European Youth Manifesto

Book Description

An e-mail from the European Union on your eighteenth birthday inviting you to a trip abroad! Switching off all illuminated advertising during night time to save energy! Closer cooperation between universities and companies that allow a better start into professional life! Provision of essential goods such as food, water and a bed for all immigrants to Europe! These are some of the proposals by thirty young authors from Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Romania and Turkey to make Europe a better place in the future. Within the framework of the youth initiative My Europe of the Frankfurter Zukunftsrat, they formulate calls for action in the fields of human rights, culture, education, employment, environment, immigration, language, violence and crime, energy and security. Eine Email-Einladung der Europäischen Union am achtzehnten Geburtstag zu einer Reise ins Ausland! Das nächtliche Abschalten aller Leuchtreklamen um Energie zu sparen! Enge Kooperation zwischen Universitäten und Unternehmen zur Erleichterung des Berufseinstiegs! Grundversorgung aller Einwanderer nach Europa mit Nahrung und Unterkunft! Dies sind einige der Handlungsaufforderungen von dreißig jungen Autoren aus Bulgarien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Österreich und der Türkei. Im Rahmen der Jugendinitiative My Europe des Frankfurter Zukunftsrat e.V. formulieren sie ihre Vorschläge für ein zukünftiges, besseres Europa in den Bereichen Menschenrechte, Kultur, Bildung, Arbeit, Umwelt, Immigration, Sprachen, Gewalt und Verbrechen, Energie sowie Sicherheit.

Manifesto for Young People by Young People to Shape the European Cooperation Policy

Book Description

As one of the three main topics of the Interreg 30-year campaign, "youth" aims to show that even if young people are already part of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), much more can and should still be done. How? By collecting young people's ideas and wishes on how to improve territorial cooperation in the future in order to make young generations feel heard by EU top decision makers. This youth-oriented and democratic exercise in 2020 is not only topical because of the Interreg 30-year celebrative campaign but also because it's a year of political changes between two EU budget periods, namely 2014-2020 and 2021-2027. Hence, 2020 is the best moment to express views in order to influence Interreg policy making and its projectbased implementation. This Manifesto presents young people's ideas on Interreg and especially on how to make it more in line with their expectations. It is mainly addressed to policy makers at EU, national, regional and local level as well as to Interreg Managing Authorities and project beneficiaries, organisations interested in EU cohesion - and especially Interreg - policy making, youth, citizens' engagement and democratic participation.

Youth Participation in Europe

Book Description

In a period when social unrest and youth dissatisfaction has manifested itself through highly public protests, the question of youth participation in democratic societies is at the forefront. This book offers a fresh look at youth participation, examining official and unofficial constructions of participation by young people in a range of sociopolitical domains. It explores the motivations and rationales underlying official attempts to increase participation among young people and offers a critique of those various efforts' effectiveness. Based on original research data from a significant study, it provides a thorough analysis of an important sector of democratic societies.

Have Your Say!

Book Description

Youth participation is not an end in itself, but a means of achieving positive changes in young people’s lives and of building better democratic societies. Participation is a fundamental human right recognised, among others, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Participation is also a core principle of human rights and is a condition for effective democratic citizenship for all people. The aim of the Council of Europe’s youth policy is to provide young people with equal opportunities and experience which enable them to develop the knowledge, skills and competencies to play a full part in all aspects of society. Youth participation is at the core of youth policy in the Council of Europe, which includes co-management as a form of sharing power with youth representatives. Youth participation is promoted across the various sectors of the Council of Europe. The revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life, adopted in May 2003 by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, is a standard-setting instrument for youth participation. It supports young people, youth workers, youth organisations and local authorities in promoting and enhancing meaningful youth participation at local and regional level across Europe. The manual “Have your say!” was produced to support local and regional authorities, youth organisations and young people who want to give young people a real say for a meaningful democratic youth participation. According to the Charter, participation is about having the right, the means, the space and the opportunity and, where necessary, the support to participate in and influence decisions and engage in actions and activities so as to contribute to building of a better society. The manual “Have your say!” is an educational and practical tool to support all those committed to making that right a reality for more young people in the Council of Europe member states.

T-Kit 15 - Participatory youth policy

Book Description

Empower youth, transform policies: From concept to action Participatory youth policy implies that young people are involved in policy making at all stages, from inception to implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The main feature of participatory youth policy is a mobilised effort to promote co-creation of youth policy with young people and to include strengths and talents from the field, making sure that youth olicy is built on democratic principles, support for solidarity, inclusion, equality, openness and outreach. Across Europe, meaningful youth participation in dialogue and mutually respectful work in policy implementation are understood to be prerequisites for effective and efficient policy making. Knowledge, understanding and commitment to knowledgebased participatory youth policy has increased exponentially following the publication by the EU–Council of Europe Youth Partnership of About time! A reference manual for youth policy from a European perspective in 2021. This T-Kit complements the manual and provides educational support for building youth sector capacity for participatory policy making. The knowledge developed in the sector over the past few decades, on which this T-Kit is based, will benefit youth leaders, workers, trainers and organisations advocating participatory structures, especially at local and national levels. Youth policy makers will be able to launch participatory processes by using the activities contained in this T-Kit. Organisations and experts developing training and development strategies on youth policy may find the T-Kit to be a useful resource. It is structured to enable users to find a wide range of resources in one place for successful educational processes on participatory youth policy. The T-Kit provides conceptual, methodological and educational frameworks and offers a set of educational activities and a toolbox to help address the themes of participatory youth policy making, enabling its users to learn, grow and importantly – to engage.

Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe

Book Description

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.Policymakers throughout Europe are enacting policies to support youth labour market integration. However, many young people continue to face unemployment, job insecurity, and the subsequent consequences.Adopting a mixed-method and multilevel perspective, this book provides a comprehensive investigation into the multifaceted consequences of social exclusion. Drawing on rich pan-European comparative and quantitative data, and interviews with young people from across Europe, this text gives a platform to the unheard voices of young people.Contributors derive crucial new policy recommendations and offer fresh insights into areas including youth well-being, health, poverty, leaving the parental home, and qualifying for social security.

Manifesto for a European Renaissance

Book Description

This manifesto remains the only attempt to date by GRECE, the primary New Right organization in France, to summarize its principles and key concepts. It was written in 1999 by Alain de Benoist, GRECE's founder, and Charles Champetier on the occasion of GRECE's thirtieth anniversary. It offers a strong argument in favor of the right to difference among cultures and civilizations, and the right of peoples to defend themselves from cultural homogenization. It also offers a vision of a regenerated Europe which will find its strength in a return to its authentic values and traditions, in opposition to the new imperialism of multiculturalism and the global marketplace. Alain de Benoist (b. 1943) is the primary philosopher of the European 'New Right' movement. He attended the Sorbonne, studying law, philosophy and religion. He is the author of dozens of books, including The Problem of Democracy and Beyond Human Rights, published in English translation by Arktos, and gives frequent lectures around the world. He lives in Paris. Charles Champetier (b. 1968) is the former editor of Éléments, one of GRECE's periodicals. He continues to write on subjects related to the New Right.

Youth Participation in Democratic Life

Book Description

This book is concerned with the contexts, nature and quality of the participation of young people in European democratic life. The authors understand democracy broadly as both institutional politics and civic cultures, and a wide range of methods are used to analyse and assess youth participation and attitudes.

Youth Manifesto

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