Gestión de calidad y cambio organizacional en educación agropecuaria

Book Description

La educacion es un elemento clave para el desarrollo del individuo y la sociedad. En la actualidad, los paises desarrollados y emergentes hacen esfuerzos para que sus sistemas educativos sean verdaderos motores de cambio social y que sus ciudadanos tengan a traves de la educacion, mejor calidad de vida. Para lograrlo, la educacion tiene que ser de calidad. La globalizacion de los mercados ha impulsado a las organizaciones a ser mas competitivas y a exigir normas que homologuen los productos y servicios que se intercambian a nivel internacional, en este tenor, las organizaciones educativas estan realizando acciones para mejorar la calidad en beneficio de sus usuarios, requisito indispensable para estar en el concierto de la globalizacion. En Mexico, la educacion agropecuaria, ha dado un paso adelante en el tema de gestion de la calidad, pues implemento un sistema de gestion y evaluacion de la calidad en sus planteles que conlleva a mejores practicas educativas. El presente estudio ayudara a comprender el desarrollo de las acciones de calidad educativa implementadas en Mexico y podra ser util para los estudiantes y profesionales en los campos de la educacion y administracion."

Land Tenure and Rural Development

Book Description

This publication deals with key issues in land tenure, especially as they relate to food insecurity and rural development situations. Land tenure issues are frequently ignored in rural development interventions, with often long-lasting, negative results. This guide is designed to assist technical officers in governments and civil society in understanding why and how land tenure issues should be considered in rural development projects. It analyses important contexts such as environmental degradation, gender discrimination, and conflicts, where land tenure is currently of critical concern.

The OECD Innovation Strategy Getting a Head Start on Tomorrow

Book Description

This book provides a set of principles for fostering innovation in people (workers and consumers), in firms and in government, taking an in-depth look at the scope of innovation and how it is changing, as well as where and how it is occurring.

Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Software Engineering Advances

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of the XV Multidisciplinary International Congress on Science and Technology (CIT 2020), held in Quito, Ecuador, on 26–30 October 2020, proudly organized by Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE in collaboration with GDEON. CIT is an international event with a multidisciplinary approach that promotes the dissemination of advances in Science and Technology research through the presentation of keynote conferences. In CIT, theoretical, technical, or application works that are research products are presented to discuss and debate ideas, experiences, and challenges. Presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed papers, the book discusses the following topics: Artificial Intelligence Computational Modeling Data Communications Defense Engineering Innovation, Technology, and Society Managing Technology & Sustained Innovation, and Business Development Modern Vehicle Technology Security and Cryptography Software Engineering

Value Chain Finance

Book Description

Value Chain Finance is a solution to such dilemmas.

Education at a Glance

Book Description

The OECD education indicators enable countries to see themselves in light of other countries performance. They reflect on both the human and financial resources invested in education and on the returns of these investments.

Sustainability Assessment

Book Description

Currently the writing on the subject is limited and comprises, for the most part, guidance documents and completed assessments.

Aquaculture Development

Book Description

Provides annotations to the Principles of Article 9 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. These annotations are meant to serve as general guidance, and should be taken as suggestions or observations intended to assist those interested in identifying their own criteria and options for actions, as well as partners for collaboration, in support of sustainable aquaculture development.

Employment in Metropolitan Areas

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