General index S-Z

Book Description

General index D-G

Book Description

General index I-Z

Book Description

General index A-H

Book Description

General Index

Book Description

The 2000 edition of the United States Code represents the 75th anniversary of the Code. It is the 13th edition of the Code. This edition is a consolidation and codification of the general and permanent laws of the United States in force on January 1, 2001. It incorporates the legislation enacted subsequent to the 1994 edition and up to the end of the 106th Congress. It may be cited as "U.S.C. 2000 ed.”

General index I-Z

Book Description

Métis Families: General index

Book Description

The word métis was originally used to identify children of French Canadian and Indian parents. It is now widely used to describe any of the descendants of Indian and non-Indian parents.

The Friend Family Vital Statistics [index]

Book Description

Consists of general index to the first eight (out of nine) volumes entitled "The Friend family vital statistics" compiled and published by the Friend Family Association of America.