Asian Free Trade Agreements and WTO Compatibility

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This book investigates the appropriate relationship between regionalism and multilateralism, with a special reference to recent FTAs in Asia. It is undeniable that past trade multilateralism-regionalism debates centered on the trade-in-goods aspect.

A Handbook of International Trade in Services

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This title provides a comprehensive introduction to the key issues in trade and liberalization of services. Providing a useful overview of the players involved, the barriers to trade, and case studies in a number of service industries, this is ideal for policymakers and students interested in trade.

International Provision of Trade Services, Trade, and Fragmentation

Book Description

The author examines the special role that trade liberalization in services industries can play in stimulating trade in both services, and goods. International trade in goods requires inputs from such trade services as transportation, insurance, and finance, for example. Restrictions on services across borders, and within foreign countries add costs, and barriers to international trade. Liberalizing trade in services could also facilitate trade in goods, providing more benefits than one might expect from analysis merely of the services trade. To emphasize the point, the author notes that the benefits for trade are arguably enhanced by the phenomenon of fragmentation. The more that production processes become split across locations, with the fragments tied together, and coordinated by various trade services, the greater the gains from reductions in the costs of services. The incentives for such fragmentation can be greater across countries, than within countries, because of the greater differences in factor prices, and technologies. But the service costs of international fragmentation can also be larger, especially if regulations, and restrictions impede the international provision of services. As a result, trade liberalization in services can stimulate the fragmentation of production of both goods, and services, thus increasing international trade, and the gains from trade even further. Since fragmentation seems to characterize an increasing portion of world specialization, the importance of service liberalization is growing apace.

Coherence and Divergence in Services Trade Law

Book Description

This book addresses topical questions concerning the legal framework of trade in services, and assesses how these issues are dealt with in GATS and in selected preferential trade agreements. In addition, the chapters discuss whether the differences and similarities (if any) are evidence of greater coherence or greater divergence. The book combines the individual analyses to provide a more comprehensive picture of the current law on services trade liberalisation.A quarter of a century after the conclusion of the General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS), international law on trade in services is still in a state of flux: on the one hand, countries increasingly conclude bilateral and regional trade agreements with sections on trade in services that aim at a further liberalisation of services trade. On the other, the GATS structure remains the dominant model and serves as the basis for many preferential trade agreements. In addition, new aspects such as electronic commerce, data protection and taxation are now emerging, while issues that had already manifested in the mid-1990s such as financial services regulation, labour mobility, and telecommunications continue to be problematic. Usually, the debates focus on the question of whether preferential trade agreements serve as a stepping-stone or stumbling block for trade liberalisation at the multilateral level. However, it can be assumed that rules on trade in services in preferential trade agreements will coexist with the global GATS regime for the foreseeable future. This raises the question of whether we’re currently witnessing a drive towards greater coherence or more divergence in agreements on trade in services.

U.s. Trade in Services

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"Services" refers to a growing range of economic activities, such as audiovisual; construction; computer and related services; energy; express delivery; e-commerce; financial; professional (such as accounting and legal services); retail and wholesaling; transportation; tourism; and telecommunications. Services have become an important priority in U.S. trade flows and trade policy and of global trade in general, accounting for 752.4 billion Dollars of U.S. exports and 82 percent of U.S. private sector jobs. The types and volume of services that can be traded, however, are limited by their intangibility (as compared to goods), the requirement for direct buyer-provider contact, and other unique characteristics. The Administration is engaged in discussions on potential and existing trade agreements that include services as a significant component. For each agreement, Congress may consider legislation to implement the agreements in the future. The United States is the world's largest exporter of services (14 percent of the global total in 2015) and the largest importer (10 percent of the global total in 2015). Rapid advances in information technology and the related growth of global value and supply chains have reduced barriers to trade in services, making an expanding range of services tradable across national borders. A number of economists have argued that "behind the border" barriers imposed by foreign governments prevent U.S. trade in services from expanding to their full potential. The United States continues to negotiate trade agreements to lower these barriers. It has been a leading force in doing so under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in free trade agreements, all of which contain significant provisions on market access and rules for liberalizing trade in services. The United States is currently at different stages with multiple trade agreements that include trade in services: -Renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico; -Potential continued negotiation of the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), a plurilateral agreement outside of the WTO with 22 other countries; -Potential continued negotiation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), which would cover the world's two largest providers of and traders in services; and -Potential new and updated bilateral free trade agreements with other partners. In each case, participants have difficult issues to address and the outlook for progress is uncertain. One issue is whether bilateral, regional, and plurilateral agreements would support or undermine the pursuit of a more extensive, multilateral agreement in the GATS. Congress and U.S. trade negotiators face other issues, including how to balance the need for effective regulations with the objective of opening markets for U.S. exports and trade in services; ensuring adequate and accurate data to measure trade in services to better inform trade policy; and determining whether further international cooperation efforts are needed to improve the regulatory environment for services trade beyond initial market access. This report provides background information and analysis on these and other emerging issues and U.S. international trade in services, in general. In addition, it examines existing and potential agreements, NAFTA, TiSA, and T-TIP, as they relate to services trade.

