Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2002

Book Description

Report to accompany H.R. 3717, to reform the Federal deposit insurance system. The Committee report favorably thereon with an amendment & recommend that the bill as amended do pass. Contents: Amendment; Purpose & Summary; Background & Need for Legislation; Hearings; Committee Consideration; Committee Votes; Committee Oversight Findings; Performance Goals & Objectives; New Budget Auth., Entitlement Auth., & Tax Expend.; Committee Cost Est.; CBO Est.; Fed. Mandates State.; Advisory Committee State.; Constitutional Authority State.; Applicability to Legislative Branch; Section-by-Section Analysis of the Legislation; Changes in Existing Law made by the Bill, as Reported; & Additional & Dissenting Views.

Responses to Questions Relating to H.R. 3717, Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2002

Book Description

This letter responds to the April 9, 2002, request to answer questions relating to H.R 3717, the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2002. Among other things, H.R. 3717 proposes changes to the definition of the reserve ratio for the deposit insurance fund, as well as provides the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) with the flexibility to set the fund's designated reserve ratio within a range. Current law requires FDIC to maintain the deposit insurance fund balances (net worth) at a designated reserve ratio of at least 1.25 percent of estimated insured deposits. If the reserve ratio falls below 1.25 percent of estimated insured deposits, FDIC s Board of Directors is required to set semiannual assessment rates that are sufficient to increase the reserve ratio to the designated reserve ratio not later than 1 year after such rates are set, or in accordance with a recapitalization schedule of 15 years or less.