Finding YourSELF for Starseeds and Lightworkers

Book Description

*Are you a reawakening Starseed or a lightworker who is opening up to cosmic consciousness? *Have you ever wondered what exactly it is that you are here to do on Planet Earth - what specific mission you have undertaken as part of your incarnation agreement? *Would you like to be shown a pathway to (re)discovering this for yourself? This book is the SIGNPOST to yourself. ----This book assists Starseeds in finding themselves. Because for many Starseeds, having to grapple with an off-planet identity together with a physical form on Earth creates a challenge to defining who they really are, which in turn impacts their ideas of what they have come to planet Earth to do, and where therefore it serves the Highest Good for them to focus their time and energies on during this physical incarnation. It does not serve the planet for Starseeds to continue being mired in this confusion. The creation of this book is intended to assist in resolving this challenge on a planetary-wide scale. There is more that Starseeds need to awaken to, and more things that are awaiting Starseeds to do on Earth. It is time for Starseeds to get awake each to their missions, and to get going in a Big Way on these missions. The Galactic Team for Starseed Support and Reactivation is here to assist with all of this. Gil Sim is part of the Team, and provides the channel to get supportive energies, downloads, and packages of care to Starseeds on Earth. This is our collective mission as the Team, and we are here with you.Our shop is at http: //

Welcome to Planet Earth

Book Description

Defines and clarifies the walk-in process with examples and channeled information from the Pleiadian Light and others. Packed with wide-ranging insight on the world of starseeds and lightworkers; how to deal with difficult issues such as reincarnational depression, transitional trials, fragmented salves and cross-gender replacement.

Conscious Awakening

Book Description

This Research Compendium will help Old and New Souls, Starseeds, Indigo Children, Wanderers and Star Travelers to WAKE UP from YOUR REALITY to see ACTUAL REALITY. YOUR REALITY was created for you in order to control and dominate you. REALITY is not based upon you. YOU NEED to realize, for yourself, what is true. This Research Compendium summarizes over 325 references to help you WAKE UP to Actual Reality. This Research Compendium will help you to WAKE UP, become Enlightened, and learn to determine your reality from what is truly real. Contained within the pages of this compendium is guidance to help you know the truth, along with the answers to many questions, such as: -Who is God? Who am I?-Where am I from? -Where have I been? -Why am I here? -Is Life Real or an illusion?-Is Reincarnation a trap? -Am I a spirit having a human experience or is this all there is?-Is Life a lie?-Who or what is the Dark Force?-Who or what is the Galactic Federation / Brotherhood of Light?-What occurs during and after ascension?-Who will rescue you from this polarity world (Answer is you and only you. WAKE UP to this fact) In addition this Compendium reveals the Dark Force conspiracy that, for last 100,000 years, has kept humankind from realizing their absolute liberation to being free spirits in the universe, untethered by any entity. That conspiracy is known as the Reincarnation cycle which is driven by karma and it keeps mankind enslaved to the Fark Force. This Compendium is your WAKE UP call to escape domination and claim your place in the galactic realm. THIS COMPENDIUM IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL

The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds

Book Description

Discover your Devine potential with this Guide Have you ever felt like you didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the world? Are you looking for something more profound, something that can explain why you feel you’re different? If so, with the help of this book.... You may be a Starseed. Starseeds are souls that originated outside of our solar system, and who have incarnated on Earth to assist in humanity’s spiritual growth and evolution. They carry a rare spiritual energy that sets them apart from the rest of the population. Starseeds are highly sensitive and intuitive, which means they can easily pick up on energy and emotions from the environment and people around them. They often feel out of place in the 3D world because of their heightened awareness and may find it difficult to adapt to the customs and rules of society. Starseeds may have a hard time connecting with their emotions, which can lead to feeling isolated and alone. They may have difficulty expressing themselves and communicating with others, as they often feel like their thoughts and feelings don’t quite fit into the 3D world. Starseeds are typically drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and energy work, as these activities allow them to connect with higher vibrational energies that they can’t access in the 3D world. They may also have an affinity for metaphysical topics, such as psychic abilities, extraterrestrials, and otherworldly realms. The Starseeds Guide for Beginners delves into the nature of starseeds, their origins, and the gifts and spiritual sensitivity that come naturally to them. When you're done reading this detailed book, you won't have any more questions about whether you are Starseed. Scroll to the Top of this page and click Buy or Add to cart button.

