Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 21st Infantry Regiment

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The 21st Regiment, Tennessee Infantry completed its organization at Union City, Tennessee. The regiment was composed principally of Irishmen from Memphis, and was sometimes referred to as the "Irish Regiment." In July, 1861. During May, 1862, when the unit was reorganized, it was consolidated into six companies and united with the 5th (Smith's) Confederate Infantry Regiment. The regiment fought with the Army of Tennessee throughout the war, participating in the Kentucky Campaign, the battle of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge, the Atlanta Campaign, Franklin and Nashville and surrendered in North Carolina. Companies Of The Tennessee 21st Infantry Regiment Co. "A." Men from Memphis. Co. "B." Men from Memphis. Co. "C." Men from Pocahontas, Hardeman County. Co. "D." Men from Memphis. Co. "E." Men from Memphis. Co. "F." Men from Memphis. Co. "G." Men from Memphis. 24 men in this company were enrolled at Vicksburg, Mississippi, June, 1861, having formerly been in Gaines' Company, 22nd Mississippi Infantry Regiment. Co. "H." Men from Memphis. Co. "I." Men from Memphis. Co. "K." "The Pillow Guards No.2," a Kentucky Company enlisted in Tennessee June 13, 1861.

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Tennessee 45th Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 45th Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Trousdale, Tennessee, in December, 1861. It participated in the Battle of Shiloh, was active at Baton Rouge, then served in the Jackson area. Later it was assigned to J.C. Brown's, Brown's and Reynolds' Consolidated, and Palmer's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. In November, 1863, it was consolidated with the 23rd Infantry Battalion. The regiment took an active part in the campaigns of the army from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, moving with General Hood back into Tennessee, but it was not engaged at Franklin and Nashville. It ended the war in North Carolina. The unit sustained 112 casualties at Murfreesboro, lost forty-three percent of the 226 at Chickamauga, and reported 12 men disabled at Missionary Ridge. The 45th/23rd Battalion totaled 316 men and 340 arms in December, 1863. Few surrendered in April, 1865.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 2nd Infantry Regiment (Walker's)

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The Tennessee 2nd Infantry Regiment Volunteers [also called the Irish Regiment] was comprised of men from Memphis, Tennessee, and completed its organization at that city in May, 1861. In July totaling 541 effectives, it moved to Fort Pillow. It reported 18 killed, 64 wounded, and 33 missing at Belmont and suffered heavy casualties at Shiloh. Later the unit was consolidated into four companies and merged into Smith's 5th Confederate Infantry Regiment.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 21st Cavalry Regiment

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The Tennessee 21st Cavalry Regiment [Wilson's - also called 16th Regiment] was organized in February, 1864, with eleven companies. It was formed by consolidating various irregular organizations from the counties of Hardin, Chester, Henderson, Madison, McNairy, and Carroll. It was assigned to T.H. Bell's Brigade, fought at Brice's Cross Roads as dismounted skirmishers, then was active at Harrisburg and Athens. Later it moved back to Tennessee with Hood. Companies of the Tennessee 21st Cavalry Regiment Company A - Captain J.A. Russell - Men from Hardin County. Company B - Captain Ezekiel D. Polk - Men from Hardin County. Company C - Captain J.I. Rice - Men from Chester County and Henderson Counties. Company D - Captain William H. Bray - Men from Chester County. Company E - Captain William H. Simmons - Men from Madison County. Company F - Captain James Stinnett - Men from Chester County, Hardin County, Henderson County and McNairy Counties. Company G - Captain Jason W. Fussell - Men from Madison County. Company H - Captain W.B. Hayes - Men from Madison County. 2nd Company H - Captain John W. Carroll - Men from Chester County. 2nd Company I - Captain James C. Gooch - Men from Madison County. 2nd Company K - Captain Robert E. Dudley - Men from Carroll County.

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Tennessee 12th Infantry Regiment (Consolidated)

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The Tennessee 12th Infantry Regiment was organized at Jackson, Tennessee, in May, 1861. The companies composing the regiment first assembled at Jackson, where the regiment was organized as part of the Provisional Army of Tennessee. The unit was assigned to B.R. Johnson's, P. Smith's, Vaughan's, and Palmer's Brigade. During June, 1862, the 22nd Regiment merged into the 12th, and in October, 1862, this command was consolidated with the 47th Regiment. This was thus one of the earliest regiments to be consolidated and it continued throughout the war known as the 12th Consolidated although several other units were also consolidated in as time went on.Companies Of The Tennessee 12th Infantry RegimentCo. "A", formerly "G". "The Newbern Blues." Dyer County. Co. "B", formerly "C". Gibson County. Co. "C", formerly "H". Gibson County. Co. "D", formerly "B". Gibson County. Co. "E", formerly "K". Kentucky. Co. "F", formerly "A" Gibson County.Co. "G", formerly "I". Gibson County.Co. "H", formerly "E". "The Gibson Stars." Gibson Countv. Co. "I", formerly "D". Gibson County.Co, "K", formerly "F". Gibson County.

