Geological Atlas of Africa

Book Description

T is atlas is intended primarily for anybody who is in-some background for the arrangement of how the terested in basic geology of Africa. Its originality lies atlas was done. T e second chapter is devoted to the in the fact that the regional geology of each African history of geological mapping in Africa, necessary nation or territory is reviewed country-wise by maps for a fuller appreciation of why this work in Africa is and text, a view normally not presented in textbooks worth doing. Chapter 3 provides an executive s- of regional geology. It is my belief, that there has long mary on the stratigraphy and tectonics of Africa as a been a need in universities and geological surveys, whole, i. e. in the context of no political boundaries. both in Africa and in the developed world, for sum- T e main part of the atlas lies in Chapter 4, where in marizing geological maps and an accompanying basic alphabetical order each African country or territory text utilising the enormous fund of knowledge that is presented by a digitized geological overview map has been accumulated since the beginning of geologi- and an accompanying text on its respective strat- th cal research in Africa in the mid-19 century. I hope raphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and that, in part, the present atlas may satisfy this need. geosites. A short list of relevant references is also a- ed.

Regional Geology of Africa

Book Description

Geology of Afar (East Africa)

Book Description

This book summarizes the geological knowledge accumulated on Afar in the last 60 years, demonstrating that it is, and will remain, a real “hot spot” for geological and geophysical research. It provides insights into the Earth processes along diverging plate boundaries, the study of both the continental and oceanic lithosphere and underlying asthenosphere, and margins and transitions including magmatic, volcanic, tectonic, sedimentary, hydrothermal and geodynamic processes. The Afar triangle is a geological depression that developed where the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and East African Rift Valley meet. It is considered to be one of the Earth system’s most important mantle plumes. In 1967, when the first expedition was organized, there was little information on the geology of the area, and even geographic base maps were lacking. However, the first satellite photographs from the Apollo and Gemini space missions offered a complete picture of the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden region, providing a new vision of the Afar triangle. The book describes the unique geological features that make Afar the only place in the world where an oceanic plate boundary with all its successive steps of development can be observed in the open air. It also presents the Afar triangle as one of the cradles of first, now extinct hominids. The Middle Awash area contains sites of several fossil discoveries, such as the well-known Lucy. The hydrothermal processes in Afar provide conditions suitable for the study of the most primitive forms of life (archaebacterial) and it is also one of the few places where significant quantities of telluric energy are available at the surface for geothermal development. Further, the area has economically interesting mineral deposits and illustrates a number of current climate change issues. In addition to providing geological information, the book shows that Afar is an area where an individual human population developed with its own language and culture, and which adapted to the rugged landscape and extremely dry and hot climate. It is a valuable resource for scientists and students, and also serves the needs of the Afar nation, currently split in three different countries as a result of recent historical events.

Geology of East Africa

Book Description

This new volume on the Geology of East Africa provides a concise account of the multi-faceted regional geology and stratigraphy of East Africa, that is Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Much of the data presented, however, is highly relevant to the surrounding countries and regions as well. Professionals and students, intending to delve into the details of the geological history of that region will appreciate the present volume as a stepping-stone, paving the way to additional studies of the numerous references given in this work.

Regional Geology of Africa

Book Description

This balanced and comprehensive overview of geology, tectonics, and mineral resources of Africa presents multifarious facets of Archean to Quaternary geology, including aspects of plate tectonics evolution and geological history of the Earth's oldest continent. Assembled data on igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, structures and tectonics, stratigraphy, historical geology, geomorphology, geophysics, mineral deposits and petroleum geology provide a unique textbook for lecturers, students and researchers in the named fields.

Geological Atlas of Africa

Book Description

Here is the new edition of the first attempt to summarize the geology of Africa by presenting it in an atlas and to synthesize the stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and geosites of each country and territory of the continent. Furthermore, the digitized geological maps are correlated and harmonized according to the current stratigraphic timetable. The atlas aims to contribute to capacity building in African Earth Sciences and to aid the initiation of research and enable the achievement of economic opportunities by providing a database of basic geological background information.

South African Geology

Book Description

Geology and Mineral Resources of West Africa

Book Description

In this text, attention is focused mainly on those literature is accessible, however, it is to be expected countries in western Africa lying south of the Sahara, that teachers and lecturers will know of it and will be that is, between about SON and 15°N, and westward able to acquaint their students with it, where neces of about 15°E. Parts of the region as far north as sary. about 200N are considered from time to time, for A glossary of terms is provided at the end of the purposes of correlation and cQntinuity. The map on volume, and there is a summary at the beginning of p. xiii indicates the approximate extent of the cover each chapter. age. This book is dedicated to the many colleagues and The principal aim is to provide a broad view of students with whom we have worked in West Africa West African geology as a whole, for undergraduates and who have stimulated and encouraged our teach who are studying for honours degrees in geology and ing and research in various ways. We hope also that it may help the work of international organizations who already have an understanding of basic geologi cal principles. It is increasingly important that such as AGID, CIFEG and UNESCO to encourage the growing trend towards geological co-operation geologists working in this region should see it as made up of geological 'provinces' which transcend and correlation between different countries in West national boundaries. Africa.

Petroleum Geology of Africa

Book Description