Letters to a Starseed

Book Description

An inspirational guide for understanding your soul and discovering why it chose to incarnate at the moment it did. From the author of The Starseed Oracle, Rebecca Campbell, a writer, mystic, devotional creative, and visionary who supports hundreds of thousands of people to connect with their soul and weave the sacred back into their everyday life. “A leading voice in spirituality, Rebecca's work is deep and illuminating.” — Soul and Spirit Magazine AN ENCOURAGING BOOK TO HELP YOU REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE AND TO PLANT YOURSELF HERE Tap into the cosmic nature of your soul, discover your purpose and commit to being here on Earth. Letters to a Starseed asks the biggest questions that mystics and philosophers through the ages have been asking: What is the soul, where did it originate and why have we chosen to come here at this time? YOUR SOUL HAD A DREAM, YOUR LIFE IS IT. This is a book for those who at times feel misplaced in the world; those who have always felt a remembering of some other place without quite knowing what that place really is. As a planet, we are waking up to the fact that the ancient prophecies and warnings from the elders and wise ones are no longer predictions, but our waking reality. They are not just coming or even near ... we are living them right now. What we do now matters to the future of this planet. And we all have a role to play. Some Letters to a Starseed Chapter Titles include: · Who Are We and Where Did We Come From? · The Moment of Your Birth · What Is a Starseed? · Ancient Stars in Our Bones · Reaching Back to the Ancients · Here We Are · Returning · The Longing for Home · I Remember · Why Did You Come Here? · There Must Be More Than This · Why Did You Choose to Come? · We All Have a Role to Play, but Only We Know What · Our Role Is · There You Are · I Have Music in My Heart · Finding Our Ground · Starseed Roles · Plant Yourself Here · How to Feel More at Home on Earth · The Challenge of Being Human · Incarnation · The Original Severing · Plant Yourself Here We are living in a time between myths and stories, and are currently re-weaving the fabric of life on Earth. Throughout this book, Rebecca shares insights and experiences illuminating the connection between our souls, the Earth and the cosmos, to encourage you to commit fully to your incarnation, embrace your human experience and plant yourself here. “Throughout the book you’ll find two prompts, which will support you on your journey as you read. “In many chapters, you’ll find Soul Inquiry prompts that will help you hear the calls of your soul as you journey through the book. “In some chapters, you’ll also find activations. These are here to support you in activating and integrating energies and healing within you, from your soul to your cells. “My hope for this book is that it supports, comforts, and inspires you to remember who you truly are and why you chose to be here at this pivotal moment in the story of humanity. To commit fully to being here and being present to your life on Earth at this time. “To encourage you to play the note that you came here to play, without waver. “Do you remember why you’ve come?” Love, Rebecca x

Star-Seeded Ascensions

Book Description

In Activating the Starseed, the second book in the Star-Seeded Ascension series, Amy shares her awakening and ascension experiences. Accompanied by the Archangel realm and star guides, the relayed messages bring readers up close and personal with the ascension process, sharing pertinent information regarding the light body and Earth's ascension. This invaluable text supports Lightworkers and Starseeds in their path of remembrance and the activation of their light body and star-seed. This book holds written and energetically coded messages from star councils and the Archangels. "I pretty much cried through many of the chapters, it was almost like a code of remembering my light and my assignment here on the earth plane at this time of 'now'." -Karina Olszweski, Canada "Activating The Starseed goes straight to the heart of enlightenment. I found that it offered practical steps toward raising one's frequency and understanding our energetic bodies, along with a nearly palpable energy that worked on other levels as I read the book. I truly enjoyed the chance to go along on Amy and Connie's journey toward discovery as their friendship grew and as their insight from the councils strengthened and came together. As a whole, this book is a refreshing yet profound reminder that we are not alone, that we are here during this time frame for a reason, and that our light is spreading and taking root. I feel that this book will serve as a priceless tool toward the awakening, activation, and ascension of all who are led to it!" -Lindsay Golden Johnson, USA "This is a greeting for you the reader, as we welcome you to this book, to these teachings, and into these understandings. Please know that as you continue in your journeys of raising your vibrations and sharing your light, you are supported by the love divine. It is through your intentions and activations that your desired ascensions will relate your imparted knowledge, understandings, and remembrances. For once the light body is activated and the star seed (for those who are seeded) ignited, memories of your soul's origin and purposes will unfold. Surfacing from your mind, the subconscious, you will begin having recollections and innate, instinctually guided, instructions as the light codes within your being relay their formulated plans and your desires; the desires that you set forth upon yourself prior to this incarnation. And so it is at this time that we greet you, with love and in love. It is at this time that we say hello and extend a greeting to you from us, who are of the stars, of your home and of your space of origin." -The Council of 8 Starseeds, Lightworkers, Earth Angels, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children, Energy Healers and those awakening to the extrasensory worlds around them will benefit from the information and messages found in Activating the Starseed. Activating the Starseed is written from a Starseed perspective for all Lightworkers, Starseeds, Earth Angels, and those in their journey towards ascensions and enlightenment, including the Indigo, Crystal, and Golden Children. Throughout the pages, Amy brings through messages from her higher-self, three council bodies, and the archangel realms that focus on healing the energetic body and increasing its vibrational frequencies. The councils ask all Lightworkers, Starseeds, and those who are awakened and spiritually guided, to consider the teachings of this book and its foundational principles for ascension. -About the Author- After a life-changing awakening, Amy came to recall gifts and abilities that she uses to support and assist others. As a Nurse, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Forsyth Crystal Light Table Practitioner, she assists clients worldwide through energy healing, energetic assessments, and readings. Amy works closely with higher dimensional beings and is a mentor for the awakening Starseed as connects in with star councils for information that supports the clients' life missions.

