Historical Sketch and Roster of the Alabama 33rd Infantry Regiment

Book Description

The Alabama 33rd Infantry Regiment was organized at Pensacola, Florida, in April, 1862. Its members were raised in Coffee, Butler, Dale, Montgomery, and Covington counties. The unit was ordered to Mississippi, then Kentucky, where it took an active part in the conflicts at Munfordville and Perryville. Brigaded under Generals Wood, Lowrey, and in 1865, Shelley, the 33rd participated in the campaigns of the Army of Tennessee from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, moved with Hood to Tennessee, and fought at Bentonville. It lost eighty-two percent of the 500 engaged at Perryville, and reported 100 casualties at Murfreesboro and 149 at Chickamauga. On December 14, 1863, the regiment totaled 536 men and 385 arms. Many were lost during the Atlanta Campaign and of the 285 at Franklin, sixty-seven percent were disabled. Very few surrendered in North Carolina. Companies Of The AL 33rd Infantry Regiment Company A - Coffee - Mason Creed Kimmey; wounded at Perryville. Company B - Dale - W.E. Cooper; killed by railroad disaster. Charles H. Bryant; wounded at Murfreesboro. Company C - Butler - James H. Dunklin; promoted. Wm. E. Dodson; killed at Kennesaw. Charles S. Linthicum. Company ? - Montgomery - John C. Norman; resigned. Charles Waller; wounded at Murfreesboro; resigned. Joseph Wilson. Company F - Covington - W. N. Brandon. Company I - Dale - W.E. Cooper; killed by railroad disaster. Needham Hughes; captured at Nashville. Company H - Butler - Thomas G. Pou; resigned. John F. Barganier; resigned. Wm. S. Sims; killed at Chickamauga. John Gamble; wounded at New Hope and Columbus. Company I "Zollilcoffer Avengers" - many men from Dale County Company K "Shorter Guards" - many men from Russell County

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Alabama 38th Infantry Regiment

Book Description

The Alabama 38th Infantry Regiment was organized at Mobile in May 1862, and remained at the defenses in the vicinity of that city till February 1863. It then proceeded to Tullahoma, and was there placed in the brigade of Gen. Clayton of Barbour, with the Eighteenth, Thirty-sixth, and Fifty-eighth of Alabama regiments. The regiment was first under fire with slight loss at Hoover's Gap, and lost nearly half the regiment killed and wounded at Chickamauga. At Missionary Ridge the Thirty-eighth was again hotly engaged at close quarters, and a large number were captured. It wintered at Dalton, and bore its share in the operations of the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, losing severely, particularly at Resaca and Atlanta. From Marietta to the close, Gen. Holtzclaw of Montgomery commanded the brigade. It fought around the latter city, and at Jonesboro. During the Tennessee campaign of Gen. Hood, the regiment felt the blight of the December frost at Nashville, and was in the rear of the retreat. Placed in the defenses at Mobile, the regiment went through the fiery ordeal at Spanish Fort, where it again suffered severely. With the army, it was surrendered at Meridian, Mississippi, about 80 strong.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Alabama 31st Infantry Regiment

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The 31st Alabama Infantry Regiment was organized at Talladega, 16 March 1862, with men from Calhoun, Cherokee, Montgomery, Randolph, Shelby, and Talladega counties. It reported to General Danville Leadbetter at Chattanooga shortly after. It then moved up to Knoxville, where it was brigaded under General Seth Barton, in Carter Stevenson's Division. After the Kentucky Campaign, the 31st was permanently brigaded with the 20th, 23rd, 30th, and 46th Alabama regiments, under General Edward D. Tracy of Madison, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. In December, the 31st accompanied Stevenson's Division to Vicksburg. There were 260 effectives in January, 1863, with 21 killed and 37 wounded at Vicksburg. Following parole at Vicksburg, the 31st continued throughout the remainder of the war with the Army of Tennessee. There were 23 casualties at Chattanooga, and in December, 1863, there were 452 present with 323 arms. Only 180 were fit for duty in January 1865, and less than 100 surrendered in April. Toward the close of the war, the 31st was consolidated with the 23rd and 46th Infantry and redesignated the 23rd Consolidated Infantry Regiment at Smithfield, 9 April 1865. Companies Of The AL 31st Infantry Regiment Co. "A" (Cherokee County; some of company paroled as of Co. "K," 23rd AL Infantry, Consolidated): Isaac P. Moragne (resigned, 13 Aug 62); Henry W. Pickens (resigned, 30 March 63); W. L. Hughes (wounded, Jonesboro) Co. "B" (Talladega County; also called Co. "A"; company paroled as part of Co. "K," 23rd AL Infantry, Consolidated): William S. Chapman (resigned, 26 Sept 62); Robert A. Hardie (resigned, 12 Dec 63); William H. Hancock (transferred); William J. Rhodes (wounded, Kinston, Bentonville) Co. "C" (Cherokee County; also called Co. "B"): Marshal J. Alexander (resigned, 28 Aug 62); Joseph J. Nix (wounded, Champion's Hill, Jonesboro; captured, Champion's Hill; resigned, 26 April 63 and March 65) Co. "D" (Calhoun County; evidently became Co. "G," 23rd AL Infantry): E. T. Thompson; (dropped from rolls, 2 June 64); John Rose (paroled as Capt., Co. "G," 23rd AL Infantry) Co. "E" (Talladega County; also called Co. "D"): Archibald Carter (resigned, 27 Aug 62); G. W. Watts (resigned, 19 Nov 63); Frank M. Shouse Co. "F" (Talladega County; also called Co. "E"): Robert M. McKibbin Co. "G" (Shelby County; also called Co. "K"; mustered 22 March 62 as Cobb's Co., Frazer's 23rd AL Infantry, and on 4 May 62 as Cobb's Co., Hundley's 31st AL Infantry): James Cobb (resigned, 2 Sept 62); William H. Shelby (resigned, 21 Nov 63); Robert B. Pruitt Co. "H" (Randolph County): Augustus A. West (resigned, 27 Aug 62); Andrew J. Reeves (resigned); James L. Williams (captured, Missionary Ridge) Co. "I" (Montgomery County): John M. Shields (resigned, 10 Sept 62); Thomas M. Arrington (promoted); L. W. Vick Co. "K" (Shelby County; some of the company finally paroled as Co. "H," 23rd AL Infantry, Consolidated): Norman P. Reeves (appointed, surgeon); John W. Pitts (resigned, 10 Nov 62); Samuel W. Morgan (dropped from rolls, 17 June 64); J. T. McClanahan

