Feasting at Wisdom's Table

Book Description

The search for wisdom has been the pole-star of humanity for six thousand years. Religions have come and gone, philosophies have failed, but those surviving wells of wisdom go deep and yield sweet refreshment for the soul. Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Zen, and Eastern Christian writings have served as pathways to peace and enlightenment, but the path is not easily traveled. Wisdom is a harsh master, demanding authenticity and truth. No self-delusion or protection will be tolerated. The seeker must be eviscerated and lay open mind and soul. Now, the greatest books of Eastern wisdom are brought together for the sake of those seeking the path of enlightenment and liberation. The Dhammapada - Buddhism's path of dharma. The Gateless Gate - Sacred writings of Zen Buddhism The Upanishads - The Vedas of Hinduism The Gospel of Thomas - A Book of Eastern Christian Wisdom The Tao Te Ching - The Taoist Holy Book

Knowable Word

Book Description

Knowable Word offers a foundation on why and how to study the Bible. Through a running study Genesis 1, this new edition illustrates how to Observe, Interpret, and Apply the Scripture-and gives the vision behind each step.

Wisdom's Feast

Book Description

Imaging and interacting with Sophia as the feminine face of God is the focus of WisdomAIs Feast. Moving from ancient biblical references to present day context, the authors skillfully stage a series of thought-provoking and participative liturgies to integrate experience of Sophia with theory and theology. Sophia enters eucharistic situations, life festivities and shared prayer rites, impacting the reader on an emotional as well as an intellectual plane.

The Living Word™

Book Description

This easy-to-use resource provides initiation ministers with the pastoral tools needed to lead dismissal sessions with adults preparing for Baptism. Through reflection and discussion, each dismissal session guide helps to develop the catechumen’s relationship with Christ, self, and neighbor by internalizing the Word, concentrating their prayer around the Scriptures, and becoming familiar with the teachings of the Church. The step-by-step format makes leading the dismissal an easy and prayerful experience.

The Spiritual Wisdom Of The Gospels For Christian Preachers And Teachers: Feasts, Funerals, And Weddings

Book Description

Wisdom, wit, and Sacred Writ are the outstanding interactive hallmarks of this fourth and final volume in The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers series. In the same style and format as the first three volumes, Shea presents evocative reflections to enhance Scripture-based preaching and teaching for liturgical feast days, funerals, and weddings. Christian preachers and teachers and anyone interested in the spiritual life will find Feasts, Funerals, and Weddings an insightful and relevant resource. John Shea, STD, is a theologian, author, and storyteller who lectures nationally and internationally on storytelling in world religions, faith-based healthcare, contemporary spirituality, and the spirit at work movement.

Wisdoms Daughter The Life and Love Story of She Who Must be Obeyed

Book Description

What was the greatest fault of Ayesha, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed? Surely a vanity so colossal that, to take one out of many examples, it persuaded her that her mother died after looking upon her, fearing lest, should she live, she might give birth to another child who was less fair. At least, as her story shows, it was vanity, rather than love of the beauteous Greek, Kallikrates, that stained the hands of She with his innocent blood and, amongst other ills, brought upon her the fearful curse of deathlessness while still inhabiting a sphere where Death is lord of all. Had not Amenartas taunted her with the waning of her imperial beauty, eaten of the tooth of Time, never would she have disobeyed the command of her master, the Prophet Noot, and entered that Fire of Immortality which she was set to guard. Thus it seems that by denial she would have escaped the net of many woes in which, perchance, she is still entangled and of Ayesha, Daughter of Wisdom yet Folly’s Slave, there would have been no tale to tell and, from her parable of the eternal war of flesh and spirit there would have been no lesson to be learned. But Vanity—or was it Fate?—led her down another road..FROM THE BOOKS.

Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health

Book Description

Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health gives readers all the tools and know-how needed to cook joyfully, with agapi (Greek word for unconditional love) and eat for longevity. It teaches you how to cook intuitively using ingredients that harmonise your body and mind. Cooking and eating will become a time to celebrate, a joyful experience, a time to connect with yourself, a time to awaken to new experiences and to heal. You can begin to explore and rediscover the farmacy of nature for personal healing instead of the pharmacy. The first section of Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health begins with the ten ancient Greek wisdoms to adopt in the kitchen and when eating to ensure happy and stress free cooking. The ancient Greeks had an emphasis on cooking spiritually rather than stressfully. Positive affirmations are also included. Affirmations were used by the ancient Greeks to look at the world and life from a positive frame of mind and to promote healing within. The second section of Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health features some key ingredients and their healing benefits noted by Hippocrates and other ancients that were used by them in their cooking and in potions to heal health conditions. Recipes are included to showcase the healing ingredients. Healthy eating and a healthy mind were the two key components practiced by the ancient Greeks to ensure healthy living and longevity - “Let medicine be thy food and food thy medicine”. The natural force within each of us is the greatest healer of disease” Hippocrates. Many people during these times lived up to the age of 200 years old a rare occurrence now days. We all have the potential to live long and healthy lives and this book will provide you with the know-how. Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health is an essential addition to every kitchen!

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers

Book Description