Father God

Book Description

God uses many words to describe himself, but one is stunningly personal-Father. This is thrilling... and problematic. You don't have another Jesus, or another Holy Spirit, but you do have another father, and your experience with him changes the way you see God. Because of this, unknowingly, you may be "Father deficient" - lacking key resources God is offering, but you are still missing. With keen Biblical insight and inspiring stories Dave Patty shows you how to evaluate four key areas of your heart, and then unpacks the practical steps to deep transformation with Father resources from God. You will be amazed at the breadth of impact as you encounter this member of the Trinity in a new and deeply personal way.

The Father Heart of God

Book Description

An international bestseller (more than 100,000 in print in the U.S.)—now with a new cover and interior design. This timeless classic with worldwide appeal (over 1.2 million in print in 32 languages) freshly reveals the freedom and healing that come from discovering God as the perfectly reliable Father—eager to meet every need, ready to give His love. Readers will learn how to deal with heart issues that prevent them from calling God "Father" how the Father's compassion heals the deep emotional wounds caused by earthly fathers who don't know how to love...or who just aren't there how relationships can be restored and homes reunited A superb resource for discipleship and counseling. Includes study guide.

Finding Father

Book Description

Father God

Book Description

""There is a Father Who is waiting for you; Who will not condemn you; Who will not criticize you; Who will not point out all of your faults and failings. He is just waiting. I believe if we could get that message across to the fatherless generations around us, many of them would run into their Father's arms. That is what they are longing for."" - Derek Prince, Father God

Father God

Book Description

Browne explains that people are sparks of the creative force of Father and Mother God. The solid, static Father is the co-creator and is all intellect; while Mother is the emotional, active, and "interfering" God Who makes miracles. The communion shared with the Father is part of the greatest love affair that will ever be.

Embracing God as Father

Book Description

Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). He and the Father are one in their love, joy, and desire to bless. In Embracing God as Father, Daniel Bush and Noel Due show us what God has done, is doing, and does every day as he speaks his Word into our hearts. God searches for the lost and weary to save us, adopt us into his family through Christ, and make us sons and daughters of the one and only Father. This theologically rich and deeply personal book helps us see God as he truly is and see who we are as his sons and daughters.

Unveiling True God The Father of Christ

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to bring truth as to who God The Father is and who we really are in Christ. Knowing who you are allows you to take back your power and authority over the God of this world—Yahweh. God The Father of Christ and all creation is not the God of this world (John 18:36). The Father gave man dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26–28); through man's sin, power and authority was transferred to Satan/Lucifer. The Father cast Lucifer out of heaven down to the earth (Isaiah 14:12–14) vowed to be worshipped as God the Most High, the Father. Lucifer deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9) into believing he is God The Father of Christ. The world is looking for this deception to occur in the future. In this book, I prove biblically this deception has already occurred twenty-five hundred years ago when Yahweh freed the Jews out of Egypt. Yahweh declares he is the God of the Jews ever since the land of Egypt and there is no other savior but him (Hosea 13:4). Before this, who was Yahweh? Our minds have been blinded by two thousand years of corrupt and false teachings that were set in place to maintain Yahweh's power and control over this world. Jesus Christ came into this world to tell the Jews the god they're worshipping—Yahweh is not God The Father. The Jews killed Jesus to save the Jewish nation (John 11:50–53) as His message would have completely destroyed the nation; this truth brought division within families. The Jews, with the help of Paul, gathered the children of Christ, grafting them into Yahweh's kingdom under the pretense that Yahweh is the Father of Christ, knowing he is the fallen angel Lucifer. The Father gave man markers to identify Lucifer and his fallen angels. One marker—they are chained in darkness. Yahweh always appears to men in thick darkness: Moses, Solomon, David, and the prophets. Yahweh/Jehovah is the god and ruler of this world, so the only way God The Father could help man was to be born into Yahweh's kingdom here on earth. Yahweh demanded shedding of blood—an innocent blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. Jesus followed all of Yahweh's laws and statutes perfectly; He was sinless. Jesus gave himself to be man's blood sacrifice to appease Yahweh's wrath upon man. God the Father is perfect love; He is displeased with blood sacrifice of any kind. He told the Jews to stop but they continued making sacrifices to their God—Yahweh (Isaiah 66:3, Hosea 6:6–9). God the Father says killing of bulls and goats does not take away sin (Hebrews 10:4–6 ). I prove through scripture that Yahweh is not the loving God The Father of Christ. Yahweh does not have the Holy Spirit of the Father; therefore, he cannot create, he cannot raise the dead, and he cannot heal the sick. Yahweh needs the Father's Holy Spirit that is in all men to maintain his world construct; without it, this world would collapse. Yahweh keeps all men's souls in bondage and imprisoned here within the earth through sin and reincarnation; our spirit is recycled over and over till the day of judgment. Jesus came to teach us how to break free from Yahweh's matrix, being brought into God The Father's kingdom of light in the third heaven. Yahweh/Jehovah is the God of this world; his realm is the heavens directly above the earth and our planetary system. God the Father and Christ dwells in the third heaven aka the pleroma where there is no time, gravity, or matter. All things created emanate from the Father, Who is perfect love. He loves all His creation equally, so He has no favorites; no judgment or wrath towards His creation. This world is worshipping Yahweh; who comes from the Creator/God the Father. Yahweh is a jealous, angry, wrathful god that wants you to fear him. God the Father is the father of all things created; all things emanate from the Father so who can He be jealous of? Nothing. We are now living in the end times. Yahweh is doing everything in his power to corrupt God The Father's creation using all men of power having one agenda—to control the whole world through one world religion, one world government, and one world currency. In this book, I give you the tools needed to escape Yahweh's kingdom of condemnation, death, and destruction.

Understanding "Our Father"

Book Description

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the Our Father ?is truly the summary of the whole Gospel? (no. 2761). Catholics pray the Lord's Prayer whenever they worship at Mass and say the Rosary, and other Christians pray it frequently as well. Join Scott Hahn (accompanied by St. Cyprian, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Augustine) as he unlocks the riches of the Lord's Prayer.

Fathered by God

Book Description

In an age when fathers are more important than ever, how do you embark on your journey to manhood and know how to steer clear of the dangers along the way? In Fathered by God, New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge reminds us that there's a path to masculinity and, best of all, there's a loving Father ready to help us follow it. In Fathered by God, Eldredge calls men back to a simple and reassuring truth: God is our Father, and he wants to show us what masculinity really means. Eldredge teaches us that there's a path leading to authentic manhood, cut by generation after generation of men. There are perils along the trail, even disasters--all the more reason to rely on the guidance of a Father who has gone before us. A boy has a lot to learn in his journey to becoming a man, and it takes the active intervention of father figures and the fellowship of other men to guide us along the way. Eldredge shares that in all of life's trials and triumphs, God is initiating boys and men through the stages of manhood. Through personal stories and practical guidance, Eldredge provides a map through the six stages of a man's journey and answers some of the most common questions about manhood that he's received over the years, including: How can I set a good example for my son? What does the Bible teach us about masculinity? How can I become the man that God designed me to be? Fathered by God maps out the path of manhood--not more rules, not another list of principles, not formulas, but a well-worn path that men have followed for centuries before us. Discover the truth about masculinity and become the man that God sees in you.

Thank You Father God

Book Description

We all need to know we are loved unconditionally. That there is Someone who will always be there for us and see us through the tough times life brings. When we learn we have a Heavenly Father who wants the BEST for our life we can experience a life of His peace and joy.