Book Description
The purpose of the Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots is to provide information for decision makers and practitioners about selecting, designing, and constructing successful concrete overlays on existing asphalt parking lot pavements that serve multifamily residential, public, or commercial buildings. It focuses on parking areas that carry and store light vehicles (primarily automobiles and pickup trucks), but it also addresses adjacent access roads and truck lanes that regularly carry heavy trucks for the delivery and pickup of goods and materials, including solid waste containers. It offers expert guidance to supplement practitioners' own professional experience and judgment. With this information, parking lot owners can confidently include concrete overlays in their toolbox of asphalt parking lot solutions and make informed decisions about overlay design and construction based on existing asphalt conditions. This guide is a companion document to the Guide to Concrete Overlays: Sustainable Solutions for Resurfacing and Rehabilitating Existing Pavements, Second Edition, and the Guide to the Design of Concrete Overlays Using Existing Methodologies.