Prison Governors

Book Description

This book provides the first systematic study of prison governors, a hidden and powerful, but much neglected, group of criminal justice practitioners. Its focus is on how they carry out their task, how that has changed over time and how their role has evolved. The author, himself a former prison governor, explains how prison governors have changed under external pressures, and examines a number of the factors that have been influential in changing their working environment in particular the changing status of prisoners and the development of the concept of prisoners rights, the increasing scrutiny of the press and politicians, competitive elements introduced by privatization of the penal institutions, and the introduction of risk management approaches. Based on extensive research, including interviews with 42 prison governors, this book also explores a number of important biographical factors. The author describes the demographic characteristics of the sample of governors interviewed, including their social origins, educational and occupational backgrounds, their reasons and motivation for joining the prison service, their career paths, and also explores their values and beliefs. In the light of the findings of this study the author also makes a number of important suggestions for changes that should be made to policy and practice, and explores the implications for how our prisons should be governed in the future.

Governors Speak

Book Description

Governors in the United States are becoming prime policy makers in state and national politics. They preside over vast and increasingly important administrative structures through numerous appointments of key personnel and the management of growing budgets. Governors provide leadership for state legislatures by advocating their policy agendas, and by mobilizing public opinion and political resources. Through these roles, governors have far reaching influence in citizen's daily lives. This work examines these major political leaders by closely examining the careers of five recent governors (1960D2001): - Terry Sanford (1961D1965) - Robert (Bob) W. Scott (1969D1973) - James E. (Jim) Holshouser Jr. (1973D1977) - James G. (Jim) Martin (1985D1993) - James B. (Jim) Hunt Jr. (1977D1985; 1993D2001) ...and compares their performances in office with governors in other states. No other book has looked as closely at the persons who serve as governors during this time period.

Official Gazette

Book Description

Sine Die

Book Description

This 1997 edition of Sine Die is a completely new book. Since the first edition of Sine Die was published in 1987, there have been dramatic changes in the Washington State Legislature and in state politics. Limits have been placed on campaign contributions and reporting requirements are expanded; ethics laws were passed following revelations of improper use of caucus staff; Initiative 601 was passed by the voters imposing limitations on state taxing and spending powers; the legislative process has been computerized and information is now easily and quickly accessible electronically to all; and term limits, passed in 1992, start taking their toll on state legislators in 1998. Even more significant, there has been a gender revolution in the legislature. Women are on the verge of having an equal place in numbers and power and are having a dramatic effect on the legislative climate and on state policy. Sine Die is a clear and up-to-date description of how the Washington State Legislature works. Presenting substantially more information on women in the legislature, the role of the governor, and the various origins of legislation, the 1997 edition explains the process by which thousands of proposed laws are introduced each year and are culled down to the approximately twenty percent that are eventually enacted. This book will be a valuable aid to legislators, citizens, students of government, and to historians who need to understand the legislative process and the people who serve in the Washington State Legislature.