
Book Description

An accessible guide to the essential issues of corporate finance While you can find numerous books focused on the topic of corporate finance, few offer the type of information managers need to help them make important decisions day in and day out. Value explores the core of corporate finance without getting bogged down in numbers and is intended to give managers an accessible guide to both the foundations and applications of corporate finance. Filled with in-depth insights from experts at McKinsey & Company, this reliable resource takes a much more qualitative approach to what the authors consider a lost art. Discusses the four foundational principles of corporate finance Effectively applies the theory of value creation to our economy Examines ways to maintain and grow value through mergers, acquisitions, and portfolio management Addresses how to ensure your company has the right governance, performance measurement, and internal discussions to encourage value-creating decisions A perfect companion to the Fifth Edition of Valuation, this book will put the various issues associated with corporate finance in perspective.

Essays in Corporate Finance

Book Description

Corporate strategies have always been an important part of the Finance literature. Firms and corporations constantly update their strategies and adopt new ways to combat the ever-changing market dynamics and reap benefits from various corporate activities. My thesis includes three essays that span over different strategies adopted by corporations and corporate boards to mitigate issues resulting from corporate deals, competition, and regulations. In the first essay, I examine if targets of serial acquirers retain or hire a specific type of financial advisors. Using pairwise matching between target firms and potential financial advisors, I find that 41% of firms targeted by serial acquirers use the financial advisor of a previous target of the same acquirer. After controlling for prior relations and reputation, I find that targets hire these advisors with a significantly higher likelihood than others. These targets earn higher returns and can complete deals sooner. On the other hand, serial acquirers suffer from lower returns. The results suggest that targets adopting this strategy of hiring "repeated advisors" gain an information advantage. The "repeated advisors" collect knowledge about the acquirers from prior deal negotiations and can transfer this information to the later targets. The results also provide a potential explanation for why serial acquirers perform poorly in their later deals. The second essay (with Sungjoung Kwon) studies the choices of corporate venturing by public corporations. While existing literature on corporate venture capital (CVC) primarily focuses on investments through CVC units, corporations frequently make investments in startups directly. We document that between 2000 and 2019, approximately 42% of deals made by U.S. public firms were through direct investments, and 90% of public firms with CVC units also made direct investments in startups. The agency hypothesis predicts that managers use direct investments to entrench themselves. In contrast, the organizational friction hypothesis posits that firms rely on direct investments to address immediate strategic goals. Our findings provide strong support for the organization friction hypothesis. Firms directly invest in startups whose operations are highly correlated with theirs and which are less likely to be potential investment targets of their CVC units. Using a difference-in-differences design around the introduction of Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud, we find that firms increase direct investments (but not investments through their CVC units) when the entry of startups increases. Overall, our findings shed light on choices of corporate venturing under different firm strategies. The final essay investigates the effects of merger objection lawsuits on acquirers and deal outcomes. In recent years these lawsuits have significantly increased in numbers, and a majority of them usually settle with the addition of more information to the proxy statements and substantive attorney fees. Since these settlements do not benefit the shareholders, most merger litigations are deemed as frivolous lawsuits in recent years. In response to this, in January 2016, Delaware Chancery Court introduced In re Trulia ruling, which states that the court will dismiss all lawsuits leading to "disclosure-only" settlements. This phenomenon lowered the massive volume of merger lawsuits faced by firms. Using this quasi-natural shock to the settlements of litigations, I find that acquirers incorporated in the states that adopted this ruling perform more acquisitions post-2016 and complete deals faster. I also find that such deals do not result in negative acquirer returns or higher offer premiums. Overall, the results indicate that this ruling provided some relief for the acquirers from the nuisance of the frivolous lawsuits.

Current Challenges for Corporate Finance

Book Description

Strategic corporate finance? This sounds like a paradox at first. After all, corporate finance means responding to the financial markets. Strategy, on the other hand, aims to change and shape the environment in the long term. Lately, though, more and more managers and investors appear to be breaking the laws of the capital market. At the same time, corporations are discovering new ways to not just react to the capital markets, but to actively shape them. The authors show that these violations are not isolated occurrences, but part of a paradigm shift. If companies want to stay successful in changing markets, they have to take a strategic approach to corporate finance. The authors use practical examples to demonstrate how this can be achieved. This book is intended not only for corporate finance experts, but also for students interested in the latest developments on the financial markets.