Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 3rd Infantry Regiment (Clack?s)

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The Third Regiment of Tennessee Confederate Infantry was organized at Lynnville station, Giles county, on the Nashville and Decatur railroad, on the 16th day of May, 1861. The 3rd was reorganized 3 times during the war, after Ft. Donelson, after Vicksburg and after The Franklin/Nashville battles. As originally organized, five of the companies were composed of volunteers from Giles, three from Maury, one from Lawrence, and one from Lewis county. One of the Maury county companies, however, included many men from Williamson county. Companies of the Tennessee 3rd Infantry Regiment The companies had three different sets of letters: one when first organized in state service; a second when accepted into Confederate service; and a third when the regiment was reorganized. The company letters shown first are those used after the reorganization in September, 1862. Co. "A." Originally "C" then "K." Men from Giles County. Co. "B." Originally "G," then "B." Men from Giles County. Co. "C." Originally "K," then "H." Men from Lewis and Hickman Counties. Co. "D." Originally "B," then "C." "The Bigby Grays," from Maury County. Co. "E." Originally "H," then "F." Men from Maury County. Co. "F." Originally "F," then "E." Men from Maury and Williamson Counties. Co. "G." Originally "A," then "A." Men from Giles County. Co. "H." Originally "E," then "G." Men from Cornersville, then Giles, now Marshall County. Co. "I." Originally "I," then "D." Men from Giles County. Co. "K." Originally "D," then "I." Men from Lawrence County.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 3rd Infantry Regiment Consolidated

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The Tennessee 3rd Infantry Regiment (Clack's) was organized May 16, 1861 at Lynnville, Giles County; mustered into Confederate service at Camp Trousdale, August 7, 1861; reorganized September 26, 1862. A report dated December 21, 1864, indicated that the 3rd and 18th Regiments of Tennessee Infantry had been consolidated and had a total of 17 men present. Finally this unit was merged into the 4th Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment April 9, 1865 and paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina, May 1, 1865. This unit along with its sister regiments suffered great losses throughout the war. This roster presents one of the latest rosters which survive of the men who were finally paroled at Greensboro. Due to consolidations a list of counties for this regiment is impossible to ascertain. The 19th Tennessee Infantry Regiment formed Companies "C" and "H" of the 3rd Consolidated. These men were from Hamilton, Washington, Sullivan, Rhea, Knox, Polk, McMinn, and Hawkins Counties, Other counties represented from the men of the original 3rd and 18th regiments included Cannon, Sumner, Davidson, Rutherford, Cheatham, Bedford, Wilson, Giles, Pulaski, Lawrence, Maury, Williamson, Lewis, and Hickman.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 3rd Infantry Regiment (Union)

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The 3rd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (Union) was organized at Flat Lick, Ky., December, 1861, to February, 1862. Its first battles were at Cumberland Gap and it continued throughout the war in Tennessee and the Atlanta Campaign. It was mustered out after Nashville, so did no participate in the Carolinas Campaign. Companies of the Tennessee 3rd Infantry Regiment George W. Hutsell, Benjamin I. Bingham Co. "A." Thomas McNeish Co. "B." James R. McBath, John H. Cross Co. "C." John 0. Keeffe Co. "D." Enlisted men generally from Knox County. John C. Slover Co. "E." James L. Ledgerwood Co. "F." Enlisted men generally from Knox County. Henry G. Hodges Co. "C." Enlisted men generally from Blount County. James W. Adkerson (Adkisson), James G. Roberts Co. "H." Enlisted men generally from Knox County. Eli D. Willis, Washington L. Ledgerwood Co. "I." Enlisted men generally from Knox County. William M. Sawyers, William C. Haworth Co. "K."

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 3rd Infantry Battalion

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The Tennessee 3rd Infantry Battalion was mustered into service at Memphis, March 12, 1862, for one year for local defense and special service in the City of Memphis. Adjutant and Inspector General's Office rosters show it was officially recognized as the 3rd Tennessee Infantry Battalion, but it was known as the Memphis Battalion.The battalion was to be subject to the call of the Provost Marshal and the Commandant of the Post. It was disbanded in May, 1862, due to the surrender of Memphis to the Federal troops. Possibly the forerunner of this battalion was an organization called the Memphis Legion, of which information was found in a letter addressed to Lieutenant General Leonidas Polk dated August 6, 1861.Companies Of The Tennessee 3rd Infantry Battalion* Company A - Captain John B. Weld * Company B - Captain J.H. Humphreys * Company C - Captain John T. Bagbie * Company D - Captain John G. Flournoy * Company E - Captain E.C. Kirk * Company F - Captain F.W. Buttinghaus * Company G - Captain P.H. Hemrich

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Tennessee 3rd Mounted Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 3rd Mounted Infantry Regiment was organized at Knoxville, Tennessee, May 29, 1861; mustered into Confederate Service June 6, 1861; reorganized May 14, 1862 and surrendered at Washington, Georgia, May 9, 1865. Colonel Vaughn was promoted to brigadier general September 22, 1862, and Newton J. Lillard served as colonel of the regiment for the rest of the war. Almost immediately after organization the regiment left for Virginia on June 2, 1861, and was mustered into Confederate service at Lynchburg, Virginia. From Lynchburg, the regiment moved to Winchester, and from there to Romney, Virginia. Here it was placed in a brigade commanded by Colonel Ambrose P. Hill, along with the 10th Virginia Infantry Regiment. It first saw action June 19, 1861. On May 31, 1862 the Third was in Brigadier General S. M. Barton's Brigade and on June 17, the Third was ordered to Knoxville, where it was placed in Colonel Thomas H. Taylor's Brigade. They endured the privations at Vicksburg, then following the surrender were mounted and served in Western Virginia and East Tennessee. After Lee's surrender in April, 1865, the brigade was ordered to North Carolina, and rendezvoused at Charlotte, North Carolina where they formed part of the escort for President Jefferson Davis until the surrender at Washington, Georgia May 9, 1865.

