The Puzzle of Left-handedness

Book Description

Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama have both signed bills into law with their left hands. And being left-handed certainly did not hold back the artistic achievements of Michelangelo or Raphael. And the dexterous guitar playing of Jimmi Hendrix may only have been aided by his southpaw tendencies. Left-handedness, in fact, would appear to be no big deal. Yet throughout history, it has been associated with clumsiness and generally dubious personality traits like untrustworthiness and insincerity. Even the Latin word for left, sinister, has ominous connotations. In The Puzzle of Left-handedness, Rik Smits uncovers why history has been so unkind to our lefthanded forebears. He carefully puts together the pieces of the puzzle, presenting an array of historical anecdotes, strange superstitions, and weird wives’ tales. Smits explains how left-handedness continues to be associated with maladies of all kinds, including mental retardation, alcoholism, asthma, hay fever, cancer, diabetes, insomnia, depression, and criminality. Even in the enlightened twenty-first century, left-handedness still meets with opposition—including from one prominent psychologist who equates it with infantile negativism, similar to a toddler’s refusal to eat what’s on his plate, and another who claims that left-handed people have average lifespans that are nine years shorter than those who favor the right hand. As Smits reminds us, such speculation is backed by little factual evidence, and the arguments presented by proponents of right-handedness tend to be humorously absurd. The Puzzle of Left-handedness is an enlightening, engaging, and entertaining odyssey through the puzzles and paradoxes, theories and myths, of left-handed lore. Chock full of facts and fiction, it’s a book to be read with both hands.

Hidden Handedness

Book Description

Children whose dominant handedness is purposefully reversed may undergo profound alterations in their developing brains. Hidden Handedness tells this story from an autobiographical point of view. The story opens with the experiences of an adult who learns at age 41 that he belongs to a group of people whose handedness had been reversed. Such people are called submergees in the book. The surprising discovery initiates a return journey in which the submergee becomes an emergee: one who migrates back by reversing behaviors relating to handedness, experiencing an amazing rebirth of body and mind. "Hidden Handedness" reviews supporting research, looks at biographies of famous submergees such as President Ronald Reagan, and uses stories to help complete the picture. Anyone who wishes to investigate the untold story of handedness reversals and returns would do well to begin with this book. Current research findings concerning plasticity in the adult brain, glia, mirror neurons and therapies such as Constraint Induced Therapy, provide growing support for the story told in "Hidden Handedness." This largely untouched terrain of the body and mind beckons to those who may be submergees and those who wish to know more about them.

Neuropsychology of Left-Handedness

Book Description

Neuropsychology of Left-Handedness focuses on the neurological imperative and unique brain organization of left-handers. This book is organized into two parts. Part I analyzes ideas about the origins of left-handedness, such as possible genetic mechanisms, manner in which asymmetries may occur during the first cell cleavages following fertilization, handedness of twins, and possibility that some left-handedness may be due to environmental or even pathological influences. The second part is devoted to a variety of investigations of asymmetric hemisphere specialization in right- and left-handers. The different groups of left-handers, which includes male and female, strong left-preferrers and ambidexters, familial and non-familial lefthanders, and those who prefer an “inverted position for writing as opposed to a “non-inverted position, are also identified. This publication is a good reference for medical practitioners and specialists interested in the neuropsychology of left-handedness.

Language Lateralization and Psychosis

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Illustrates important fundamental aspects of cerebral lateralization, explaining how decreased language lateralization can facilitate psychotic symptoms in the human brain.

Right Hand, Left Hand

Book Description

McManus considers evidence from anthropology, particle physics, the history of medicine, and the notebooks of Leonardo to answer questions like: Why are most people right-handed? Why does European writing go from left to right, while Arabic and Hebrew go from right to left? And how do we know that Jack the Ripper was left-handed?

On the Other Hand

Book Description

Does being left-handed make a person different in any way that matters? Since the late Stone Age, approximately 10 percent of humans have been left-handed, yet for most of human history left-handedness has been stigmatized. In On the Other Hand, Howard I. Kushner traces the impact of left-handedness on human cognition, behavior, culture, and health. A left-hander himself, Kushner has long been interested in the meanings associated with left-handedness, and ultimately with whether hand preference can even be defined in a significant way. As he explores the medical and cultural history of left-handedness, Kushner describes the associated taboos, rituals, and stigma from around the globe. The words “left” and “left hand” have negative connotations in all languages, and left-handers have even historically been viewed as disabled. In this comprehensive history of left-handedness, Kushner asks why left-handedness exists. He examines the relationship—if any—between handedness, linguistics, and learning disabilities, reveals how toleration of left-handedness serves as a barometer of wider cultural toleration and permissiveness, and wonders why the reported number of left-handers is significantly lower in Asia and Africa than in the West. Written in a lively style that mixes personal biography with scholarly research, On the Other Hand tells a comprehensive story about the science, traditions, and prejudices surrounding left-handedness.

