Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This publication frames the deployment phase of the European Commission's Food 2030 initiative and is meant to guide future research and innovation policy reflections relevant to Horizon Europe, the Farm to Fork strategy and European Green Deal, and beyond. The report sets out 10 Pathways where research and innovation can concretely deliver co-benefits to nutrition, climate, circularity and communities, at multiple levels: from local to international. It also underlines that a systemic and transdisciplinary approach to research and innovation is crucial for success and improved impact. The COVID-19 crisis has shown that transformations are not only technical and academic; they also encompass social, legal, economic, financial, ethical, and philosophical dimensions, which need to be fully embedded in future R&I policy and programmes.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and beyond. It is 1 out of 10 FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership expected to be launched in 2023 that will provide a multi-actor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal. This pathway, The Food Safety Systems of the Future, is among others relevant to: health, food and nutrition security, addressing policy objectives of Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy.; energy security and climate change, delivering on climate ambition and targeted impact on climate neutrality and adaptation to climate change, addressing the new Bioeconomy strategy for a sustainable Europe; soil Health and Food mission and others missions; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This Pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and beyond. It is 1 out of 10 FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership expected to be launched in 2023 that will provide a multiactor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal. This pathway, The Microbiome World, is among others relevant to: health, food and nutrition security, addressing policy objectives of Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy; energy security and climate change; delivering on climate ambition and targeted impact on climate neutrality and adaptation to climate change - addressing the new bioeconomy strategy for a sustainable Europe; soil Health and Food mission and others missions; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and beyond. It is 1 out of 10 FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership expected to be launched in 2023 that will provide a multi-actor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal. This Pathway Healthy, Sustainable and Personalised Nutrition is furthermore relevant to policies such as, the common agricultural policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, the European Green Deal (the Farm to Fork strategy), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2,3 and 12, the White paper 'A strategy for Europe on nutrition, overweight and obesityrelated issues' and 'A Clean Planet for All'.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and beyond. It is 1 out of 10 FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership expected to be launched in 2023 that will provide a multi-actor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal. This Pathway Food Systems and Data will contribute to the European Commission's policy objectives of 'A Europe Fit for the Digital Age', of 'the European Green Deal' and of 'An Economy that Works for People'. Data-driven innovations are transforming our economy and society. They also reshape the way we produce, consume and share food. Changes are fast and profound. For example in the 'last mile' of our food system, where innovative food retail, meal delivery and foodservice concepts ('grab and go' stores, online grocery, online meal delivery, cloud kitchens, meal kits) are bringing fundamental change for both companies and consumers.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

The future health of Europe's people and the planet lies on our plate: the way in which food is farmed, fished, processed, distributed, valued, prepared, consumed and wasted must change to ensure that the environmental, social and economic sustainability of food become core assets of the EU's food systems, along with food safety. Research and innovation (R & I) is a critical resource for the EU in the transformation towards safe and sustainable food systems for people, planet and climate (SSFS). The prime condition for success is that a wide diversity of actors join forces in a partnership - with a mission for change.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and beyond. It is 1 of 10 FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership to be launched in 2023 that is expected to provide a multi-actor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and beyond. It is 1 out of 10 FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership expected to be launched in 2023 that will provide a multiactor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal. This Pathway 'Urban Food System Transformation' is furthermore relevant to the EU Health Policy, EU European Fund for Strategic Investment, EU Food Safety Policy, EU Adaptation policy, EU Environment Policies (7th EAP, WFD), Revised EU Waste Legislation, Bioeconomy Strategy and Circular Economy Package, and to the Sustainable Development Goal 11 in particular (SDGs).

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and implement the EU-African Union partnership priority on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture. It is 1 out of 10 FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership expected to be launched in 2023 that will provide a multi-actor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal. Africa has the world's fastest growing population. It has doubled since 1990. While fertility rates start declining; it is expected to nearly double again over the same 30-year period, by 2050. As a consequence, the market for food in Africa is expanding rapidly, fuelled by urbanisation, growing incomes and an increasing middle class. By 2030, food demand is projected to increase by 55%, bringing the size of Africa's food and agribusiness to USD 1 trillion and opening up employment opportunities all across the value chain. African supply still dominates the domestic food markets with an estimated 90% of all consumed food supplied by local producers. Nevertheless, the African Development Bank projects that African food imports will triple from USD 35 billion in 2017 to about USD 110 billion in 2025. The COVID-19 crisis could expose African food systems to an existential shock. Lockdowns to contain the transmission of the COVID-19 virus could lead to life-threatening situations of loss of income and food crisis by food supply chain disruptions. Malnutrition remains a big challenge and constitutes one of the greatest obstacles to equitable economic and social development. No single country is on track to achieve all the global nutrition targets by 2030. Malnutrition in Africa is the cause of a 10% loss of gross domestic product every year. Different forms of malnutrition (stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiency, overweight and obesity) can coexist within the same country, and sometimes within the same household or individual, and they thus must be addressed altogether. Food security is not only a matter of quantity but also of access and nutritional quality. In Africa south of the Sahara, the 2015-2017 undernourishment rate is still at 22 percent and it is the highest regional rate of all regions.

Food 2030 Pathways for Action

Book Description

This pathway seeks to provide a way forward for future R&I policy in Europe and beyond. It is one out of ten FOOD 2030 Pathways for Action, which target key R&I leverage points for transitioning towards sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive food systems that leave no one behind. The FOOD Pathways for Action will help to underpin Horizon Europe, support evidence-based policymaking and implementation, foster education, skills and capacities, boost innovation and investment, encourage synergies and policy alignment. The achievement of these objectives will be assisted by a dedicated Horizon Europe Food Systems Partnership expected to be launched in 2023 that will provide a multi-actor R&I governance platform and process to deliver co-benefits in line with the European Green Deal. This Pathway Food Waste And Resource Efficiency is furthermore relevant to the Common Fisheries Policy, Industrial policy, Internal market policy, Taxation policy, Economic and Monetary policy, Capital movement, Environment, Food safety and health policy, Environment policy, Agriculture policy and to the Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 in particular (SDGs).