Essence of Clear Light

Book Description

Luminous Essence

Book Description

Luminous Essence is a complete introduction to the world of tantric thought and practice. Composed by the renowned Tibetan master Jamgön Mipham (1846–1912), the text provides an overview of the theory and experiential assimilation of a seminal tantric scripture, the Tantra of the Secret Essence (Guhyagarbha Tantra). Embodying the essence of tantric practice, this text has been a central scripture in Tibetan Buddhism for well over a thousand years. Mipham's explanation of this text, here translated for the first time, is one of the most celebrated commentaries on the Tantra of the Secret Essence, which today occupies an important place in the tantric curriculum of Tibetan monastic colleges. Luminous Essence is a specialized guide meant for initiated tantric practitioners. To fully appreciate and assimilate its message, it should be studied under the guidance of a qualified teacher by those who have received the appropriate empowerments, reading transmissions, and oral instructions.


Book Description

These teachings on Dzogchen, the heart essence of the ancient Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, were given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Western students in Europe and North America. He offers the reader an unprecedented glimpse into one of Buddhism's most profound systems of meditation.

Clear Light of Bliss

Book Description

Within all of us lies a source of infinite bliss, clarity of wisdom, and compassion for others. In this unique and highly praised book, based on Buddhaʹs Tantric teachings, the contemporary Buddhist Master, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, presents authentic methods for discovering this inner wealth for ourselves. In a clear and precise way, he explains step-by-step how we can generate a deeply peaceful and concentrated mind by harnessing the subtle energy system within our body. With this blissful awareness we can uncover our true nature, destroy ignorance and suffering at its root, and swiftly become a source of inspiration and benefit for others. -- Publisher description.

Dudjom Lingpa's Chod

Book Description

Commentary on Dudjom Lingpa's Heart Essence of Saraha and second edition translation of Heart Essence of Saraha

The Guhyagarbha Tantra

Book Description

The Essence of Buddhism

Book Description

A clear and concise introduction to the teachings and philosophies of the three main vehicles of Buddhism—Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana—through a Tibetan lens This comprehensive guide to the Buddhist path from the Tibetan point of view is as accessible as it is complete. Traleg Kyabgon breaks the teachings down conveniently into the three traditional “vehicles,” while never letting us forget that the point of all the Dharma is nothing other than insight into the mind and heart. Along the way he provides vivid definitions of fundamental Buddhist concepts such as compassion, emptiness, and Buddha-nature and answers common questions such as: • Why does Buddhism teach that there is “no self”? • Are Buddhist teachings pessimistic? • Does Buddhism encourage social passivity? • What is the role of sex in Buddhist tantra? • Why is it said that samsara is nirvana? • Does it take countless lifetimes to attain enlightenment, or can it be achieved in a moment?

The New Heart of Wisdom

Book Description

This special presentation of Buddha's teachings by the author of Modern Buddhism, offers truly liberating insights and advice for the contemporary reader. It reveals the profound meaning of the very heart of Buddha’s teachings - the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras. The author shows how all our problems and suffering come from our ignorance of the ultimate nature of things, and how we can abandon this ignorance and come to enjoy pure, lasting happiness by developing a special wisdom associated with compassion for all living beings. 'Many people are very intelligent in accomplishing worldly attainments. This intelligence is not wisdom because worldly attainments such as a high position, reputation, wealth and success in business are deceptive. If we die tomorrow, they will disappear tomorrow, and nothing will be left for our future. Wisdom, however, will never deceive us. It is our inner Spiritual Guide, who leads us to the correct path. It is the divine eye through which we can see what we should know, what we should abandon, what we should practise and what we should attain.' -Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

Essence of Reality

Book Description

The Essence of Reality is the most perceptive, exacting look at the flow of Reality ever. Rarely has a human glimpsed beyond the confines of the self-aware mind to see the interactive flow of mind-value into Reality. Thomas Nehrer here goes beyond a glimpse to specify that flow, depicting Consciousness explicitly. The Essence of Reality illustrates that all of one's life - health, success, authority, abundance - reflect one's inner nature, leading the reader to see exactly how that works. It gives explicit tools for delving into limiting mindsets to accomplish real change.

The Clear Light

Book Description

As Eckhart Tolle has written, poetry "has been recognized since ancient times as a highly appropriate medium for the expression and transmission of spiritual truth." The Clear Light is Steve Taylor's latest contribution to this poetic tradition, offering short and powerful reflections as a guide to spiritual awakening and as experiential glimpses of the state of enlightenment itself. Taylor ranges widely, through subjects including "Making the Human Race Whole," "Freedom from the Past," and "The Reality of Connection," always in clear and simple language. Best of all, he reminds us of the choices we always have when life feels chaotic and overwhelming: empathy, acceptance, and love. Soothing but also challenging, Taylor's words continually affirm the profound bedrock of peace and even joy in the present that is always available. The book's eponymous reflection says it best: There is nothing that can't be undone no past injury that can't be healed no past mistake that can't be corrected in the clear light of the present. Reading this book is a transformational spiritual experience in itself.