Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Careers

Book Description

Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Careers: Potentials for a Learning Space in a Changing World focuses on the continuities and discontinuities of the learning careers and identities of non-traditional adult students in diverse learning contexts.

Expériences des adultes et professionnalités des formateurs

Book Description

L’ouvrage aborde une problématique actuelle dans le champ de la formation des adultes. Chaque adulte est porteur de diverses expériences personnelles et professionnelles qui peuvent être considérées par le formateur soit comme une ressource, soit comme un obstacle à gérer en formation. L’expérience, produit de l’activité est aussi l’occasion de nouvelles activités de formation et, en cela, peut devenir un support d’apprentissage. L’apprentissage à partir de l’expérience interroge donc à la fois les dispositifs de formation et les professionnalités des formateurs. Mais comment les formateurs d’adultes tiennent-ils compte de l’expérience des formés dans la conception, le développement ou l’évaluation des dispositifs de formation ? En quoi ces choix définissent-ils leurs rôles, leurs professionnalités ? Quelles tensions peut-on identifier entre ces différents rôles, aux différents moments du processus de formation ? Quels gestes professionnels, quelles compétences professionnelles sous-tendent l’action des formateurs ? Sur quelles logiques d’action prennent-elles appui ? À la lumière de dispositifs de formation continuée qui misent sur l’expérience des adultes dans de diverses organisations (scolaires, marchandes et associatives), cet ouvrage questionne donc trois axes : le rapport des formateurs à l’expérience des formés ; les spécificités des dispositifs de formation ; l’identité des formateurs.

Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Human Learning

Book Description

As interest grows in theories of lifelong learning not only across society but also as an area of serious academic study, the need has arisen for a thorough and critical study of the phenomenon. This distillation of the work of renowned writer Peter Jarvis addresses this need, looking at the processes involved in human learning from birth to old age and moving the field on from previous unsystematic and mainly psychological studies. Instead, Jarvis argues that learning is existential, and so its study must be complex and interdisciplinary. The result is a giant step towards building a complete and integrated theory of how humans learn, taking account of existing theories to see if they can be reconciled with a more complex model. Applying his expert analytical approach to this wide-ranging topic, Jarvis looks in detail at: learning in the social context the transformation of experience the outcomes of learning learning and action cognitive theories emotions and learning experiential learning.

Using Learning Contracts

Book Description

A practical, proven method for engaging adult learners Adding accountability to the learning process has been shown to engage students more deeply and get them invested in their own outcomes. Using Learning Contracts provides practical guidance on implementation in the classroom or corporate setting, helping instructors individualize and add structure to the learning experience. With real-world tips and expert advice from a leader in adult learning, this guide is an invaluable resource packed with insight on using learning contracts effectively.

The linguistic integration of adult migrants: from one country to another, from one language to another

Book Description

The linguistic integration of migrants affects every aspect of settling in a new country (employment, health, etc.). The aim of this collection of texts is to propose a number of specific measures member states can take to help adult migrants become acquainted with the language of the host country. The main focus is on organising language courses that meet migrants’ real communication needs. It is not enough for authorities simply to consider the technical aspects of such courses, they should also design and conduct them in accordance with the fundamental values of the Council of Europe. A number of issues concerning the linguistic integration of adult migrants are presented here, beginning with the notion of linguistic integration itself. Family reunion, the nature of citizenship and the function of language tests, among others, are dealt with from the point of view of language and language use. Readers are invited to reflect on the type of language competences that need to be acquired as well as an appropriate use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The collection also sets out approaches and instruments designed to assist in implementing effective policies.

Transformative Learning in Practice

Book Description

The leading authorities in the field produced this comprehensive resource, which provides strategies and methods for fostering Transformative Learning (TL) practice in a wide variety of higher and adult education settings. The book answers relevant questions such as: What are effective practices for promoting TL in the classroom? What is it about TL that is most helpful in informing practice? How does the teaching setting shape the practice of TL? What are the successes, strengths, and outcomes of fostering TL? What are the risks and challenges when practicing TL in the classroom?

Child Friendly Schools Manual

Book Description

This Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) Manual was developed during three-and-a-half years of continuous work, involving the United Nations Children's Fund education staff and specialists from partner agencies working on quality education. It benefits from fieldwork in 155 countries and territories, evaluations carried out by the Regional Offices and desk reviews conducted by headquarters in New York. The manual is a part of a total resource package that includes an e-learning package for capacity-building in the use of CFS models and a collection of field case studies to illustrate the state of the art in child-friendly schools in a variety of settings.

Teachers Caught in the Action

Book Description

Because what we do in staff development can best be understood in terms of Contexts, Strategies, and Structures, the remainder of the book features distinguished educators who write from their own unique experiential and theoretical stances. Jacqueline Ancess describes how teachers in New York City secondary schools increase their own learning while improving student outcomes • Milbrey W. McLaughlin and Joel Zarrow demonstrate how teachers learn to use data to improve their practice and meet educational standards • Lynne Miller presents a case study of a long-lived school, university partnership • Beverly Falk recounts stories of teachers working together to develop performance assessments, to understand their student’s learning, to re-think their curriculum, and much more • Laura Stokes analyzes a school that successfully uses inquiry groups. There are further contributions (including some from novice teachers) by Anna Richert Ershler, Ann Lieberman, Diane Wood, Sarah Warshauer Freedman, and Joseph P. McDonald. These powerful exemplars from practice provide a much-needed overview of what matters and what really works in professional development today.