Griffin Quest - Investigating Atlantis

Book Description

You know the story of Atlantis, or at least you think you do. The Story of Atlantis is one of the greatest historical and archeological unsolved mysteries of human history. Did it exist, and if so, where? Many sites have been suggested, but is it true? Is any site the real location of Atlantis? Accompany this detective attorney, historian and amateur archeologist on his personal quest to unravel the evidence of the Atlantis mystery. Examine the archeological sites, art, and museums, covering 4000 years of history, in a 10 day investigative journey! Join him in Santorini, Crete, and Athens, as he investigates and builds his case for the origins of Atlantis. Experience the islands of Santorini and Crete through the Atlantis story, following the clues with their ancient relationships to Egypt, Spain, and even Ireland! Share the experience of exploring and connecting the archeological evidence of Bronze Age Griffins, (flying eagle headed lions), Dwarf Elephants, and Blue Monkeys, to the Atlantis story. Uncover the evidence of the "The Pillars of Heracles" locations, and find out which one belongs to the actual site of Atlantis. Travel with the author as he analyzes the evidence, ties the clues together, and delivers his own verdict!

The Griffin's Gauntlet

Book Description

Sharon Amber finds herself swept from her home by faerie magic and into a world distinctly different from her own. There, she meets a kindly old witch, a dauntless knight, a demon sorceress, a faerie enchantress, and a cursed bard. Together, they embark on a quest through the haunted Blackwoods to a griffin's aerie to acquire the Griffin's Gauntlet, the only weapon that can vanquish the tyranny of the Dragon King and restore freedom throughout the land.

Griffin Quest

Book Description

In Gritheria-a noble kingdom ruled by griffins-there are legends of two powerful beings: Helios, the griffin of the sun, and Selene, the griffin of the moon. When a clash between the two results in their disappearance for hundreds of years, the kingdom is left to wonder the truth. Why had the eclipse really formed? And, even more troubling, who had been the one to cause it? In modern times, the unthinkable suddenly happens, and the world is plunged into eternal, everlasting day. Draven, a lone thief, finds himself at the heart of an adventure that he never could have expected. He must do the unthinkable-leave the safety of Gritheria behind in order to save his home. The fate of the kingdom rests with Draven and a runaway princess. Along the way, the two unlikely heroes encounter dragons, unicorns, and a menacing basilisk. Will the griffins manage to accept their shared destiny, or are they doomed along with the rest of the world? Find out as this thrilling adventure takes flight!

Griffin Quest

Book Description

After uncovering a shocking secret that forever changed the course of Gritheria, Draven and Sora continue their quest to save the griffin world. But the weight of their destinies is great, and time is quickly running out to end the perilous eternal day that has been brought upon them. Draven must enter the uncharted ruins of an abandoned kingdom to find Selene, the griffin of the moon... who also happens to be the infamous Ghost of Lanturna herself. Meanwhile, Sora struggles to find her place among a bold group of griffins, known as the Royal Rebellion. Not everyone is as they appear, and some prove to carry more secrets than others. When faced with an unexpected traitor, an astonishing secret about themselves, and a daring race against time, will Draven and Sora manage to defy the odds and save their kingdom? Find out as this epic adventure continues!


Book Description

Since the release of the documentary Blackfish in 2013, millions around the world have focused on the plight of the orca, the most profitable and controversial display animal in history. Yet, until now, no historical account has explained how we came to care about killer whales in the first place. Drawing on interviews, official records, private archives, and his own family history, Jason M. Colby tells the exhilarating and often heartbreaking story of how people came to love the ocean's greatest predator. Historically reviled as dangerous pests, killer whales were dying by the hundreds, even thousands, by the 1950s--the victims of whalers, fishermen, and even the US military. In the Pacific Northwest, fishermen shot them, scientists harpooned them, and the Canadian government mounted a machine gun to eliminate them. But that all changed in 1965, when Seattle entrepreneur Ted Griffin became the first person to swim and perform with a captive killer whale. The show proved wildly popular, and he began capturing and selling others, including Sea World's first Shamu. Over the following decade, live display transformed views of Orcinus orca. The public embraced killer whales as charismatic and friendly, while scientists enjoyed their first access to live orcas. In the Pacific Northwest, these captive encounters reshaped regional values and helped drive environmental activism, including Greenpeace's anti-whaling campaigns. Yet even as Northwesterners taught the world to love whales, they came to oppose their captivity and to fight for the freedom of a marine predator that had become a regional icon. This is the definitive history of how the feared and despised "killer" became the beloved "orca"--and what that has meant for our relationship with the ocean and its creatures.

