Fangs of K'aath 2: Guardians of Light

Book Description

"In the years since the crowning of Shah Raschid a brilliant new kingdom of light has been born. The land of Osra has become a place of scholars and invention - a land reborn into freedom. She has become the focus of a new age and the hope of a better world. Queen Sandhri, Queen Yariim and Shah Raschid are making a realm of peace and are becoming a family. But gathering in the northern steppes, there is a military might that is beginning to engulf the world. Exiles of the old order, and fanatics drawn to a new messiah are spreading out to swallow nations one by one. It is a terror born of something ancient - something that has waited through long ages to be reborn. In the face of personal anguish and disaster, Sandhri, Raschid and Yariim must decide to make a stand against evil, or to bow before it and survive. A scholar prince, a dancer, and a storyteller must face an ancient patient enemy. If they fail - the kingdom of light will fall and slavery will descend forever upon the world of AkuMashad"--Page 4 of cover.

Red Sails in the Fallout

Book Description

In the fall of 2012, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, embarked on a series of high-energy experiments. No one knows exactly what went wrong, but in the blink of an eye, thousands of possible universes all condensed into a single reality . . . . Between a desert and a dried up sea lies the town of Watering Hole, the only oasis for miles and the home of our intrepid heroes Shaani and Xoota. After some rather harrowing adventures in the desert, they are followed home by a swarm of empathic earwigs. As if a psychic bug infestation weren't enough, the town's water supply has suddenly died up. Where there was once fresh water to spare, there is only a trickle of brackish sludge. Theorizing that the water came from a source beyond the desert, Shaani proposes an expedition to re-establish the town's water supply. Xoota, of course, is voted to go with her. Crossing the desert has never been done--and with water in short supply, the task seems impossible. But the ever-helpful Shanni appeals to the town patron Benek, and his love of cryogenically frozen brides, to back the project. What follows is the adventure of a thousand lifetimes.

Furry Tales

Book Description

Tales featuring anthropomorphic animals have been around as long as there have been storytellers to spin them, from Aesop's Fables to Reynard the Fox to Alice in Wonderland. The genre really took off following the explosion of furry fandom in the 21st century, with talking animals featuring in everything from science fiction to fantasy to LGBTQ coming-out stories. In his lifetime, Fred Patten (1940-2018)--one of the founders of furry fandom and a scholar of anthropomorphic animal literature--authored hundreds of book reviews that comprise a comprehensive critical survey of the genre. This selected compilation provides an overview from 1784 through the 2010s, covering such popular novels as Watership Down and Redwall, along with forgotten gems like The Stray Lamb and Where the Blue Begins, and science fiction works like Sundiver and Decision at Doona.

The Writers Directory

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Fangs of K'aath

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The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy

Book Description

This book covers all Australian science fiction and fantasy authors, books and stories, as well as important magazines, sub-genres and works published electronically.

A Whisper of Wings

Book Description

Tree of Qliphoth

Book Description

"Tree of Qliphoth" is the third anthology by the Temple of Ascending Flame, exploring the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree as a map of Draconian Initiation. In essays, rituals and other expressions of personal research and experience, magicians and initiates of the Draconian Tradition discuss the realms of the Nightside, teachings and gnosis of its dark denizens, as well as practical methods developed both within the Temple and through their individual work. Material included in this book will give the reader a foretaste of these forces and a glimpse of what you can expect while embarking on the self-initiatory journey through the labyrinths of the Dark Tree. Compiled and edited by Asenath Mason, the book contains contributions from active magicians, students, and practitioners of the Left Hand Path: Rev Bill Duvendack, Edgar Kerval, Christiane Kliemannel, Pairika-Eva Borowska, M. King, Calia van de Reyn, Leonard Dewar, Mafra Lunanigra, N.A: O, S.TZE. Swan, and Zeis Araujo.

Charms and Charming

Book Description

In the book are presented studies of 18 renowned researchers focussing on the verbal aspects of everyday magic, placing in the centre the richest and most poetic manifestation of verbal magic – the charm or incantatio. Incantations are in Europe well spread folklore genre, which contain very old magical elemrnts. The book covers wide spectrum of regions, from United Kingdom to Russia and Iran, and includes also Slovenia. The researchers have devoted their attention to phenomenological and theoretical studies of incantatio, and have discussed various topics, from the origin of charms and ancient European magical practices, to the receptions and diffusions of different types of charms. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Knjiga ('Zagovori in zagovarjanje: Študije o magičnem v vsakdanjem življenju') je skupno delo osemnajstih uglednih evropskih raziskovalcev verbalne magije in zdravljenja z zagovori. Prispevki so posvečeni fenomenološkim in teoretskim raziskavam zagovarjanja, pri čemer avtorji uporabljajo številne metodološke pristope in obravnavajo zelo različne teme, od vprašanj izvora ustnega izročila do recepcije in razširjenosti zagovarjanja. Osrednja tema raziskav je zagovarjanje, ki je najbolj poetična oblika besedne magije. Zagovori so v Evropi še vedno razširjen žanr in vsebujejo zelo stare elemente magije. Poleg pestrega metodološkega spektra zaobjemajo študije tudi široko geografsko območje: od Anglije do Rusije in Irana, vključujejo tudi Slovenijo.