seeking employment. However, more research is needed, and future work should be focused on natural experiments to prevent limitations similar to those in our study. Paper II highlights the importance of strict legal frameworks and of maintaining rigorous standards in public service delivery to mitigate discriminatory practices.

Essays on Labor Market Inequality

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This thesis consists of three chapters on aspects of labor market inequality. In chapter 1, I estimate the dynamic effects of federal affirmative action regulation, exploiting variation in the timing of regulation and deregulation across work establishments. I find that affirmative action sharply increases the black share of employees, with the share continuing to increase over time: five years after an establishment is first regulated, its black share of employees increased by an average of 0.8 percentage points. Strikingly, the black share continues to grow even after an establishment is deregulated. Building on the canonical Phelps (1972) model of statistical discrimination, I argue that this persistence is in part driven by affirmative action inducing employers to increase the precision with which they screen potential employees. I then provide supporting evidence. In chapter 2, I study the spatial mismatch hypothesis, which proposes that job suburbanization isolates blacks from work opportunities and depresses black employment. Using synthetic panel methods and variation across metropolitan areas from 1970 to 2000, I find that for every 10% decline in the fraction of metropolitan area jobs located in the central city, black employment (earnings) declined by 1.4-2.1% (1.1-2.3%) relative to white employment (earnings). This relationship is driven primarily by job suburbanization that occurred during the 1970's. To address the potential endogeneity of suburbanization, I exploit exogenous variation in highway construction and find that highways cause job suburbanization and declines in black relative employment in a manner consistent with spatial mismatch. In chapter 3, joint work with Isaiah Andrews, we analyze the effect of heterogeneity on the widely used analyses of Baily (1978) and Chetty (2006) for optimal social insurance. The basic Baily-Chetty formula is robust to heterogeneity along many dimensions but requires that risk aversion be homogeneous. We extend the Baily-Chetty framework to allow for arbitrary heterogeneity across agents, particularly in risk preferences. We find that heterogeneity in risk aversion affects welfare analysis through the covariance of risk aversion and consumption drops, which measures the extent to which larger risks are borne by more risk tolerant workers. Calibrations suggest that this covariance effect may be large.

Job Equity and Other Studies in Industrial Relations

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Monograph of essays in honour of Frederic Meyers, Former Director of the UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations, on the labour relations aspects of employment security and dismissal in the USA from an historical perspective - discusses collective agreements and collective bargaining to protect against unfair dismissal, employment policy and working conditions of Mexicans, problems of racial discrimination in the labour market, arbitration, etc., and comments on labour legislation and jurisprudence. Graphs and references. Festschrift Meyers, F.

The Declining Importance of Race and Gender in the Labor Market

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The Declining Importance of Race and Gender in the Labor Market provides historical background on employment discrimination and wage discrepancies in the United States and on government efforts to address employment discrimination