Frequenz. Prototyp. Schema.

Book Description

Die Arbeit entwickelt ein gebrauchsbasiertes Modell zur Entstehung grammatischer Varianten. Dieses wird auf drei Variationsphänomene angewandt: Variation in der Konjugation (geglimmt/geglommen), Variation in der Deklination (des Bären/Bärs) und Variation in der Selektion zwischen haben und sein im Perfekt (ich bin/habe Auto gefahren). Zudem wird das Modell psycholinguistisch überprüft. Das Modell greift auf den gebrauchsbasierten Ansatz der Kognitionslinguistik zurück und erarbeitet Frequenz, Prototyp und Schema als grundlegende Einflussfaktoren darauf, wie wahrscheinlich Variation und Stabilität in einem Sprachsystem sind: Bei allen Variationsphänomenen sind neben der Variation auch stabile Verwendungen zu beobachten (geflogen/*gefliegt, des Matrosen/*des Matroses, ich bin gegangen/*ich habe gegangen). Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit werden Frequenz, Protoyp und Schema als kognitive Einflussfaktoren auf Variation und Stabilität modelliert und anschließend ihr Einfluss auf die drei Variationsphänomene theoretisch beleuchtet. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird der Einfluss der Faktoren Frequenz, Prototyp und Schema anhand von Reaktionszeitmessungen überprüft. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte Modell fasst Variation und Stabilität von Sprache probabilistisch und prognostiziert auf diese Weise Variation. Der Rückgriff auf Reaktionszeiten erlaubt es, in der Sprachverarbeitung Variationspotential zu erkennen, das noch nicht im Sprachgebrauch sichtbar ist. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht damit den zentralen Stellenwert, den Variation in der Sprache einnimmt, erweitert mit der Verbindung aus Kognitions- und Psycholinguistik bestehende Forschung und ermöglicht einen systematischen, empirisch überprüfbaren Zugang zu Variation.

Noun phrases in early Germanic languages

Book Description

On the premise that syntactic variation is constrained by factors that may not always be immediately obvious, this volume explores various perspectives on the nominal syntax in the early Germanic languages and the syntactic diversity they display. The fact that these languages are relatively well attested and documented allows for individual cases studies as well as comparative studies. Due to their well-observable common ancestry at the time of their earliest attestations, they moreover permit close-up comparative investigations into closely related languages. Besides the purely empirical aspects, the volume also explores the methodological side of diagnosing, classifying and documenting the details of syntactic diversity. The volume starts with a description by Alexander Pfaff and Gerlof Bouma of the principles underlying the Noun Phrases in Early Germanic Languages (NPEGL) database, before Alexander Pfaff presents the Patternization method for measuring syntactic diversity. Kristin Bech, Hannah Booth, Kersti Börjars, Tine Breban, Svetlana Petrova, and George Walkden carry out a pilot study of noun phrase variation in Old English, Old High German, Old Icelandic, and Old Saxon. Kristin Bech then considers the development of Old English noun phrases with quantifiers meaning ‘many’. Alexandra Rehn’s study is concerned with the inflection of stacked adjectives in Old High German and Alemannic. Old High German is also the topic of Svetlana Petrova’s study, which looks at inflectional patterns of attributive adjectives. With Hannah Booth’s contribution we move to Old Icelandic and the use of the proprial article as a topic management device. Juliane Tiemann investigates adjective position in Old Norwegian. Alexander Pfaff and George Walkden then take a broader view of adjectival articles in early Germanic, before Alexander Pfaff rounds off the volume with a study of a peculiar class of adjectives, the so-called positional predicates, which occur across the early Germanic languages.

How to create an early German scriptus

Book Description

This book presents a new methodology for the study of historical varieties, particularly a language’s early history. Using the German language’s first attestations as a case study, it offers an alternative to structuralist approaches to historical syntax, with their emphasis on delineating the shapes and mechanisms of early grammars. This focus has prompted Germanists to treat the data from the eighth- and ninth-century corpus with suspicion in that its texts are either poetic or translational. That is, if the unquestioned object of inquiry is a historical cognitive grammar, one ought to isolate – and perhaps discount entirely – data that are the product of confounding factors, like a poetic meter or a Latin source text. Otherwise, these competence-obscuring examples risk undermining scholars’ understanding of a genuine early German grammar. Rather than this “deficit approach,” the current volume proposes that scholars treat each early attestation as an artifact of “literization,” the process through which people transform their exclusively oral varieties into a written variety. Each historical text features a scriptus, that is, an ad hoc, idiosyncratic, and localized literization created by a person (or team of people) for a particular purpose. The challenge of understanding texts in this way lies in the fact that there is little to no direct evidence pointing to the specific identities of early medieval literizers, their motivations, and the nature of the multiple spoken competencies that fed into their scripti. In order to conceptualize early medieval German and the syntactic variation it exhibits as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, this book details the linguistic resources that were available to the literizer and are, happily, accessible to the modern researcher. First, there is Latin. Though illiterate in their own multilectal vernacular in the sense that no German scriptus existed until they developed it, literizers were educated in this highly literized language and the classical metalinguistic discourse, known as grammatica, that was associated with it. Second, there are the linguistic patterns of elaborated orality, that is, the varieties that are characteristic of public life and the oral tradition in exclusively oral communities. Though the patterns of a peculiarly German elaborated orality are lost to history, those of other traditions and cultures are attested and should also inform how scholars conceive of a multilectal early German.

