God Created No Baby Sinner(S) from Adam

Book Description

*The information about the book is not yet available at this time.

The Holy Spirit

Book Description

All students of Scripture can benefit from this concise, practical study of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. All the doctrinal essentials are here, clearly organized and explained by the renowned scholar who prepared the Ryrie Study Bible. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.

The Spiritual Condition of Infants

Book Description

What is the spiritual condition of infants? According to the Augustinian-Calvinist view, all people inherit from the first Adam both a sinful nature and his guilt. The result is that all infants are subject to the judgment of God against their nature before they knowingly commit any sinful actions. But is this the clear teaching of Scripture? In The Spiritual Condition of Infants, Adam Harwood examines ten relevant biblical texts and the writings of sixteen theologians in order to clarify the spiritual condition of infants. Although no passage explicitly states the spiritual condition of infants, each text makes contributions by addressing the doctrines of man, sin, the church, and salvation. If this biblical-historical analysis exposes the traditional Augustinian-Calvinist view to be inadequate, then is it possible to construct an alternate view of the spiritual condition of infants? Such a view should remain faithful to the biblical emphasis on humankind's connection to Adam and his sin but also recognize the guilt and condemnation of an individual only in the manner and time that God does in Scripture. That is the aim of this book.

In the Eye of the Storm

Book Description

The author paints a picture of Christ's calm in what he calls "the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior." He shows the secret of transforming panic into peace, stress into serenity, and chaos into control.

Eighty Years Behind the Masts

Book Description

The introduction was written 62 years ago. The Great Beyond is my age from 17 to 80. This book reveals what can be done. It answers the question, Who am I? The Miller genealogy is traced to Adam and Eve. The Miller Code of Ethics, Curriculum Vitae, and a Broad Mentality are defined. Famous people travel. I have circled the earth seven times, traveled to Japan 40 times, to Pearl Harbor 25 times, and I have driven thousands of miles in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia. Study the worlds cultures. Learn the motto God gave us, Faith, Hope, and Love. My life is working and learning. Read and learn without working. Plan your life NOW. Thirty years in advance I planned a sabbatical every ten years. I had three planned concurrent careers: Academic Neurosurgery, United States Naval Reserve, and Founder of a Neurosciences Center with an academic interchange with 25 countries. After seven days a week for 40 years in neurosurgery, I feared retirement. At age 70 I retired to the unknown. I elected a new life. In our 34-foot Sea Ray we traveled to all 36 yacht clubs in the Florida Council, from Destin, the Keys and to Jacksonville. There is much time on a boat. I memorized the Teachings on the Mount. We returned to Apollo Beach, Florida. I became busy and coined a new term, Retirement Career. (Career as go at top speed) I authored seven books, am on the voluntary faculty of the medical school, deacon and teacher at church, and continued Permissive Orders for the Navy. Recently I became the first 80-year-old drilling reservist. We have a pool man and yard man. (Our lot is covered in rocks and palm trees.) My responsibility is to keep the boat dock mosquito free by filling the Mosquito Magnet with propane, service the jet boat, and keep the garage in order. Read on and learn what one can do.

Jesus Wrote the Ten (10) Commandments.

Book Description

* * * Metusela F. Albert says, “When you know the truth, you will easily know the error(s). But if you don’t know the truth, you will not know the error(s).” * * * This book is going to blow your mind with exclusive truth that has been hidden for decades because it was not understood by the mainline Christian (Protestant) Churches and denominations. Read it for yourself and stop being deceived by your own church. You are going to learn something that you had not known before about JESUS in the Old and New Testaments; and his two natures during his incarnation on earth. Did you not know yet that the Almighty God of Abraham did not have a Son in heaven called Jesus? . . . Did you? . . . Really? Of course! JESUS was the Almighty God of Abraham before his incarnation through Mary at Bethlehem. HE alone created the heaven and the earth. There is no other God besides him. None before him and after him. Worship is due to JESUS alone. He was the Father who became the Son of God through Mary at Bethlehem by the incarnation process. While JEHOVAH was in human flesh called Jesus, he did not cease from being God the Father. As an immortal God from eternity, Jesus Christ’s divinity cannot die. Therefore, only his humanity died at Calvary. * * * I am the author of these three Books: Book # 1. 15 Reasons Why Babies Aren’t Born Sinners. Book # 2. JESUS was the Almighty God of Abraham. HE alone created heaven and earth. Book # 3. JESUS wrote the Ten Commandments. He abolished none at Calvary. * * *

