Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources

Book Description

When the U.S. Department of the Interior released its 1989 estimates of how much undiscovered oil and gas remain in the United States, a controversy ensued. Some members of the petroleum industry charged that the estimates were too low. This book evaluates the scientific credibility of the statistical and geological methods underlying the estimates.

U. S. Fossil Fuel Resources

Book Description

Terminology: Proved Reserves and Undiscovered Resources: The Importance of Terminology: The Example of the Bakken Formation; Conventional Versus Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas Deposits; (4) Authoritative Data Sources for U.S. Fossil Fuel Reserves and Resources (R&R); (5) U.S. Oil and Natural Gas R&R: Proved Reserves; Undiscovered Oil and Natural Gas R&R; Sub-Economic Oil and Natural Gas R&R; Shale Oil; Shale Gas; Methane Hydrates; Heavy Oil; (6) U.S. Coal R&R; (7) Expressing Fossil Fuels as Barrels of Oil Equivalent; (8) Overview of Global Fossil Fuel R&R; (9) U.S. Production and Consumption of Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal; Key Terms Used in Oil Statistics. Illus.