Health, Well-being, and Financial Self-sufficiency of Low-income Families in the Context of Welfare Reform

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The Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act of 1996 brought several changes to the welfare system. Among these changes are lifetime limits for receiving welfare benefits, and work requirements intended to foster economic self-sufficiency in welfare recipients. In the past few years, it has been acknowledged that there are challenges and barriers to the latter requirement such as quality affordable childcare, transportation, and the availability of suitable jobs. Also needing to be addressed are the health concerns of family members that may also present as a challenge or barrier to attempts to obtain and maintain economic self-sufficiency. This study examined how health functions as a challenge or a barrier to economic self-sufficiency in a low-income rural population. The sample consisted of 73 families enrolled in the Rural Families Speak Project, a multistate collaboration examining the effects of welfare reform on the well-being of low-income rural families. Mothers are the primary respondents to semi-structured interviews consisting of open-ended questions and fixed choice survey measures. Using qualitative research methods, and guided by an ecological perspective that considers multiple levels of influence on individuals and families, interviews were analyzed for thematic content having to do with health, well-being, mental health, and experiences with and perceptions of welfare. Quantitative findings are reported well. Findings indicated that health interferes with economic self-sufficiency in several ways. Adult health problems can limit or preclude the ability to find and keep work or acquire an education, as well as require out of pocket expenditures when adults are uninsured or underinsured. Child health problems can affect families in the same ways, and by limiting or interfering with the child's own education. Furthermore, welfare and other social agency policies may impact the health of low-income populations through the reduction of services. Socioeconomic position can influence health outcomes through several different means, including access to and availability of health care, public and private social relationships, exposure to adverse conditions at home and in the workplace, social deprivation, and the social milieu. It is suggested that welfare policymakers consider these factors and adopt an ethic of care when making welfare policy decisions.

Family and Child Well-being After Welfare Reform

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Since their historic high in 1994, welfare caseloads in the United States have dropped an astounding 59 percent--more than 5 million fewer families receive welfare. Family and Child Well-Being after Welfare Reform, now in paperback, explores how low-income children and their families are faring in the wake of welfare reform. Contributors to the volume include leading social researchers. Can existing surveys and other data be used to measure trends in the area? What key indicators should be tracked? What are the initial trends after welfare reform? What other information or approaches would be helpful? The book covers a broad range of topics: an update on welfare reform (Douglas J. Besharov and Peter Germanis); ongoing major research (Peter H. Rossi); material well-being, such as earnings, benefits, and consumption (Richard Bavier); family versus household (Wendy D. Manning); fatherhood, cohabitation, and marriage (Wade F. Horn); teenage sex, pregnancy, and nonmarital births (Isabel V. Sawhill); child maltreatment and foster care (Richard J. Gelles); homelessness and housing (John C. Weicher); child health and well-being (Lorraine V. Klerman); nutrition, food security, and obesity (Harold S. Beebout); crime, juvenile delinquency, and dysfunctional behavior (Lawrence W. Sherman); drug use (Peter Reuter); mothers' work and child care (Julia B. Isaacs); and the activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Don Winstead and Ann McCormick). When welfare reform was first debated, many people feared that it would hurt the poor, especially children. The contributors find little evidence to suggest this has occurred. As time limits and other programmatic requirements take hold, more information will be needed to assess the condition of low-income families after welfare reform. This informative volume establishes a baseline for that assessment.

Welfare Reform

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Following major welfare reform in 1996, the number of families receiving cash assistance was cut in half to 2 million. While many former recipients now rely more on their earnings, they often work at low-wage jobs with limited benefits & advancement opportunities. To better understand how to help these individuals & their families attain economic self-sufficiency, this is a report on: (1) strategies designed to increase income for TANF recipients through employment; (2) the key factors related to implementing & operating such strategies; & (3) actions the Dept. of Health & Human Services has taken to facilitate the use of these strategies. Experts were consulted to gather info. about promising strategies; 26 programs were visited. Charts & tables.

For Better and For Worse

Book Description

The 1996 welfare reform bill marked the beginning of a new era in public assistance. Although the new law has reduced welfare rolls, falling caseloads do not necessarily mean a better standard of living for families. In For Better and For Worse, editors Greg J. Duncan and P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale and a roster of distinguished experts examine the evidence and evaluate whether welfare reform has met one of its chief goals-improving the well-being of the nation's poor children. For Better and For Worse opens with a lively political history of the welfare reform legislation, which demonstrates how conservative politicians capitalize on public concern over such social problems as single parenthood to win support for the radical reforms. Part I reviews how individual states redesigned, implemented, and are managing their welfare systems. These chapters show that most states appear to view maternal employment, rather that income enhancement and marriage, as key to improving child well-being. Part II focuses on national and multistate evaluations of the changes in welfare to examine how families and children are actually faring under the new system. These chapters suggest that work-focused reforms have not hurt children, and that reforms that provide financial support for working families can actually enhance children's development. Part III presents a variety of perspectives on policy options for the future. Remarkable here is the common ground for both liberals and conservatives on the need to support work and at the same time strengthen safety-net programs such as Food Stamps. Although welfare reform-along with the Earned Income Tax Credit and the booming economy of the nineties-has helped bring mothers into the labor force and some children out of poverty, the nation still faces daunting challenges in helping single parents become permanent members of the workforce. For Better and For Worse gathers the most recent data on the effects of welfare reform in one timely volume focused on improving the life chances of poor children.