Shaped in Iniquity Conceived in Sin

Book Description

When a newborn child is born into the world the parents assume that the newborn is pure and innocent. The parents are filled with joy at the newborn's arrival. How pure and innocent the child appear to our natural mind. However looks are deceiving as in such cases. David, the Psalmist realized this truth, that although the newborn child appear to be pure and innocent, the truth is, the child is not! The bible paints an entirely different picture, in that, the child is born a sinner, spiritually dead on arrival with the fallen nature of Adam! The bible declare, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" When looking in the natural realm, it will appear that humans were "born to die!" When looking in the spiritual realm one finds that death was not God's plan for humans. Had Adam and Eve taken of the tree of life, which was also in the midst of the garden of Eden they would have lived without ever dying: the tree of life was one of the trees in the garden that God did not forbid them to eat of. It was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that was forbidden. Immediately, upon eating of the forbidden fruit, sin entered the spirit of their minds, corrupting the image of God in them, their minds became twisted, hostile towards God: death is the penalty for sin! It is why humans die, yes, even the newborn child is born with an automatic death sentence as a descendant of Adam! This is why David declared, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me (Psalm-51:5)! David realized that he was "fearfully and wonderfully made," yet he acknowledged his sinful nature from the moment of conception! In eternity past, God predestined the lives of all humans in general, who have been born into this world, even prior to their conception. God said of Rebecca's twins (Jacob and Esau) before either had been born or had did neither good or evil, that the elder child would serve the younger for he said, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." This was so that the predestined will of God's purpose according to God's choice would stand! What God predestined in eternity past God created in time: and in "time," the hands of divine providence, executes exactly, what God predestined in eternity past, prior to creation! Everything that God created serves God's purpose, be it evil (Pharaoh) or be it good (Moses)! God is in control of his entire creation, and direct the thing created to its end for which the thing was created, not a bird fall from the sky without his knowledge! God according to the bible have predestined some to eternal salvation, yet others, to eternal damnation, as all men have not faith! This book, inspired of God will open your eyes to the truth of God's word, and will help you understand God's predestined will, and divine providence! Until these two significant doctrines (teachings) are comprehended, you will never comprehend God! Scripture declare, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die:" yet in another place the question is asked, "Why die before your time?" These verses deal with predestination, and divine providence. This book, will help you really come to see, and to know God Almighty in a way that you never have before, and will draw you closer to him! As the newborn child on the cover of this book, is born into the world (into time) the child, like you and I isn't here (in time) to stay! God, have brought us from eternity past, placed us into time, taking us back into eternity by means of death; different ways but identical results, in that, by some means, we die! We have from the time of birth, to adulthood, to death in which one must be "reconciled to God" through Christ, by God's Spirit in us, that we put to death, the sinful nature of Adam, becoming partakers of God's divine nature! Jesus said it this way,"Ye must be born again!"

Now That I'm a Christian

Book Description

How do we help our friends who have just become Christians or are young in the faith? In this concise and accessible book, Mike Patton unpacks the basics of the Christian faith, helping new believers think rightly about God and live fully for God as they begin their new life in Christ. In ten easy-to-read chapters, Patton introduces readers to the foundational teachings and life-giving practices of Christianity—from the doctrine of the Trinity to reading and understanding the Bible. Designed for individual use or small group discussion, this handbook on the Christian faith has the potential to become the go-to guide for new believers wanting to follow Jesus with their heads and their hands.