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Alabama 30th Infantry Regiment

Book Description

The Alabama 30th Infantry Regiment was organized at Talladega, 16 April 1862. It reported for duty at once to Chattanooga. Sent further into East Tennessee, it was brigaded under General Alexander W. Reynolds of Tennessee, then under General Carter L. Stevenson. The regiment skirmished at Tazewell and Cumberland Gap, and moved into Kentucky, but it was not engaged there. On the return to Tennessee, the 30th was brigaded with the 20th, 23rd, 31st, and 46th Alabama regiments, under General Edward D. Tracy of Madison, and in December, it was sent to Vicksburg with the other portions of Stevenson's Division. Following exchange after the fall of Vicksburg, the 30th continued throughout the was with the Army of Tennessee, participating in the Atlanta Campaign. At the end of the Atlanta Campaign, the 30th proceeded into Tennessee with the remainder of Hood's army and was engaged at Nashville, losing heavily. They were part of the rear guard on the movement to Duck River. Transferred to North Carolina, the regiment fought at Kinston and Bentonville, with high casualties. Toward the close of the war, the 30th was consolidated with the 20th Infantry and redesignated the 20th Consolidated Infantry Regiment, at Smithfield, 9 April 1865. In January, 1865, about 250 were fit for duty and 75 surrendered with the Army of Tennessee. Companies Of The AL 30th Infantry Regiment Company "A" Talladega County Company "B" Calhoun County Company "C" Talladega County Company "D" Shelby County Company "E" Calhoun County Company "F" Talladega County Company "G" Randolph County Company "H" St. Clair County Company "I" Talladega County Company "K" Shelby and Jefferson Counties

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Alabama 30th Infantry Regiment

Book Description

The Alabama 30th Infantry Regiment was organized at Talladega, Alabama, in April, 1862. The men were raised in the counties of Shelby, Saint Clair, Calhoun, Talladega, Jefferson, Franklin, Clay, Randolph, and Coosa. Ordered to Chattanooga, then further into East Tennessee, it was active at Cumberland Gap. The regiment went on to Kentucky and in December to Mississippi. Here it was assigned to General Tracy's Brigade, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. The 30th fought at Port Gibson, lost 229 officers and men at Champion's Hill, and was captured when Vicksburg fell. After being exchanged and assigned to Pettus' Brigade, it participated in various conflicts from Chattanooga and Bentonville. During January, 1863, this unit had 400 effectives, reported 21 casualties at Chattanooga, and in December, 1863, there were 506 present with 347 arms. In January, 1865, about 250 were fit for duty and 75 surrendered with the Army of Tennessee.

Historical Sketch & Roster of the Alabama 35th Infantry Regiment

Book Description

The 35th Alabama Infantry Regiment was organized at Lagrange, 12 March 1862, with about 750 men. Ordered to Corinth, it was there brigaded under General John C. Breckinridge. It then went to Louisiana and took part in the attack on Baton Rouge, losing 4 killed and 21 wounded. It was part of the force with which General Earl Van Dorn assaulted Corinth; casualties were heavy. Placed under General James Buford, the regiment was under fire at the first bombardment of Port Hudson. It passed some time in that vicinity, and in May 1863, the regiment was engaged at Baker's Creek with light loss. The 35th participated in the Atlanta Campaign where it lost 65 killed and wounded on 22 July at Atlanta, and 27 killed and wounded on the 28th. The regiment moved into Tennessee with General John Bell Hood and was in the advance in the attack on the outpost at Decatur, where it lost 35 killed and wounded. At the Battle of Franklin, the 35th lost 150 killed and wounded, one half of its effective force. The loss at Nashville was light, and the remnant of the regiment proceeded eastward to renew their struggle in the Carolinas. The 35th, 55 officers and men, was surrendered with the Army of Tennessee. Companies Of The AL 35th Infantry Regiment Co. A - Lawrence - Richard O. Picket; captured at Corinth; resigned. Ezekiel Johnson. Co. B - Lauderdale - W.B. Taylor; resigned. J.B. Patton; wounded at Franklin. Co. C - Lawrence - A.E. Ashford; promoted. . . . . . . Tathem. Co. D - Lauderdale - Samuel S. Ives; wounded at Baton Rouge; promoted. J.R. Mitchell; wounded at Corinth. Co. E - Limestone - John West. Co. F - Limestone - L.N. Martin. Co. G - Madison - John S. Dickson; promoted. Joseph Brown. Co. H - Madison - . . . . Peavy; resigned. J.A. Flanagan. Co. I - Franklin - Thaddeus Felton; killed at Corinth. John Harris; died in the service. Sam'l D. Stewart; killed at Franklin. Co. K - Franklin - Red Jones.