Historical Sketch And Roster Of the Tennessee 62nd Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 62nd Infantry Regiment [also called 80th Regiment] was assembled in October, 1862. Its members were raised in the counties of Bradley, Polk, Monroe, Roane, and Cocke. Immediately after being mustered into Confederate service, it was placed in General Vaughn's Brigade. Serving in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, the regiment fought at Chickasaw Bayou and had many captured at Big Black River Bridge. The remaining men were captured at Vicksburg. Exchanged and reorganized as mounted infantry, the unit was active in the Knoxville Campaign and the operations in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. During the spring of 1865 it disbanded.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 25th Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 25th Infantry Regiment completed its organization in August, 1861, at Camp Zollicoffer, in Overton County, Tennessee. Its members were recruited in the counties of White, Overton, Putnam, and Jackson. The unit fought at Fishing Creek and Perryville, then was assigned to General B.R. Johnson's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. In November, 1863, it was consolidated with the 44th Regiment. Following the battle of Knoxville, the unit transferred to Virginia. If fought at Drewry's Bluff, participated in the Petersburg Siege, and surrendered at Appomattox. Companies Of The Tennessee 25th Infantry Regiment Company A - Captains James H. Snodgrass, William H.M. Simpson - Men from Sparta, White County. Company B - Captains Josiah S.H. Bilbrey, Samuel Davis, W.H. Fleming, Samuel H. McCarver, Eugene R. Smith - Men from Hilham, Overton County. Company C - Captains William Gooch Smith, George H. Hash - Men from Cave, now Doyle's Station, White County. Company D - Captains Luther B. Myers, John M. Hughs, William H. Flemming - Men from Livingston, Overton County. Company E - Captains Dempsey M. Southard, James A. (or M.) Conley, William A. Duncan, G.W. Leatherbury, William Turner - Men from Cherry Creek, White County. Company F - Captains Joseph Shaw, Purtyman Jones, G.W. Kinnarid - Men from Cookville, Putnam County. Company G - Captains Leonidas A. McCarver, Albert Green - Men from Flynn's Lick, Jackson County. Company H - Captains James R. Copeland, Grandison H. Swope - Men from Livingston, Overton County. Company I - Captains Wiley J. Reed, William K. Phillips, James H. Curtis - Men from Putnam County. Company K - Captains Abraham Ford, Charles B. Slater, Samuel J. Johnson - Men from Putnam County and White Counties.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 63rd Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 63rd Infantry Regiment [also called 74th Regiment] was organized in July, 1862. The men were from the counties of Claiborne, Roane, Washington, Knox, Hawkins, and Sullivan. It served in General Gracie's, B.R. Johnson's, and McComb's Brigade. The unit fought at Chickamauga and in the Knoxville Campaign, then joined the Army of Northern Virginia during the spring of 1864. It went on to participate in the conflict at Drewry's Bluff, the long Petersburg siege north of the James River, and the Appomattox Campaign. It lost more than fifty percent of the 404 engaged at Chickamauga, had 19 disabled at Bean's Station, and on April 8, 1864, totalled 405 men. At Drewry's Bluff the regiment reported 311 effectives and on April 9, 1865, surrendered 4 officers and 57 men.Companies - William H. Fulkerson (to major), Henley Fugate, Co. "A." Organized April 15, 1862 in Claiborne County.- William Lyon, Amos M. Hardin, Co. "B." Organized May 12 at Knoxville, from Roane County. Some men were formerly in the 26th Tennessee Infantry, others from Co. "E," 3rd Tennessee Cavalry Battalion.- Richard Fain Powel, Co. "C." Organized May 12 at Rogersville, Hawkins County. Also called "B" when first assigned.- A. A. Blair, James R. McCallum, Co. "D." Organized May 13 at Jonesboro, Washington County, with some men from Knox and Hawkins Counties. "The Kirby Smith Rifies."- Crockett R. Millard, Co. "E." Originally organized June 6, 1861 as Co. "K," 3rd (Vaughn's) Tennessee Infantry Regiment from Sullivan County. In the first Battle of Manassas. Reorganized May 14, 1862.- A. M. Millard, Co. "F." Organized May 14, 1862, from Sullivan County. Also called "G" when first assigned. Some men from 26th Tennessee Infantry.- F. A. Dyer, William H. Wilkerson, Co. "G." Organized May 6, 1862 at Knoxville. Also called "E" when first assigned. Some men from cavalry, some from 26th Tennessee Infantry.- B. F. Brittain, Co. "H." Organized May 16, 1862 at Cleveland, Bradley County. Formerly Co. "C" 1st (Rogers') East Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Captain William L. Brown.- James T. Gillespie, John A. Gammon, Co. "I." Organized June 14, 1862 at Jonesboro, Washington County. Mustered in as an independent company of cavalry but transferred to infantry July 17, 1862 by General E. K. Smith.- John W. Robertson, Co. "K." Organized July 19, 1862 at Jonesboro, Washington County. Some men from Companies "D" and "G" were transferred to this company.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 47th Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 47th Infantry Regiment was organized December 16, 1861; reorganized May 8, 1862; consolidated with the 12th Infantry Regiment October, 1862; formed part of Company "D", 2nd Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment. The regiment fought throughout the war from Shiloh to Bentonville with the Army of Tennessee. It was paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina May 2, 1865. Companies of the Tennessee 47th Infantry Regiment -Company A enlisted at Troy, Obion County, James White was elected captain. -Company B enlisted at Donaldson's, near Gibson Wells, Gibson County. It consisted of men from Dyer and Gibson County and had William Gay as its captain -Company C enlisted at Dyersburg, Dyer County, Vincent G. Wynne was captain.( later lieutenant colonel) -Company D also enlisted at Dyersburg with William M. Watkins captain (later colonel) Company E enlisted at Dyersburg with George Miller as captain. -Company F enlisted at Humboldt, Gibson County, Jesse Booth was elected captain. -Company G enlisted at Trenton with Thomas Carthel, captain. -Company H enlisted in Kenton, on the Obion, Gibson County line. B. E. Holmes was captain. -Company I was from Troy, W.S. Moore was captain. -Company K enlisted at Yorkville, Gibson County and Green Holmes was captain.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 1st Infantry Regiment (Turney's)