The Starseeds: Pleiadians on Earth

Book Description

An amazing book that clearly explains the personal and physical characteristics of the generations born since 1971 - The Starseeds, (Generations X, Y & Z). Their plan on Earth, psychic abilities and how they can deal with issues such as drugs, sex, parents, illness and work! Are You a Starseed and don’t know it, or are your children or grandchildren Starseeds? Read this book to find out more about these unusual and special people and how to interact with them in a more positive and harmonious manner. A Beacon of Light Book.

Raising Your Vibe

Book Description

If you feel it, you feel it. They are rare but they do exist- they mitigate other people’s existence, they are healers and mediators. They are lightworkers. But most of them don’t start believing in themselves soon enough to recognize their beacon and purpose on the Earth to begin healing others, as well as themselves. Or simply, to identify lightworkers sent for them, around them. This book is your perfect first step to teaching yourself everything you need to know to find your inner power, or discover that of others. The latter is as important as reflecting on your potential to unfold. Sadly, many are misguided by generalizing the purpose and types of lightworkers. It is as important to know which kind of lightworker you are, as it is to know if you are one or not, or if the person you’re trusting your mind and heart to is one or not. Take your intuition and match it with our guidance and knowledge to discover your potent, healing powers to elevate humankind’s mindfulness. If you feel an astronomic pull towards helping others, or towards helping yourself, it would be a waste of time to make yourself figure it all out on your own. Yes, your gut will play the biggest role in your path of becoming a lightworker, but you need to build up to that intuition with the knowledge and experience tempered in all sorts of ancient fires. We provide precisely that in this book of compressed pearls of wisdom and tools to perceive yourself and others. In this book, you will learn about: ● All types of Lightworkers: From Gatekeepers to Seers, you will learn hard facts about their nature and characteristics, making it simple for you to identify them from miles away. ● How to know if you’re a lightworker: You will be advised to take a close look at your soul to identify your sensitivity, healing powers, and your manifestor self. ● How to take care of yourself as a lightworker: Help yourself before you attempt to heal others. You will explore how to clear your energy field, ground yourself, meditate, and find stillness in everyday life. If you’re ready to embark on this journey… Start today!

For Starseeds

Book Description

For Starseeds: Healing the Heart-Pleiaidan Crystal Meditations, twenty-eight healing meditations open the spiritual seeker to higher consciousness and heal the heart. "Whether you're familiar and at home with the stone kingdom or just getting started in this glorious realm, For Starseeds: Healing the Heart-Pleiaidan Crystal Meditations is an instructive, comforting, and fascinating read. Ruth shares deeper dimensions of each stone that feel spot on to me. She also shows you how to honor your own experience with stones. A welcome new book for those seeking to understand the world of crystals and meditation." -Lee Burch, RN, Psychiatric Nurse "In her latest book, For Starseeds: Healing the Heart-Pleiaidan Crystal Meditations, Ruth integrates a wealth of knowledge gained from 40 years of experience as a licensed psychotherapist, clinical social worker, and educator, with her extensive research and work in the area of metaphysics and spirituality. Readers will find an abundance of detailed information, as well as a practical guide to utilizing these teachings for their personal growth. In these critical times, meditation can be a valuable tool for maintaining one's equilibrium, and the techniques contained within these writings may provide invaluable assistance." -Michael Diamond-Arts and Media Journalist

Light Is the New Black

Book Description

An encouraging guidebook to awaken to your potential, connect with the callings of your soul, and light up the world with your presence. This international bestselling book has helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world to create a life that is in deep alignment with their soul. "Light Is The New Black is an inspiring book with a message that is so needed right now. Rebecca courageously guides us to turn our lights on and follow the daily calls of our soul so we can all light up the world with our authentic spirit.” – Sonia Choquette, bestselling author of The Answer is Simple ANSWER THE CALL OF YOUR SOUL AND WORK YOUR LIGHT Your inner light is your soul and it is guiding you every moment of every day. Light Is the New Black is for those who agreed to be here at this time in history to answer the call of their soul and work their light. Rebecca Campbell had her first awakening when she was a teenager, but without anyone to guide her, she ignored her soul's callings and dimmed her light in order to fit in. Then, just before her 30th birthday, the life she had so consciously created began to crumble around her. It was as if the Universe had turned off all the lights, so she had no choice but to rediscover her own. In this inspirational book, Rebecca shares her own healing journey, alongside practical tools to help you reconnect with the core of your being, and channelled messages from the Universe. Once you rediscover what you already know at soul level, you can create a life that is in divine alignment, discover your soul gifts, and offer the world something that only you can give. “When I first woke up to the callings of my soul, I lacked the courage, confidence, inner support, and practical tools not just to hear the callings of my soul, but to let them truly lead my life. There were pieces missing, a journey needed to be taken. I called upon the Universe and spiritual teachers to support me. This book is the result of that journey. You can read it in one sitting, one chapter a day, or pick a page at random for an instant hit of guidance. Throughout you will find ‘Work Your Light’ exercises, mantras, and affirmations. I created these with the intention of guiding you not only to hear the callings of your soul, but to act on them too... I pray that you discover the authentic gift to the world that you already are and choose to serve the world by being You. Follow what lights you up and you will light up the world. So much love, Rebecca x