Finding Room in Beirut

Book Description

Finding Room in Beirut: Places of the Everyday demonstrates why it is worth our while to explore the value and contemporary meaning of urban areas about to undergo complete renewal. Branching off from discourses surrounding the terrain vague, the book argues that large populated urban areas meet the criteria of the vague and constitute a particular perspective from which to build a critical stance in regards to the contemporary city. But unlike a terrain vague, a vague urbain -- inhabited areas where property ownership is usually obscure and informal behaviours a daily affair -- possesses real communities and offers an alternative understanding on how a city can be practiced and how lessons should be learned before its complete transformation. Stemming from a photographic and architectural documentation of Bachoura, a central area of Beirut, Lebanon, the book shows how the vague urbain allows for different ways of inhabiting, ways that are as -- or perhaps even more -- real and anchored in the imagination of the city as those proposed by standardising developments. Building on the intricacies of found situations, improvised uses and local narratives, it is an exploration as to how the meeting of a marvellous realism with l'intrigue, the vague urbain, and temporary architecture can provide opportunities for the emergence of hidden narratives.

Finding Room in Beirut: Places of the Everyday

Book Description

Finding Room in Beirut: Places of the Everyday demonstrates why it is worth our while to explore the value and contemporary meaning of urban areas about to undergo complete renewal. Branching off from discourses surrounding the terrain vague, the book argues that large populated urban areas meet the criteria of the vague and constitute a particular perspective from which to build a critical stance in regards to the contemporary city. But unlike a terrain vague, a vague urbain -- inhabited areas where property ownership is usually obscure and informal behaviours a daily affair -- possesses real communities and offers an alternative understanding on how a city can be practiced and how lessons should be learned before its complete transformation. Stemming from a photographic and architectural documentation of Bachoura, a central area of Beirut, Lebanon, the book shows how the vague urbain allows for different ways of inhabiting, ways that are as -- or perhaps even more -- real and anchored in the imagination of the city as those proposed by standardising developments. Building on the intricacies of found situations, improvised uses and local narratives, it is an exploration as to how the meeting of a marvellous realism with l'intrigue, the vague urbain, and temporary architecture can provide opportunities for the emergence of hidden narratives.

Everyday Streets

Book Description

Everyday streets are both the most used and most undervalued of cities’ public spaces. They are places of social aggregation, bringing together those belonging to different classes, genders, ages, ethnicities and nationalities. They comprise not just the familiar outdoor spaces that we use to move and interact but also urban blocks, interiors, depths and hinterlands, which are integral to their nature and contribute to their vitality. Everyday streets are physically and socially shaped by the lives of the people and things that inhabit them through a reciprocal dance with multiple overlapping temporalities. The primary focus of this book is an inclusive approach to understanding and designing everyday streets. It offers an analysis of many aspects of everyday streets from cities around the globe. From the regular rectilinear urban blocks of Montreal to the military-regulated narrow alleyways of Naples, and from the resilient market streets of London to the crammed commercial streets of Chennai, the streets in this book were all conceived with a certain level of control. Everyday Streets is a palimpsest of methods, perspectives and recommendations that together provide a solid understanding of everyday streets, their degree of inclusiveness, and to what extent they could be more inclusive.

Arab Berlin

Book Description

Berlin is increasingly emerging as a hub of Arab intellectual life in Europe. In this first study of Arab culture to zoom in on the thriving metropolis, the contributors shed light on the dynamics of transformation with Arabs as agents, subjects, and objects of change in the spheres of politics, society and history, gender, demographics and migration, media and culture, and education and research. The kaleidoscopic character of the collection, embracing academic articles, essays, interviews and photos, reflects critical encounters in Berlin. It brings together authors from inter- and multidisciplinary fields and backgrounds and invites the readers into a much-needed conversation on contemporary transformations.

Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs Vol.4 No. 1., 2020

Book Description

City, Urban Transformation and the Right to the City Senem Zeybekoglu Sadri, Dr. 1-10 PDF HTML Street Furniture Influence in Revitalizing the Bahraini Identity Islam Hamdi El-Ghonaimy, Dr. 11-20 PDF HTML A Research on Urban Identity: Sample of Kadikoy District Begüm Erçevik Sönmez, Dr. 21-32 PDF HTML Mitigating Environmental Sustainability Challenges and Enhancing Health in Urban Communities: The Multi-functionality of Green Infrastructure Adedotun Ayodele Dipeolu, Dr., Onoja Matthew Akpa, Dr., Akinlabi Joseph Fadamiro, Dr. 33-46 PDF HTML Socio-Psychological Effects of Urban Green Areas: Case of Kirklareli City Center Ezgi Tok, Dr., Merve Guroglu Agdas, M.Sc, Mete Korhan Ozkok, M.Sc, Azem Kuru, M.Sc 47-60 PDF HTML Automobile Trips to School and Safety Perspectives of Unplanned Lokoja Metropolis in North Central Nigeria Musilimu Adeyinka ADETUNJI, Dr. 61-70 PDF HTML Why isn’t urban development sustainable? An institutional approach to the case of Athens, Greece Antonios Tsiligiannis, M.Sc. 71-78 PDF HTML Towards A Post-Traumatic Urban Design That Heals Cities’ Inhabitants Suffering From PTSD Maria A EL HELOU, PhD candidate 79-90 PDF HTML

Public Places

Book Description

"Magnificent" (The Sunday Times)-a fascinating portrait of one of the great love affairs of show business and a compelling account of a woman coming into her own Siân Phillips and Peter O'Toole were one of the theater's most fabulous couples-a marriage perhaps rivaled only by that of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor in terms of glamour, power, and public fascination. In her exceptional memoir, Phillips reveals in thoughtful detail their tumultuous life together. She describes the mad and impulsive times with the infamous hellraiser alongside the tempestuous, insecure, and often lonely periods in their marriage. When O'Toole's career took off with Lawrence of Arabia, Siân found life increasingly difficult in her parallel roles as wife, mother, and actress, and watched as her own career became progressively sidelined. Against all expectations, though, their union endured for twenty years. When it ended, incredibly, even to herself, Siân plunged straight into another marriage, to a much younger man. Ultimately she emerges alone-triumphant and unrepentant-and the story she recounts here ranks alongside the very best in show business.

Syria & Lebanon Handbook

Book Description

Both Syria and Lebanon still labour under their media stereotypes as places of religious fanaticism, terrorism and intractable conflict. True, the region has had more than its fair share of wars, atrocities and suffering, and the Arab-Israeli conflict continues to cast its tragic shadow. Indeed, this is a conflict which goes right back to the dawn of history, resonating through the Old Testament stories of the origins of the Israelites, and the Exodus, when Moses led his people from exile in Egypt back to the Promised Land. But these same twists of religion, history and geography are also what makes this such a fascinating region to visit. Forget your preconceptions and go see for yourself; the day-to-day reality on the ground is a world away from the media stereotypes. Rather, you will find yourself stepping into a wonderful world of breathtakingly beautiful and well preserved historic monuments, stunning scenery, delicious food and diverse peoples.

Christian Nation

Book Description


Book Description

This book of autobiographical, autoethnographic illness narratives tackles the intersection between cultural and medical illnesses in present-day Lebanon, in relation to topical issues such as queer home, coming of age, dementia, expatriate trauma, and sexual blackmail, among others. The book’s essays are developed in the backdrop of Lebano-pathography – a dual, potentially adaptable and reusable, narrative intervention (form/method) that does not depoliticise the traumatic subject. Simultaneously, it is a body of writing (text) that seeks to illuminate the different ways one can be ill, and try to recover, in present-day Lebanon. While somatic manifestations of illness and their concomitant patient accounts are central to previous research in narrative medicine and illness writing, Lebano-pathography underscores a more versatile interpretation of illness encompassing cultural practice and/or clinical disease, and exploring in critically informed autobiographical text the two illness categories’ causal interrelationship. In the backdrop of the cadaverous political grid and economic tensions rending the country since the national tragedy of the August 4, 2020 explosion of Beirut Port, this volume unpacks the following thematic clusters: (1) Rewriting Illness: Pathographies of Gender and Sex; (2) The Alzheimer Spectrum: Cognitive and/or Cultural Memory Failure; (3) Walking the City: Medical Malpractice, Pedestrian Injuries, and Claustophobia; (4) The Bones Within: Immigrant Narratives and Vicarious Trauma; and (5) Surviving Trauma: Coping and Mental Health. The chapters in this book were originally published in Life Writing and are accompanied by a new conclusion.