Geneva and the Consolidation of the French Protestant Movement, 1564-1572 : a Contribution to the History of Congregationalism, Presbyterianism and Calvinist Resistance Theory

Book Description

Front-matter : Table of Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter I : The Geneva Company of Pastors : Internal Developments, 1564-1572; Chapter II : The Geneva Company of Pastors : Its Mission to France, 1563-1572; Chapter III : Arguments over French Reformed Church Organization; A. The Institutional Background; B. The Internal Attack : Jean Morély and his Treatise on Christian Discipline; C. The Internal Quarrel : 1. First Reactions to Morély’s Proposal; 2. Morély in the Ile-de-France; 3. The Official Reply to Morély; 4. Morély at the Court of Navarre; 5. Ramus Enters the Quarrel; 6. The St. Bartholomew’s Massacres End the Quarrel; 7. Epilogue; D. The External Attack : Charles du Moulin; Chapter IV : Geneva and the French Wars of Religion, 1563-1572; A. The Peace of Amboise : 1. Immédiate Protestant Reactions; 2. Continuing Rumors of Sedition; B. {p. 8} The Renewal of War : Geneva and the Conspiracy of Meaux; C. Geneva’s Support For War : 1. Diplomatic Background; 2. The Second War of Religion; 3. The Third War of Religion; D. The Return of Peace; Conclusion; Back-matter : Appendixes; Annotated Bibliography; Index

Geneva and the Consolidation of the French Protestant Movement, 1564-1572

Book Description

Front-matter : Table of Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter I : The Geneva Company of Pastors : Internal Developments, 1564-1572; Chapter II : The Geneva Company of Pastors : Its Mission to France, 1563-1572; Chapter III : Arguments over French Reformed Church Organization; A. The Institutional Background; B. The Internal Attack : Jean Morély and his Treatise on Christian Discipline; C. The Internal Quarrel : 1. First Reactions to Morély’s Proposal; 2. Morély in the Ile-de-France; 3. The Official Reply to Morély; 4. Morély at the Court of Navarre; 5. Ramus Enters the Quarrel; 6. The St. Bartholomew’s Massacres End the Quarrel; 7. Epilogue; D. The External Attack : Charles du Moulin; Chapter IV : Geneva and the French Wars of Religion, 1563-1572; A. The Peace of Amboise : 1. Immédiate Protestant Reactions; 2. Continuing Rumors of Sedition; B. {p. 8} The Renewal of War : Geneva and the Conspiracy of Meaux; C. Geneva’s Support For War : 1. Diplomatic Background; 2. The Second War of Religion; 3. The Third War of Religion; D. The Return of Peace; Conclusion; Back-matter : Appendixes; Annotated Bibliography; Index

The Cambridge History of Reformation Era Theology

Book Description

This volume studies Reformation-Era theology by comparing how various denominations formulated and treated topics, thus encouraging ecumenical dialogue. It will remain the definitive place for teachers and students of theology to begin any further study into the origins and formulation of their denomination's teachings during this period.

Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620

Book Description

Calvinism was the most dynamic and disruptive religious force of the later sixteenth century. Its emergence on the international scene shattered the precarious equilibrium established in the first generation of the Reformation, and precipitated three generations of religious warfare. This collection of essays probes different aspects of this complex phenomenon at a local level. Contributors present the results of their detailed work on societies as diverse as France, Germany, Highland Scotland and Hungary. Among wider themes approached are the impact of Calvin's writings, Calvinism in higher education, the contrasting fates of reformed preachers in town and country, Calvinist discipline and apocalyptic thought, and the shadowy affinity of merchants and scholars who formed a critical part of the 'Calvinist International'.

Christ's Churches Purely Reformed

Book Description

This sweeping and eminently readable book is the first synthetic history of Calvinism in almost fifty years. It tells the story of the Reformed tradition from its birth in the cities of Switzerland to the unraveling of orthodoxy amid the new intellectual currents of the seventeenth century. As befits a pan-European movement, Benedict’s canvas stretches from the British Isles to Eastern Europe. The course and causes of Calvinism’s remarkable expansion, the inner workings of the diverse national churches, and the theological debates that shaped Reformed doctrine all receive ample attention. The English Reformation is situated within the history of continental Protestantism in a way that reveals the international significance of English developments. A fresh examination of Calvinist worship, piety, and discipline permits an up-to-date assessment of the classic theories linking Calvinism to capitalism and democracy. Benedict not only paints a vivid picture of the greatest early spokesmen of the cause, Huldrych Zwingli and John Calvin, but also restores many lesser-known figures to their rightful place. Ambitious in conception, attentive to detail, this book offers a model of how to think about the history and significance of religious change across the long Reformation era.

The Reformation of Rights

Book Description

Calvin's teachings spread rapidly throughout Western Europe shaping the law of early modern Protestant lands.