Bioethics in Europe

Book Description

Comment faire échec aux trafics d'organes ? Peut-on choisir le sexe de son enfant ? Ou la couleur de ses yeux ? Le diagnostic préimplantatoire, est-ce déjà de l'eugénisme ? Les assureurs auront-ils accès aux résultats d'un test génétique ? toutes ces interrogations, et beaucoup d'autres, sont nées des progrès fulgurants de la biologie et de la médecine. Plus que jamais, ces sciences inspirent de grands espoirs mêlés d'une certaine crainte. Pour la première fois, un livre fournit sur ces questions un éclairage qui ne se limite pas au plan national. Dans un style journalistique clair et accessible, émaillé de nombreux exemples, les deux auteurs rendent compte de la mosaïque de réponses apportées dans chaque pays. Ils décrivent aussi les efforts d'harmonisation entrepris au conseil de l'europe, qui devraient aboutir à l'adoption prochaine d'une convention de bioéthique applicable à l'ensemble du continent européen.

Europe Et la Bioéthique

Book Description


Health Governance in Europe

Book Description

Health constitutes a core element of welfare states and a vital nerve in the trust relation between citizen and their governments. Focusing on the health sector, this book analyzes the closely interwoven relationship between the European Union and Member States. The authors explore the dynamic and multi-fold process of de-nationalizing health policies and illustrate how European policies develop in a sector that still appears to be under exclusively national competence. They describe the multiple forms and ways the Europeanization process takes, driven by market integration, public health crises and politics of consumer protection. The authors also provide a detailed analysis of key topics: the pharmaceutical sector, market regulation of medical goods and devices, food safety, the blood provision and plasma industry, European politics on bioethics, and risk reduction in the field of drug abuse. Providing a comprehensive and informed assessment of the Europeanization process in the field of health policies, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of health, European integration and policy-making.

European Convention Human

Book Description

This volume of the "Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2003. Part one contains information on the Convention. Part two deals with the control mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights: selected judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and human rights (DH) resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; part three groups together the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, and includes the work of the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Directorate General of Human Rights; part four is devoted to information on national legislation and extracts from national judicial decisions concerning rights protected by the Convention. Appendix A contains a bibliography on the Convention, and Appendix B the biographies of the new judges elected to the European Court of Human Rights.

The Right to Life in European Constitutional and International Case-law

Book Description

The right to life is the prime individual right in treaty and constitution systems of fundamental rights. The whole approach to protecting this right has changed considerably with scientific and medical advances. Whereas traditionally the concern was to protect life from all threats, today there is the additional very prominent issue of human, scientific and medical intervention in the life-giving process in such forms as abortion, medically assisted procreation, embryo research, cloning and euthanasia. This comparative analysis of the case law of Europes constitutional courts and the Council of Europes European Court of Human Rights examines the nature and scope of the right to life in order to determine whether there is a common legal approach to the question in Europe

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme , Volume 32 Volume 32, 1989

Book Description

This volume of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe relates to 1989. Its presentation follows that of the previous volume. Part one contains basics texts and information of a general nature; Part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; Part three with the European Court of Human Rights; Part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and Parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A Bibliography and Index are included. Ce volume de lAnnuaire de la Convention européenne des Droits de lhomme, préparé par la Direction des Droits de lhomme du Conseil de lEurope, concerne lannée 1989. La première partie contient des textes fondamentaux; la duexième partie contient les rapports de la Commission européenne des Droits de lhomme; la troisième partie donne des informations sur la Cour européenne des Droits de lhomme; la quatrième partie contient les Résolutions du Comité des Ministres; et les cinquième et sixième parties regroupent toutes les autres activités concernant la Convention dans le cadre du Conseil de lEurope et comprennent des informations sur les débats devant les parlements nationaux et sur les développements au sein des Communautés européennes concernant la protection des droits de lhomme. Le volume se termine avec une bibliographie et une index alphabétique.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme , Volume 31 Volume 31, 1988

Book Description

This volume of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe relates to 1988. Its presentation follows that of the previous volume. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; part three with the European Court of Human Rights; part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States and developments within the European Communities. A Bibliography and Index are included.Ce volume de lAnnuaire de la Convention européenne des droits de lhomme, préparé par la Direction des Droits de lHomme du Conseil de lEurope, concerne lannée 1988. La première partie contient des textes fondamentaux; la deuxième partie contient les rapports de la Commission européenne des Droits de lHomme; la troisième partie donne des informations sur la Cour européenne des Droits de lHomme; la quatrième partie contient les Résolutions du Comité des Ministres; et les cinquième et sixième parties regroupent toutes les autres activités concernant la Convention dans le cadre du Conseil de lEurope et comprennent des informations sur les débats devants les parlements nationaux et sur les développements au sein des Communautés européennes concernant la protection des droits de lhomme. Le volume se termine avec une bibliographie et une index alphabétique.

Bioethics and Moral Content: National Traditions of Health Care Morality

Book Description

This volume explores the plurality of moral perspectives shaping bioethics. It is inspired by Kazumasa Hoshino's critical reflections on the differences in moral perspectives separating Japanese and American bioethics. It offers a rich perspective of the range of approaches to bioethics and brings into question whether there is unambiguously one ethics for bioethics to apply.

European Directory of Bioethics

Book Description

For the first time, based on an extensive survey conducted across the whole of Europe by the Association Descartes, the details of over 1,000 persons and organisations are now available. The Directory is broken down into 14 sections : the first section is devoted to European institutions; the next twelve cover each EEC country and list the names of persons and organisations involved in bioethics; a complementary listing covers indispensable persons or organisations; A reference work both for researchers and anybody concerned with bioethics.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme , Volume 34 Volume 34, 1991

Book Description

This volume of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe relates to 1991. Its presentation follows that of the previous volume. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; Part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; Part three with the European Court of Human Rights; Part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and Parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A Bibliography and Index are included.Ce volume de lAnnuaire de la Convention européenne des Droits de lhomme, préparé par la Direction des Droits de lhomme du Conseil de lEurope, concerne lannée 1991. La première partie contient des textes fondamentaux; la deuxième partie contient les rapports de la Commission européenne des Droits de lhomme; la troisième partie donne des informations sur la Cour européenne des Droits de lhomme; la quatrième partie contient les Résolutions du Comité des Ministres; et les cinquième et sixième parties regroupent toutes les autres activités concernant la Convention dans le cadre du Conseil de lEurope et comprennent des informations sur les débats devant les parlements nationaux et sur les développements au sein des Communautés européennes concernant la protection des droits de lhomme. Le volume se termine avec une bibliographie et une index.