Filipino Women as Partners of Men in Progress and Development

Book Description

Conference paper comprising a literature survey of the social role and social status of women in the Philippines - presents research results relating to male-female attitudes toward decision making, income, educational level, etc., examines labour force participation of woman workers, and includes objectives, findings and research methods regarding various surveys on Filipino women. Statistical tables. Conference held in tagaytay 1976 may 10 to June 4.

Male and Female in Developing South-East Asia

Book Description

This provocative book seeks to redress inaccuracies in Western perceptions of gender relations in Southeast Asia by bringing to the fore the area's ethnic and cultural variance and showing how women and men explain the informal and psychological dimensions of relationships as vital in holding family, neighbourhood and kinship ties together. Although there are differences between male and female perceptions of sex roles in society, women perceive their situation as disadvantaged rather than less significant. Male-female interpretations of power and status tend to converge usually towards the understanding that the contributions of men and women are equally important in the formation of family and society.

Rural Asian Women

Book Description

Within the overall scope of a long term study being conducted at the Institute on rural development, an advance summary is provided of the salient factors governing women's lives in the family and their role in production in monsoonal and equatorial Asia. Reasons are suggested for major differences in the status of women in Southeast Asia as compared with those of South and East Asia. Cultural factors influencing female education, size of family, activities in production and earning ability are discussed. Actions necessary to meet the most pressing current and future needs of rural women are indicated.

The Women Of Rural Asia

Book Description

This study looks at the social and economic status, family and workforce roles, and quality of life of women in the rural sectors of monsoonal and equatorial Asia, from Pakistan to Japan, where life often is characterized by unemployment, underemployment, and poverty.

Widows: The Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific

Book Description

What happens whene the husband dies depends on the society, on the location of the widow in urban-rural or class terms, and on the widow's own personal resources. In some societies the woman is totally dependent upon a grown son and cannot remarry; in others, such as that in the United States, she is more dependent upon her own resouces and wishes. For some, widowhood results in a great loss of status; for others, it can mean loneliness and social isolation. Yet widowhood can mean greater social freedom for some women, a "blooming of personality. Even grief is experienced in various ways and degrees. Thus there is no such thing as a "widow type," only a great heterogenity in widowhood, as in "wifehood." Volume I analyzes the support systems and life-styles of widows in Australia, the Philippines, Korea, Iran, China, a Pacific island, India, Turkey, and Israel. Volume II : North America examines two communities in Canada, a Florida retirement community, and communities in several other locations, as well as the relative situations of homeowners, blacks, and poor ethnic populations.