Book Description
The editors of Galactic Geographic magazine are proud to present this new annual volume containing the best and most exciting articles and illustrations from another year during which humanity and its fellow species from other worlds have continued to explore the worlds and mysteries of our galaxy. This handsome collector's volume brings together for the first time the best of Karl Kofoed's hugely popular and long-running feature in Heavy Metal magazine. Some 200 color illustrations illuminate an enchanting text depicting our species' advance through the galaxy alongside our companions in the Galactic Federation - the Tsailerol, the Noron, and most recently the just-encountered species, WO. There are extended features on bizarre mysteries of the cosmos, on the strange lifestyles of the creatures found in even stranger worlds, on the music of other species, and much more. All gorgeously illustrated by a master hand, this highly imaginative book offers ideas for a thousand science-fiction novels.