Gender Mainstreaming of Employment Policies

Book Description

Recoge: 1. Gender mainstreaming employment policy: achecklist - 2. Gender mainstreaming and gender equality in 30 European countries - 3. Active labour market policies - 4. Pay and career policies - 5. Reconciliation policies - 6. Flexicurity policies - 7. Concluding remarks.

Manual for Gender Mainstreaming

Book Description

Recoge: 1. Manual for gender mainstreaming employment policies - 2. Manual for gender mainstreaming social inclusion and social protection policies.

Gender Mainstreaming of Employment Policies

Book Description

Equity in the Workplace

Book Description

This edited collection assembles cutting-edge comparative policy research on contemporary policies relevant to gender and workplace issues. Contributors analyze contemporary gender-related employment policies ranging from parental leave and maternity programs, sexual harassment, and work/life balance to gender mainstreaming. Gender and Work in Comparative Perspective thoroughly illustrates the richness of understanding that can be gained through the juxtaposition of a variety of research methodologies focused on a common theme. The side-by-side presentation of single case studies on countries such as Canada, the United States, Germany, and Japan allows readers to compare and understand a wide range of policy options, thereby integrating what are usually separate bodies of research on the role of gender in welfare state developments, employment transformations, workplace policies, and work experience. An essential tool for scholars in many fields, this volume clearly illustrates how national approaches to gender and workplace policy form a spectrum of alternatives that, while rooted in the historical and social cultures of individual nation-states, are also subject to similar international global and economic forces.

Gender and the Open Method of Coordination

Book Description

Containing contributions by some of the best known researchers in the field, this volume considers the intersection between the Open Method of Coordination (OMC), a relatively new mode of policy-making, and gender equality, a long-standing area of EU policy. It draws on a range of disciplinary perspectives to examine the effectiveness of the OMC as a medium for the advancement of gender equality within the EU. It also considers gender in the OMC in a variety of contexts and at both a general EU and Member State level. Central to the discussion is the concept of gender mainstreaming which proposes that a gender equality perspective should be incorporated at every level and opportunity of EU policy and practice. The authors assess how successful this has been in the context of the OMC. The book provides a unique and contemporary body of work on the OMC which adds significantly to existing understandings of this form of governance and informs critical debate of EU social governance.

Gender Equality at the Heart of Decent Work

Book Description

This report has three aims: reviewing the ILO's progress in assisting constituents to achieve gender equality in the world of work; highlighting its current efforts to implement International Labour Conference (ILC) resolutions and Governing Body decisions on promoting gender equality and mainstreaming it in the Decent Work Agenda; and providing background for constituents to chart a strategic course for future work.

Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization

Book Description

This work of reference represents a remarkably complete, detailedand extensive review of the field of gender, work and organizationin the second decade of the 21st century. Its authorsrepresent eight countries and many disciplines includingmanagement, sociology, political science, and gender studies. Thechapters, by top scholars in their areas of expertise, offer bothreviews and empirical findings, and insights and challenges forfurther work. The chapters are organized in five sections:Histories and Philosophies; Organizing Work and the GenderedOrganization; Embodiment; Globalization; and Diversity. Theoretical and conceptual developments at the cutting edge ofthe field are explicated and illustrated by the handbook’sauthors. Methods for conducting research into gender, work andorganization are reviewed and assessed as well as illustrated inthe work of several chapters. Efforts to produce greater gender equality in the workplaceare covered in nearly every chapter, in terms of past successes andfailures. Military organizations are presented as one of thedifficult to change in regards to gender (with the result thatwomen are marginalized in practice even when official policies andgoals require their full inclusion). The role of the body/embodiment is emphasized in severalchapters, with attention both to how organizations disciplinebodies and how organizational members use their bodies to gainadvantage. Particular attention is paid to sexuality in/andorganizations, including sexual harassment, policies to alleviatebias, and the likelihood that future work will pay more attentionto the body’s presence and role in work andorganizations. Many chapters also address “change efforts” thathave been employed by individuals, groups, and organizations,including transnational ones such as the European Union, the UnitedNations, and so on. In addition to its value for teachers and students within thisfield, it also offers insights that would be of value to policymakers and practitioners who need to reflect on the latest thinkingrelating to gender at work and in organizations.

The Economics of Gender Equality in the Labour Market

Book Description

This book evaluates the global labour market in the context of gender equality, and the associated policies and regulations, particularly in developing markets, to recommend measures for encouraging gender equality. It exposes the barriers that women employees encounter as well as some of the societal and workplace policies they, specifically, are subject to. Important themes within this topic include participation rates, the looming gap in hourly pay, availability of part-time and full-time positions, value, and social status associated with jobs held by men and women. The book examines how global gender policy objectives, such as gender equality in careers, gender balance in decision-making, and gender dimensions in research, can be incorporated into policy frameworks. The book analyzes the gendered nature of assumptions, processes and theories. The juxtaposition between family and work, tradition and modernity, and dependency and autonomy, clearly still seems to be misunderstood. Therefore, the book asks whether work improves women’s positions in society and/or changes their roles in their families. The authors explore and uncover the connections among employment, entrepreneurship, migration economies, and gender global labour markets and provide helpful solutions to the perceptions surrounding women’s status, risks, and inequality that limit their economic participation. This insightful read provides comprehensive details on a variety of themes and encourages further research on policies that are key to promoting gender equality. The book will appeal to postgraduate students and researchers of labour and feminist economics, the economics of gender, women’s studies and sociology.