Vengeance Born

Book Description

There is no mercy in the demon realm. No escape. In this place of desperation and conflict, anyone who is not pure bred is virtually powerless. Until an unlikely champion is born... Annika, half-blood daughter of the Na'Reish King, longs for more than her tormented life among her father's people. Conceived in hatred and bred as a tool of retribution, she's gifted with a special talent that can heal as well as destroy... With the Na'Reish vastly outnumbering them, Kalan, a Light Blade warrior, knows the future of humankind depends on him alone. Incursions into human territory and raids for blood-slaves by the Na'Reish Horde have increased. As Chosen-leader, he faces the task of stopping the demons-and convincing the Council of aging Light Blade warriors that change is necessary for survival. When Annika learns Kalan is a prisoner in her father's dungeon, her dream of escape seems within reach. She agrees to free him in exchange for his protection once they reach human territory. Now, marked for death for helping him, Annika must learn to trust Kalan as they face not only the perilous journey to the border but enemies within the Council-and discover a shocking truth that could throw the human race into civil war...

The Griffin: The Greatest Untold Espionage Story of World War II

Book Description

“The Griffin” was Paul Rosbaud’s code name as a spy. Rosbaud (1896-1963) was a distinguished science editor for the German publishing firm Springer Verlag, a close friend of leading physicists who worked on nuclear fission, and, apparently, a pillar of Nazi society. But he was also Britain’s most valuable spy in Germany during World War II. Rosbaud supplied the British with the “Oslo Report” which disclosed, early in the war, details about Germany’s military technology, including the rockets developed at Peenemünde that would devastate London. It was from Rosbaud that the British first learned of the German intent to make the atomic bomb. When they failed to grasp the principles of the bomb, Rosbaud reported that to the British as early as 1942. He passed his reports to Norwegian and French underground couriers who brought them to England. He helped Lise Meitner, the Austrian Jewish scientist who first interpreted the German experiments on nuclear fission, escape from Hitler’s Reich. He even visited concentration camps on errands of mercy. None of this was done for money (when he died, Rosbaud left £500) or for fame (the British Secret Service has kept his record closed), but rather through compassion for humanity and a burning hatred of Nazism. “Among the plethora of intelligence-related volumes to have appeared within the past decade, Arnold Kramish’s carefully researched and closely reasoned biography of Paul Rosbaud... must be viewed as one of the most original and valuable.” — Donal J. Sexton, The Journal of Military History “Kramish has assiduously gathered details of Rosbaud’s life and has delved into the murky world of Intelligence with considerable success. He has discovered much about Rosbaud that I for one did not know, even though I saw the most crucial of Rosbaud’s reports that were successfully transmitted during the war, and though I came to know him fairly well afterwards when he lived in London... Kramish has performed a welcome service in ensuring a wider appreciation of those genuine and important contributions that Rosbaud so courageously made.” — R. V. Jones, Nature (during World War II, R. V. Jones was with the British Air Staff, responsible for scientific intelligence) “Despite Kramish’s careful research, which included interviews with approximately 500 of those who knew Rosbaud, it is an ironic tribute to this bookish spy’s mastery of his trade that the Griffin remains a surprisingly shadowy figure, one who continues to defy the effort to capture him.” — Gregg Herken, The Washington Post “A fascinating tale of a pioneering breakthrough in technological espionage — and also of sheer courage... the events recounted... still retain their underlying tension. Rosbaud’s story is a remarkable demonstration of human ingenuity and bravery — and of the enduring values of the West — under the most adverse conditions” — James Schlesinger, former Secretary of Defense and former CIA Director “One of the most interesting and important books on World War II published for years — a story more thrilling than any thriller I have read for a long time.” — Walter Laqueur, author of World of Secrets: The Uses and Limits of Intelligence “This tour-de-force of a book reveals a hitherto-secret chapter in the history of the resistance against Hitler, telling for the first time how one strategically placed scientist in Germany, with the help of a small number of Norwegian and German anti-Nazis, contributed substantially to British intelligence about Germany’s fearful new weapons.” — Arvid Brodersen, leading figure in the Norwegian Resistance in World War II “This book reads with the fascination of a good detective novel. It will stimulate controversial discussion among all those who want to know something of the beginning of our nuclear age and among those few who helped bring it about.” — General Gerd Schmückle, panzer division officer on the Russian front during World War II, later NATO deputy commander under General Alexander Haig “The author has accomplished a mammoth task in knitting together material from 500 interviews and more than 100 archival sources, and he has succeeded in creating an intricate and sometimes fascinating picture of intelligence activities inside Germany and the occupied countries during the war.” — Peter Goodchild, Los Angeles Times

Griffin of Darkwood

Book Description

Will Poppy has always been fascinated with writing - he thinks there’s something almost... magical about it. But when his mother passes away, Will finds himself stuck living with his awful aunt, unable to write a single word (despite the fact that two Muses will not leave him alone), and handed a mysterious package which includes an old picture of his grandparents and a piece of cloth with the words "The Griffin of Darkwood" on it. When his aunt decides to move both of them to a small village, Will is excited for a new adventure, and in a castle no less! But after a rude welcome to the town that includes stories about a curse, and an introduction to the servants of the castle who evidently mean to cause him harm, Will’s sense of dread about the whole village rises. What is the curse the villagers all claim has been on the castle for hundreds of years, and what does it have to do with the disappearance of a young girl forty years ago? More importantly, what’s The Griffin of Darkwood, and what does it have to do with Will and his family?