How to create an early German scriptus

Book Description

This book presents a new methodology for the study of historical varieties, particularly a language’s early history. Using the German language’s first attestations as a case study, it offers an alternative to structuralist approaches to historical syntax, with their emphasis on delineating the shapes and mechanisms of early grammars. This focus has prompted Germanists to treat the data from the eighth- and ninth-century corpus with suspicion in that its texts are either poetic or translational. That is, if the unquestioned object of inquiry is a historical cognitive grammar, one ought to isolate – and perhaps discount entirely – data that are the product of confounding factors, like a poetic meter or a Latin source text. Otherwise, these competence-obscuring examples risk undermining scholars’ understanding of a genuine early German grammar. Rather than this “deficit approach,” the current volume proposes that scholars treat each early attestation as an artifact of “literization,” the process through which people transform their exclusively oral varieties into a written variety. Each historical text features a scriptus, that is, an ad hoc, idiosyncratic, and localized literization created by a person (or team of people) for a particular purpose. The challenge of understanding texts in this way lies in the fact that there is little to no direct evidence pointing to the specific identities of early medieval literizers, their motivations, and the nature of the multiple spoken competencies that fed into their scripti. In order to conceptualize early medieval German and the syntactic variation it exhibits as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, this book details the linguistic resources that were available to the literizer and are, happily, accessible to the modern researcher. First, there is Latin. Though illiterate in their own multilectal vernacular in the sense that no German scriptus existed until they developed it, literizers were educated in this highly literized language and the classical metalinguistic discourse, known as grammatica, that was associated with it. Second, there are the linguistic patterns of elaborated orality, that is, the varieties that are characteristic of public life and the oral tradition in exclusively oral communities. Though the patterns of a peculiarly German elaborated orality are lost to history, those of other traditions and cultures are attested and should also inform how scholars conceive of a multilectal early German.

Design and Analysis of Analog Filters

Book Description

Design and Analysis of Analog Filters: A Signal Processing Perspective includes signal processing/systems concepts as well as implementation. While most books on analog filter design briefly present the signal processing/systems concepts, and then concentrate on a variety of filter implementation methods, the present book reverses the emphasis, stressing signal processing concepts. Filter implementation topics are presented in Part II: passive filters, and operational amplifier active filters. However, greater emphasis on signal processing/systems concepts is included in Part I of the book than is typical. This emphasis makes the book very appropriate as part of a signal processing curriculum. Useful Aspects of Design and Analysis of Analog Filters: A Signal Processing Perspective extensive use of MATLAB® throughout, with many homework problems involving the use of MATLAB. over 200 figures; over 100 examples; a total of 345 homework problems, appearing at the ends of the chapters; complete and thorough presentation of design characteristics; complete catalog of design approaches. Audience: Design and Analysis of Analog Filters: A Signal Processing Perspective will interest anyone with a standard electrical engineering background, with a B.S. degree or beyond, or at the senior level. While designed as a textbook, its numerous practical examples make it useful as a reference for practicing engineers and scientists, particularly those working in systems design or communications. MATLAB® Examples: A valuable relationship between analog filter theory and analysis and modern digital signal processing is made by the application of MATLAB to both the design and analysis of analog filters. Throughout the book, computer-oriented problems are assigned. The disk that accompanies this book contains MATLAB functions and m-files written specifically for this book. The MATLAB functions on the disk extend basic MATLAB capabilities in terms of the design and analysis of analog filters. The m-files are used in a number of examples in the book. They are included on the disk as an instructional aid.

Architectures and Synthesizers for Ultra-low Power Fast Frequency-Hopping WSN Radios

Book Description

Wireless sensor networks have the potential to become the third wireless revolution after wireless voice networks in the 80s and wireless data networks in the late 90s. Unfortunately, radio power consumption is still a major bottleneck to the wide adoption of this technology. Different directions have been explored to minimize the radio consumption, but the major drawback of the proposed solutions is a reduced wireless link robustness. The primary goal of Architectures and Synthesizers for Ultra-low Power Fast Frequency-Hopping WSN Radios is to discuss, in detail, existing and new architectural and circuit level solutions for ultra-low power, robust, uni-directional and bi-directional radio links. Architectures and Synthesizers for Ultra-low Power Fast Frequency-Hopping WSN Radios guides the reader through the many system, circuit and technology trade-offs he will be facing in the design of communication systems for wireless sensor networks. Finally, this book, through different examples realized in both advanced CMOS and bipolar technologies opens a new path in the radio design, showing how radio link robustness can be guaranteed by techniques that were previously exclusively used in radio systems for middle or high end applications like Bluetooth and military communications while still minimizing the overall system power consumption.

Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems

Book Description

'Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems' provides an exciting and challenging laboratory component for undergraduate digital logic and computer design courses using FPGAs and CAD tools for simulation and hardware implementation.

Prototyping of Robotic Systems: Applications of Design and Implementation

Book Description

As a segment of the broader science of automation, robotics has achieved tremendous progress in recent decades due to the advances in supporting technologies such as computers, control systems, cameras and electronic vision, as well as micro and nanotechnology. Prototyping a design helps in determining system parameters, ranges, and in structuring an overall better system. Robotics is one of the industrial design fields in which prototyping is crucial for improved functionality. Prototyping of Robotic Systems: Applications of Design and Implementation provides a framework for conceptual, theoretical, and applied research in robotic prototyping and its applications. Covering the prototyping of various robotic systems including the complicated industrial robots, the tiny and delicate nanorobots, medical robots for disease diagnosis and treatment, as well as the simple robots for educational purposes, this book is a useful tool for those in the field of robotics prototyping and as a general reference tool for those in related fields.

Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping

Book Description

Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping presents essential research in the area of Virtual and Rapid Prototyping. The volume contains reviewed papers presented at the 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, hosted by the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development of the Polyt

Frequency of Use and the Organization of Language

Book Description

This is a collection of three decades of articles by the linguist Joan Bybee. Her articles argue for the importance of frequency of use as a factor in the analysis and explanation of language structure.