Free Trade Agreements: 20 Ways to Grow Your Business

Book Description

Less than one percent of all U.S. businesses export, and of those that do, 56 percent sell to only one market. Business owners who do not export tell researchers that the reason for not exporting is that they are not confident choosing the best markets for their products and services, and that they are wary of risk. Free Trade Agreements: 20 Ways to Grow Your Business takes the mystery out of exporting by analyzing opportunities in country markets where the U.S. government has negotiated preferential access for U.S. companies. The book provides detailed information on best prospects, insights on the economic and political situation, tips on business culture, and free and low-cost assistance for entering each market. The book also describes how dramatically trade has grown as a result of the free trade agreements. Also included are case studies of smaller U.S. companies that have succeeded by targeting this group of countries which includes Canada and Mexico. Furthermore, new agreement partners, including Peru, South Korea, and Colombia, are explored. Written in plain language and illustrated with graphs and tables, this resource is the long-awaited handbook for entering and succeeding in new markets. Related products: Export/Import product collection can be found here: Other products by the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration can be found here:

Toward Free Trade in the Americas

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A Brookings Institution Press and the Organization of American States publication In the past 15 years, the nations of the Western Hemisphere have staged a remarkable revolution—in the way they trade with their neighbors. First, after decades of restrictive import policies, several countries began to liberalize their trade and investment regimes. Then, beginning a decade ago, numerous bilateral and sub-regional trade agreements were achieved, to serve as vital complements to domestic reforms and to foster trade flows among member countries. At the Second Summit of the Americas in 1998, negotiations among 34 democracies were launched to establish the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). This report takes stock of the remarkable progress to date in the development of free trade in the Western Hemisphere. It examines trade flows between countries in the same regional groupings and between members of different sub-regional arrangements. The report describes the main characteristics of the trade arrangements signed between countries of the Hemisphere and explores the development of trade rules in these arrangements. Finally, the report details recent advances in the construction of the FTAA.

Trade and Development

Book Description

Free trade is a type of trade policy that allows traders to act and transact without interference from government. Thus, the policy permits trading partners mutual gains from trade with goods and services produced according to the theory of comparative advantage. Under a free trade policy, prices are a reflection of true supply and demand, and are the sole determinant of resource allocation. Free trade differs from other forms of trade policy where the allocation of goods and services amongst trading countries are determined by artificial prices that do not reflect the true nature of supply and demand. These artificial prices are the result of protectionist trade policies, whereby governments intervene in the market through price adjustments and supply restrictions. Such government interventions generally increase the cost of goods and services to both consumers and producers. Interventions include subsidies, taxes and tariffs, non-tariff barriers, such as regulatory legislation and quotas, and even inter-government managed trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) (contrary to their formal titles.) -- any governmental market intervention resulting in artificial prices that do not reflect the principles of supply and demand. This important book gathers the latest research from around the globe in this dynamic field with a focus on: trade relations with China, Brazil, South Korea, Canada, Australia and the Middle East among others.