Stretched Thin

Book Description

When the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act became law in 1996, the architects of welfare reform celebrated what they called the new "consensus" on welfare: that cash assistance should be temporary and contingent on recipients' seeking and finding employment. However, assessments about the assumptions and consequences of this radical change to the nation's social safety net were actually far more varied and disputed than the label "consensus" suggests.By examining the varied realities and accountings of welfare restructuring, Stretched Thin looks back at a critical moment of policy change and suggests how welfare policy in the United States can be changed to better address the needs of poor families and the nation. Using ethnographic observations, in-depth interviews with poor families and welfare workers, survey data tracking more than 750 families over two years, and documentary evidence, Sandra Morgen, Joan Acker, and Jill Weigt question the validity of claims that welfare reform has been a success. They show how poor families, welfare workers, and welfare administrators experienced and assessed welfare reform differently based on gender, race, class, and their varying positions of power and control within the welfare state.The authors document the ways that, despite the dramatic drop in welfare rolls, low-wage jobs and inadequate social supports left many families struggling in poverty. Revealing how the neoliberal principles of a drastically downsized welfare state and individual responsibility for economic survival were implemented through policies and practices of welfare provision and nonprovision, the authors conclude with new recommendations for reforming welfare policy to reduce poverty, promote economic security, and foster shared prosperity.

Making the Work-Based Safety Net Work Better

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Work first. That is the core idea behind the 1996 welfare reform legislation. It sounds appealing, but according to Making the Work-Based Safety Net Work Better, it collides with an exceptionally difficult reality. The degree to which work provides a way out of poverty depends greatly on the ability of low-skilled people to maintain stable employment and make progress toward an income that provides an adequate standard of living. This forward-looking volume examines eight areas of the safety net where families are falling through and describes how current policies and institutions could evolve to enhance the self-sufficiency of low-income families. David Neumark analyzes a range of labor market policies and finds overwhelming evidence that the minimum wage is ineffective in promoting self-sufficiency. Neumark suggests the Earned Income Tax Credit is a much more promising policy to boost employment among single mothers and family incomes. Greg Duncan, Lisa Gennetian, and Pamela Morris find no evidence that encouraging parents to work leads to better parenting, improved psychological health, or more positive role models for children. Instead, the connection between parental work and child achievement is linked to parents' improved access to quality child care. Rebecca Blank and Brian Kovak document an alarming increase in the number of single mothers who receive neither wages nor public assistance and who are significantly more likely to suffer from medical problems of their own or of a child. Time caps and work hour requirements embedded in benefits policies leave some mothers unable to work and ineligible for cash benefits. Marcia Meyers and Janet Gornick identify another gap: low-income families tend to lose financial support and health coverage long before they earn enough to access employer-based benefits and tax provisions. They propose building "institutional bridges" that minimize discontinuities associated with changes in employment, earnings, or family structure. Steven Raphael addresses a particularly troubling weakness of the work-based safety net—its inadequate provision for the large number of individuals who are or were incarcerated in the United States. He offers tractable suggestions for policy changes that could ease their transition back into non-institutionalized society and the labor market. Making the Work-Based Safety Net Work Better shows that the "work first" approach alone isn't working and suggests specific ways the social welfare system might be modified to produce greater gains for vulnerable families.

Family and Child Well-being After Welfare Reform

Book Description

The contributors find little evidence that welfare reform has hurt the poor, especially poor children, as was once feared. Topics vital to low-income families are assessed, including ongoing major research in material well-being and income, marriage and cohabitation, births, child maltreatment and foster care, housing, nutrition, crime and dysfunctional behavior, and the activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Welfare Reform and Its Long-Term Consequences for America's Poor

Book Description

Leading poverty experts address the longer-term effects of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.

Welfare Reform

Book Description

In Welfare Reform, Jeffrey Grogger and Lynn Karoly assemble evidence from numerous studies to assess how welfare reform has affected behavior. To broaden our understanding of this wide-ranging policy reform, the authors evaluate the evidence in relation to an economic model of behavior.