Folk and Fairy Tales - Jens Kamp

Book Description

A corpse rides over the sea on a coffin and a cat's mess is served up for dinner. Brownies dance on rafters. The Devil carries his skin under his arm and witches, so old that moss grows on their teeth. St. Peter sleeps in a bread oven while a boy sleeps on the roof of his house, his feet still touching the ground. Geese are taught Latin, a monk sets to sea on a millstone and there are enough trolls, ogres and dragons to shake a stick at - there's even a drunken fox thrown in for good measure. You'll find them all in Jens Kamp's Folk and Fairy Tales from Denmark. 57 folk and wonder tales taken from the collection of Jens Kamp and translated into English for the first time.

Folk and Fairy Tales from Denmark - Vol. 2 - paperback

Book Description

Folk and Fairy Tales from Denmark is a collection of stories hitherto unavailable to English speaking audiences. Recorded at source by Danish folklorist Evald Tang Kristensen towards the latter part of the 1800s, they were told to him by storytellers from different social positions; the majority of whom were well versed in the hardships of the rural life of the times. The stories are brim full of shrewd observations, humour, invention, down to earth advice and are as fresh and relevant today as when they were told over a century ago

Folk and Fairy Tales from Denmark - Vol. 1 - paperback

Book Description

Folk and Fairy Tales from Denmark is a collection of stories hitherto unavailable to English speaking audiences. Recorded at source by Danish folklorist Evald Tang Kristensen towards the latter part of the 1800s, they were told to him by storytellers from different social positions; the majority of whom were well versed in the hardships of the rural life of the times. The stories are brim full of shrewd observations, humour, invention, down to earth advice and are as fresh and relevant today as when they were told over a century ago.

Folk and FairyTales from Denmark. Svend Grundtvig and his collectors,

Book Description

A man wearing his wife's fur coat and a woolly balaclava is chained to a kennel in the backyard whilst another man delivers a side of bacon to The Devil. Fish trained to walk, devils in the stove, cats carrying coffins, ogres with a taste for fat little boys and beetles that do the housework - and then there's the small matter of teaching a calf to talk. Thirty-eight folk and wonder tales from Denmark from Svend Grundtvig and his collectors.

Tales from Denmark - Hardcover

Book Description

Tales from Denmark is a collection of stories hitherto unavailable to English speaking audiences. Recorded at source by Danish folklorist Evald Tang Kristensen towards the latter part of the 1800s, They were told to him by storytellers from different social positions; the majority of whom were well versed in the hardships of the rural life of the times. The stories are brim full of shrewd observations, humour, invention, down to earth advice and are as fresh and relevant today as when they were told over a century ago.

Odds and Sods hardcover

Book Description

A mix of bawdy, bloody and unusual tales taken from the collections of Evald Tang Kristensen. Now available for the first time in English translation.

The Cat's Castle - hardcover

Book Description

A dog that lives in a box no bigger than a walnut shell, a troll wearing Spanish Boots in bed and a dead Granny, who still manages to eat a cow. The most revolting cure for a royal belly-ache and princesses (pretty and not so pretty), giants, dragons, wicked stepmothers and vengeful imps; they're all here and much more beside. Tales taken from the collections of E Tang Kristensen now available for the first time in English translation.

The Soldier and Mr Scratch - hardcover

Book Description

Twenty eight folk and wonder tales taken from the collection of Evald Tang Kristensen and translated into English for the first time. A wife who thinks she's a chicken, a ventriloquist cow, magic purses, cloaks of invisibility, a knife that kills to order and imps by the sack-full; three hairs plucked from The Devil's backside and a girl that comes out of her coffin every night. Steak to order - just ask a troll to gouge it out of his forehead and slap it on the pan. Children to order - just eat a witch's cheese ... and then there was the woman who answered the call of nature and wished she hadn't. The Soldier and Mr Scratch is a companion volume to Tales from Denmark.

A treasury of Danish Folk and Wonder Tales - 8+

Book Description

Why does a man have to kiss his horse on the bottom and why does a princess find the antics of a mouse and two beetles so amusing? How does a small bird deal with a ruthless fox that is blackmailing her? Will a man find people who are more sensible than his foolish wife and just how does a man repay his brother for sending him to Hell? All will be revealed when you read A Treasury of Danish Folk and Wonder Stories. A Treasury of Danish Folk and Wonder Stories contains 22 folk and wonder stories retold from DenmarkÍs rich canon of traditional stories.

Treasury of Danish Folk and Wonder Tales +10

Book Description

A miser receives his comeuppance, but is it too severe? A man who is disrespectful to a corspe in a cemetery is shocked when it visits him later that night. A brownie who is hopelessly in love with his host's daughter is taught a lesson by her fiancé. A young man is sold by his father and finds himself helping a princess who is covered from head to toe with hair and an old woman makes a terrible mistake when she receives a gift of gratitude from an old man. All will be revealed in A Treasury of Danish Fairy and Wonder Stories. A Treasury of Danish Folk and Wonder Stories contains 28 folk and wonder stories retold from Denmark's rich canon of traditional stories.