Gender Aspects of Small-scale Private Irrigation in Africa

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This Working Paper presents methodological and substantive findings of gender-differentiated quantitative farm household surveys about smallholder’s private irrigation technology adoption in Ghana and Zambia. Focusing on three gender variables, household headship, labor provision and plot management, the paper examines adoption rates, types of technologies and gendered labor provision in female- and male-headed households; compares adoption rates on women’s own plots with overall rates; compares women’s decision-making on irrigated plots and rainfed plots; and examines impacts of targeting strategies. Findings suggest that women are proactive irrigation adopters in spite of the many obstacles they face. Removing those obstacles serves both gender equality and irrigation policies.

Women and small-scale irrigation: A review of the factors influencing gendered patterns of participation and benefits

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Small-scale irrigation is expanding rapidly in parts of the world, especially sub-Saharan Africa, offering smallholder farmers an opportunity to improve their livelihoods, diets, and resilience to climate change among other benefits. Growing research focuses on the potential for small-scale irrigation to offer a pathway for women’s empowerment, yet the factors conditioning the relationship between small-scale irrigation and women’s empowerment are not well understood. The evidence tends to be scattered across context-specific case studies that focus on targeted outcomes, without distinguishing between technology types, scales, or approaches to irrigation systems or technologies. This paper synthesizes the issues related to gender and small-scale irrigation using a conceptual framework that highlights the linkages between elements of women’s empowerment and small-scale irrigation. Because gendered dynamics with small-scale irrigation play out differently depending on the scale of irrigation and the technologies used, this paper applies the framework to examine case studies across a typology of small-scale irrigation systems. The case studies cover a range of farming and livelihood systems in which women’s roles and gender relations vary, highlighting the importance of the opportunity structure or context in which irrigation takes place. This paper then draws lessons on the various ways in which small-scale irrigation, gender relations, and women’s empowerment interact and highlights areas where research gaps remain.

Promoting gender equality in irrigation

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Small-scale irrigation is increasingly recognized as a key strategy for enhancing agricultural productivity and food security under growing climate uncertainty in Africa south of the Sahara. Rainfed production dominates the region, but governments and other stakeholders are increasing investments in irrigation. As these efforts are being rolled out, the gender implications of irrigation must be consid-ered to ensure that both men and women have the opportunity to adopt irrigation technologies and benefit from these investments.

Integrating gender into small-scale irrigation

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Small-Scale Irrigation (SSI) interventions, like other development interventions, need to take into account men’s and women’s context-specific roles in agriculture and their related gender-based preferences and challenges. Understanding gender differences related to SSI technologies can help us improve targeting and better anticipate and monitor the impact of technologies on different people. Gender analysis is relevant to any SSI program, whether it seeks to avoid harm to women, to serve both men and women, or to advance women’s empowerment.

Considering gender when promoting small-scale irrigation technologies: Guidance for inclusive irrigation interventions

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Many actors promoting irrigation technologies in low- and middle-income countries want to ensure that men, women, and different social groups have equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from irrigation but are uncertain how to do so. This tool provides a guide and structured set of questions to assess gender dynamics in irrigation in a specific context. The questions can be used to collect information prior to, during, or after project implementation to inform different strategic approaches of the project, including gender-sensitive marketing and dissemination strategies, design of technologies, risk mitigation approaches, adaptive management, and/or monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities.

Gender Issues, Water Issues

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Improving gender equity in irrigation

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Private irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: regional Seminar on Private Sector Participation and Irrigation Expansion in Sub-Saharan Africa, Accra, Ghana, 22-26 October 2001

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Only 4 percent of arable land in sub-Saharan Africa is irrigated, using just 2 percent of the available water resources. Furthermore, 18 percent of the area equipped for irrigation is not utilized at all and the intensity of use varies between 50 percent and 80 percent. This highlights the huge potential available for intensifying and expanding irrigated area, provided that the investments required can be successfully mobilized. However, it must be noted that if investments in irrigation are to yield satisfactory returns, investments must also be made in a series of related activities. Current global figures for the amount of private investment in irrigation confirm that good returns can indeed be achieved. Prospects for sub-Saharan Africa would be far more favorable if public development assistance, particularly foreign direct investments, did not show declining trends.