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The Tennessee 1st Infantry Regiment (Turney's) was organized April 21 or 29, 1861. Colonel Turney reported to the Confederate War Department that his regiment was organized, although without weapons. They were mustered into Confederate service May 8, 1861 at Lynchburg, VA, then traveled by rail to Richmond where they were drilled by the cadets from the Virginia Military Institute. Organization of the Tennessee Brigade was announced on 8 Mar. 1862. The third Tennessee regiment in this brigade was always the First Tennessee Regiment, but not always the same First. The first commander of the Tennessee Brigade was Brig. General Samuel R. Anderson. His head-quarters were at Evansport, now Quantico, Virginia. On March 8, 1862, the brigade was assigned to the division of Brig. General William H.C. Whiting. Under General Anderson, the brigade entered the Peninsular Campaign as part of A.P. Hill's "Light Division" of Magruder's Corps. The regiment continued throughout the war in Virginia, surrendering at Appomattox. Companies Of The Tennessee 1st Infantry Regiment Company "A" The "Pelham Guards" was made up of men from Altamont and Pelham in Grundy County and Hillsboro in Coffee County. Company "B," "The Tullahoma Guards" was made up of men from Franklin and Bedford Counties. Company "C" "The Mountain Boys" was made up of men from Winchester, Franklin Co., TN. Company "D" The "Ridgeville Hornets" was made up of men from the part of Franklin that became Moore Co., TN. Company "E" "The Lynchburg Rangers" was made up of men from the part of Franklin that became Moore Co., TN. Company "F" The "Salem Invincibles" was made up of men from Franklin Co., TN. Company "G" "The Fayetteville Guards" was made up of men from Lincoln Co., TN. Company "H" "The Shelton's Creek Volunteers or Shelton Creek Boys" was made up of men from Lincoln Co., TN. Company "I" "The Tullahoma Guards or The Cowan Guards" was made up of men from Coffee County. Company "K" "The Boon's Creek/Hill Minute Men" was made up of men from Lincoln County. Company L Three companies that formed the Nashville Battalion