Asymmetry in Plants

Book Description

Plants exhibit forms of asymmetry analogous to "handedness" in bilaterally symmetrical animals. This book explores the evolutionary significance and development of asymmetry. Examples of genetic control include the direction of tendril or stem coiling of many climbing plants; the so-called spiral phyllotaxy and floral taxy; and contorted petal arrangement is another kind of left- right symmetry in plants; the direction of contortion is fixed in some but not in other plants. The book will underscore tha all phenomena related to handedness start during embryogenesis itself, with the occurrence of embryo rotation. Key selling features: First consolidated book on Plant Handedness Relates handedness, asymmetry and chirality to the evolution of different organizational levels in plant biology Emphasizes handedness as a vital governing force in plant functional evolution Provides a new perspective, hitherto ignored, into plant developemtn and evolution Describes how an age-old phenomenon can give scope for investigation from a very modern interdisciplinary approach


Book Description

Left-handedness has been connected to many different conditions, traits, and abilities. This is especially true for pathological syndromes, such as schizophrenia, along with learning disabilities and autism. The published research on handedness is vast and frequently contradictory, often raising more questions than providing answers. Questions such as: Is handedness genetic? Can handedness be changed? Are there consequences to training someone to switch handedness? Are there positive traits associated with left-handedness like creativity? Are there negative traits associated with left-handedness like trouble reading maps? Is it abnormal to do some things right-handed and other things left-handed? Are the brains of left-handers different from the brains of right-handers? Laterality: Exploring the Enigma of Left-Handedness examines the research conducted over the past 50 years with special emphasis on twenty-first century research on handedness and translates this literature into an accessible and readable form. Each chapter is based on a question or questions covering diverse topics such as genetic and biological origins of handedness, familial and hormonal influences on handedness, and the effects of a majority right-handed world on the behaviors of left-handers. Summarizes scientific research on laterality Separates fact from fiction in common beliefs about laterality Includes illustrative interviews with left-handers

Handedness and Brain Asymmetry

Book Description

Brain asymmetry for speech is moderately related to handedness but what are the rules? Are symmetries for hand and brain associated with characteristics such as intelligence, motor skill, spatial reasoning or skill at sports? In this follow up to the influential Left, Right Hand and Brain (1985) Marian Annett draws on a working lifetime of research to help provide answers to crucial questions. Central to her argument is the Right Shift Theory - her original and innovative contribution to the field that seeks to explain the relationships between left-and right-handedness and left-and right-brain specialisation. The theory proposes that handedness in humans and our non-human primate relations depends on chance but that chance is weighted towards right-handedness in most people by an agent of right-hemisphere disadvantage. It argues for the existence of a single gene for right shift (RS+) that evolved in humans to aid the growth of speech in the left hemisphere of the brain. The Right Shift Theory has possible implications for a wide range of questions about human abilities and disabilities, including verbal and non verbal intelligence, educational progress and dyslexia, spatial reasoning, sporting skills and mental illness. It continues to be at the cutting edge of research, solving problems and generating new avenues of investigation - most recently the surprising idea that a mutant RS+ gene might be involved in the causes of schizophrenia and autism. Handedness and Brain Asymmetry will make fascinating reading for students and researchers in psychology and neurology, educationalists, and anyone with a keen interest in why people have different talents and weaknesses.

Left-Handedness: Behavioral Implications and Anomalies

Book Description

Left-handedness has been shown to be a possible marker for various psychological and physical abnormalities. This book presents evidence by a number of researchers who evaluate whether there are indeed differences between left- and right-handers which extend into the broader psychological and physiological realms.Several chapters show that left-handedness is found in unexpectedly high proportions in populations that suffer from various immune deficiency diseases, in alcoholics, dyslexics, mental retardates, psychopaths and other clinical groups. The book indicates why left-handedness should be a marker for such conditions. The genetic and environmental pressures on handedness are explored. A model for pathological left-handedness is presented, along with some interesting data which suggests that left-handedness may be associated with reduced life-span. Finally, several chapters discuss the implications of handedness patterns in non-clinical populations.