The Unshakable Truth

Book Description

The name Josh McDowell promises real-life, on-the-street Christian apologetics. In his first Harvest House book, Josh joins his son Sean to draw on his life’s work and comprehensively address a vital issue: why an entire generation of young Christians—and millions of older believers—is confused about what they believe, why they believe it, and how it’s relevant. The Unshakable Truth is uniquely positioned for younger Christians because it presents apologetics relationally, focusing on how Christianity’s doctrines affect relationships. The authors... ground every assertion in the overarching story of creation, incarnation, and re-creation. distill 12 crucial “faith statements”—for example, “A personal Creator God exists.” explain why each statement is trustworthy, how it applies to real life, and—using examples, stories, and experiences—what its relevance is. A spiritual gold mine for parents, youth workers, pastors—anyone wanting to reveal Christianity’s relevance to today’s life and culture.

Fundamentals of the Faith Teacher's Guide

Book Description

This is the teachers guide edition to this great study of the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith. With topics ranging from “God: His Character and Attributes” to “The Church: Fellowship and Worship,” this study is ideal to disciple new believers or to realize afresh what it means to believe in Jesus. The teachers guide contains all the answers to the 13 lessons taught in the accompanying students edition along with excellent teaching notes to prepare the leader to guide the group.

Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology

Book Description

Desired States

Book Description

Desiring the working class: a Spanish feminist, a bishop, an oligarchic state, and worker sexuality, circa 1913 -- Desiring the patriarchal state through military discipline in Cold War prison camps, 1947 and 1973 -- Sex and the new man in socialist revolution: ideologies and practices, circa 1973 -- Gendered erotics in the space of death: from military dictatorship to civilian market-state, circa 1999 -- Conclusion and epilogue: the desire to govern and the governing of desire.

Elemental Theology

Book Description

(Edited and revised by Ronald B. Mayers) This reprint covers the basics of systematic theology in brief, easy-to-follow outline form.

Saved Without A Doubt

Book Description

Can you lose your salvation? All believers have wrestled with this question at some point in their spiritual walks. So what answers does God provide to challenging questions like: Am I really saved? Am I going to heaven? How can I know for sure? Renowned pastor and author John MacArthur believes every Christian should enjoy the reality and security of being saved without a doubt. Drawing from a background rich in Bible study and teaching, John examines key scriptures, tackles tough questions, and sheds light on the true nature of salvation. Throughout, you’ll be encouraged to embrace the perfect grace found in Jesus Christ. Saved without a Doubt includes a guide for both personal and group study, which features discovery questions, suggestions for prayer, and activities, all designed to connect life-changing truths with everyday living.

Outlines of the Catholic Faith

Book Description

This book contains the basics and fundamentals of the Catholic Faith. Learn about salvation history, moral theology, the Sacraments and Commandments, the Creed and much more.

Bachiller Teologico

Book Description

En respuesta a mis 25 años de docente a nivel medio superior y superior yo he querido hacer un regalo muy especial a todos aquellos jóvenes hombres y mujeres que tienen el fi rme compromiso de ser mejores ciudadanos por la via de las humanidades y que desconocen los fundamentos históricos de su fe. Bachiller. Del francés bachelier, joven que aspira a ser caballero. Digamos que es aquel que tiene los conocimientos pre-universitarios para continuar con su formación académica profesional en todos los sentidos, primeramente la religiosa, la del hermano, la del padre comprometido, la de la madre educadora de sus hijos, y cuantos roles más juega el hombre y la mujer en esta vida, muchos diría yo y muy variados, bueno para todos los jóvenes de buena voluntad que quieren aprender más de su fe, este libro es para ustedes. Guarden en sus corazones la palabra de Dios, en sus mentes la justicia y en su corazón la esperanza viva de ser mejores cada día, si lo logran habre considerado que este libro sencillo pero humilde de teología sea un tesoro en tus manos, al que se requiere acudir a él como un amigo sincero. Con profundo afecto dedico mi trabajo a tantos alumnos de bachillerato que continua dudando de la experiencia milenaria de la iglesia que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. A mis amigos los maestros que tienen las mismas inquietudes, y a mis amigos sinceros a quien dejo el siguiente mensaje. Recomienden lo bueno. A pesar de que este material es digerible, recomiendo dos diccionarios que fácilmente se pueden adquirir via electrónica. Diccionario digital católico. Net. Enciclopedia de teología "sacramentum mundi". A Todo maestro laico o religioso que recomiende este libro solo le puedo expresar mi profundo agradecimiento.

Conocimientos Elementales de la Doctrina Cristiana

Book Description

La Biblia contiene la única verdad que salva de los horrendos efectos del pecado en la humanidad. Junto a ella vemos lado a lado al joven y al anciano, al sabio y al necio, al rico y al pobre, buscando en sus paginas la única verdad que sacia la sed del alma. La Biblia ha sido la causa de innumerables obras de caridad a favor de los menos afortunados. A ella debemos innumerables centros para niños huérfanos, acilos para ancianos, innumerables clínicas y hospitales para la asistencia médica de los pobres; planes de viviendas, alimentos y muchas mas obras benéficas. Encuentre en ella un raudal de bendiciones para su alma y para la vida cotidiana. Léala, practique sus enseñanzas y tendrá vida eterna.

Remaining Faithful in Ministry

Book Description

Perhaps no one else has ever faced as much hardship, opposition, or relentless suffering as the apostle Paul. And yet, through it all, Paul stood firm in Christ and remained faithful—to the very end. The power of Paul's example has captivated veteran pastor John MacArthur for years, and here he outlines nine unwavering convictions that contributed to this remarkable perseverance. In an age when pastoral failure and burnout are increasingly common, this book is a call to endurance in ministry, encouraging pastors to stand strong in their role and not lose heart, regardless of what God sends their way.