Firm Performance, Sources and Drivers of Innovation and Sectoral Technological Trajectories

Book Description

This thesis is structured in three essays based on evolutionary theoretical grounds and provides empirical evidence from CIS. It aims at showing that the sources of innovation and the appropriation of innovation rents vary in function of firms' activities and innovation strategies.In essay 1, we describe four waves of CIS, covering the period 1994-2006 and we study persistent innovation behavior with a discrete choice model on a data set of 431 firms. We find that innovation persistence is more important for product innovators because they need novel products to be more competitive and therefore enrich their base of knowledge continuously. By contrast, process innovators are less persistent because innovation strategy is less “market” oriented and intends to meet quality or production adjustments. The two last essays explore with the two stage least squares method how firms benefit economically from their innovations on a sample of 7 742 firms, on the period 2002-2005. We show that science-based firms rely more on R&D investments to develop their products and maintain their leads by acquiring complementary assets, i.e. they use mixed methods to appropriate the rents of innovation (the combined use IPRs and strategic methods for instance secrecy). By contrast, firms in other categories (for instance firms using cost-cutting strategies) draw more on external sources of knowledge coming either from suppliers or advanced users. Additionally, these firms use more extensively trademarks or non technological methods of appropriation (as marketing devices), because they are less exposed to potential imitation and because they are price sensitive.

Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2001 Drivers of Growth: Information Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Book Description

The impact of information technology, innovation and entrepreneurship on economic performance is the subject of heated debate. This special edition of the Science, Technology and Industry Outlook takes a closer look at the ways in which these factors are evolving and how they relate to each other.

Innovation Strategy and Firm Performance

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Nanja Strecker answers the question to what extend there is a relation between innovation strategy and a firm performance. The comprehensive empirical research consists of primary research complemented with secondary data and capital market data, making the outcome highly reliable.

The Economics of Persistent Innovation: An Evolutionary View

Book Description

William Latham Christian Le Bas Persistence of firm innovative behavior became an important topic in applied industrial organization with the publication of the seminal empirical work of P. Geroski and his colleagues (1997). Evidence that firms innovate persistently has led previous studies to focus on the determinants of innovation persistence and on its heterogeneity across industries, technologies and countries. The aims of this book are: (1) to illumine the scale and scope of the phenomenon of persistence in innovation, and (2) to account for the principal factors that explain why some firms innovates persistently and others do not. Because this book deals intensively and extensively with the subject of firm innovation persistence, which is not, as yet, a well-known term, we need to provide a nontrivial definition of it that encompasses the full range topics we want to address and aids our understanding of how they are related to each other. We begin with a careful identification of "innovation. " Our first definition is drawn from K. Pavitt (2003), "innovation processes involve the exploration and exploitation of opportunities for a new or improved product, process or service, based either on an advance in technical practice or a change in market demand, or a combination of the two. " While this definition is clear, and conforms well to both our empirical and theoretical perspectives, some elaboration may help to clarify the concept.

Systems of Innovation

Book Description

The systems of innovation approach is considered by many to be a useful analytical approach for better understanding innovation processes as well as the production and distribution of knowledge in the economy. It is an appropriate framework for the empirical study of innovations in their contexts and is relevant for policy makers. This text is the result of the work within an international inter-disciplinary network or "working seminar" with the task of building a more solid and sophisticated conceptual and theoretical foundation for the continued study of innovations in a systemic context. The book has three parts. The first presents an overview and tries to work out some conceptual problems. In the second, the systems of innovation approach is related to innovation theory. Part three is devoted to increasing understanding of the functioning and dynamics of systems of innovation. There is also an introduction where the genesis and anatomy of different systems of innovation approaches are discussed and where the systems of innovation approach is characterized in nine dimensions.

Research on Open-innovation Strategies and Eco-innovation in Agro-food Industries

Book Description

This book contains some contributions obtained from Project ECO2015-70262-R “Influence of openness on eco-innovation in agro-food industries”. This Project has been funded by the former Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The main objective of this research is to analyse the influence of open innovation strategies on the development of environmental innovations in the agro-food companies. Eco-innovation has generated a growing body of theoretical and empirical contributions from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives in the last years and this book contains some examples of research and case studies on the topic.

Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives

Book Description

This handbook of research is one of the few texts to combine Open Source Software (OSS) in public and private sector activities into a single reference source. It examines how the use of OSS affects practices in society, business, government, education, and law.

Firm Innovation and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

This volume uses the study of firm dynamics to investigate the factors preventing faster productivity growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, pushing past the limits of traditional macroeconomic analyses. Each chapter is dedicated to an examination of a different factor affecting firm productivity - innovation, ICT usage, on-the-job-training, firm age, access to credit, and international linkages - highlighting the differences in firm characteristics, behaviors, and strategies. By showcasing this remarkable heterogeneity, this collection challenges regional policymakers to look beyond one-size-fits-all solutions and create balanced policy mixes tailored to distinct firm needs. This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO license.

Knowledge-Based Dynamic Capabilities

Book Description

This book provides a knowledge-based view to the dynamic capabilities in an organization. The author integrates two existing views on gaining competitive advantage: the Knowledge View which suggests that the capability of organizations to learn faster than competitors is the only source of competitiveness; and the Dynamic Capability View which speculates that a firm’s competitive advantage rests on dynamic capabilities which enable a firm to constantly renew the stock of ordinary organizational capabilities in accordance with the changes in the business environment. Using the IT sector in India as a case study, this book provides and tests a new framework--Knowledge-Based Dynamic Capabilities—in the prediction of competitive advantage in organizations.