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Tennessee 45th Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 45th Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Trousdale, Tennessee, in December, 1861. It participated in the Battle of Shiloh, was active at Baton Rouge, then served in the Jackson area. Later it was assigned to J.C. Brown's, Brown's and Reynolds' Consolidated, and Palmer's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. In November, 1863, it was consolidated with the 23rd Infantry Battalion. The regiment took an active part in the campaigns of the army from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, moving with General Hood back into Tennessee, but it was not engaged at Franklin and Nashville. It ended the war in North Carolina. The unit sustained 112 casualties at Murfreesboro, lost forty-three percent of the 226 at Chickamauga, and reported 12 men disabled at Missionary Ridge. The 45th/23rd Battalion totaled 316 men and 340 arms in December, 1863. Few surrendered in April, 1865.

Historical Sketch And Roster Of the Tennessee 62nd Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 62nd Infantry Regiment [also called 80th Regiment] was assembled in October, 1862. Its members were raised in the counties of Bradley, Polk, Monroe, Roane, and Cocke. Immediately after being mustered into Confederate service, it was placed in General Vaughn's Brigade. Serving in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, the regiment fought at Chickasaw Bayou and had many captured at Big Black River Bridge. The remaining men were captured at Vicksburg. Exchanged and reorganized as mounted infantry, the unit was active in the Knoxville Campaign and the operations in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. During the spring of 1865 it disbanded.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 33rd Infantry Regiment

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Colonel Campbell, in his account in Lindsley's Annals, stated that the archives of the first and second years operations of the regiment were lost in 1863. He stated that the regiment remained in Camp of Instruction near Union City until January, 1862, when it moved to Columbus, Kentucky; that only a few of the companies were partially armed, mostly with shotguns and hunting rifles, and that the regiment was not completely armed until a few weeks before the Battle of Shiloh, when they obtained some flint and steel muskets as a loan. At the Battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862, the regiment was in Brigadier General Charles Clark's Division, Brigadier General Alexander P. Stewart's Brigade, composed of the 13th Arkansas, 4th, 5th, and 33rd Tennessee Infantry Regiments and Stanford's Battery. These three Tennessee regiments remained together throughout the war. The 33rd fought throughout the war with the Army of Tennessee, participating in the Atlanta Campaign, the Nashville Campaign, and the Carolina's Campaign. It was surrendered and paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina May 1, 1865. Companies Of The Tennessee 33rd Infantry Regiment Ellison S. Howard, W. C. Fleming, Henry W. Hickman, Co. "A." Men from Obion County. Thomas Lacy, Co. "B." Men from Madison County, some from Hardeman. Frank W. Marberry, Co. "C." Men from Calloway County, Kentucky. Wade H. Frost, James R. Scott, Co. "D." "The Forest Rovers." Men from Ohion County T. R. Hutcherson (or Hutchinson) (or Hutchison), John W. Walker, Co. "E." Men from Obion County. John Bedford, R. F. Morris, W. B. Jones, W. H. Adams, Co. "F." Men from Obion County. Warner P. Jones, James F. Carpenter, Bennett H. Smith, Eugene R. Morerod, Co. "G." Men from Lake County. T. O. Kiligore, W. R. McWherter, T. L. Killebrew, Co. "H." Men from Weakley County. James M. Wilson, W. E. Caidwell, Co. "I." Men from Obion County. James M. Bradford, Co. "K." Men from Obion County.

Historical Sketch and Roster of the Tennessee 63rd Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 63rd Infantry Regiment [also called 74th Regiment] was organized in July, 1862. The men were from the counties of Claiborne, Roane, Washington, Knox, Hawkins, and Sullivan. It served in General Gracie's, B.R. Johnson's, and McComb's Brigade. The unit fought at Chickamauga and in the Knoxville Campaign, then joined the Army of Northern Virginia during the spring of 1864. It went on to participate in the conflict at Drewry's Bluff, the long Petersburg siege north of the James River, and the Appomattox Campaign. It lost more than fifty percent of the 404 engaged at Chickamauga, had 19 disabled at Bean's Station, and on April 8, 1864, totalled 405 men. At Drewry's Bluff the regiment reported 311 effectives and on April 9, 1865, surrendered 4 officers and 57 men.Companies - William H. Fulkerson (to major), Henley Fugate, Co. "A." Organized April 15, 1862 in Claiborne County.- William Lyon, Amos M. Hardin, Co. "B." Organized May 12 at Knoxville, from Roane County. Some men were formerly in the 26th Tennessee Infantry, others from Co. "E," 3rd Tennessee Cavalry Battalion.- Richard Fain Powel, Co. "C." Organized May 12 at Rogersville, Hawkins County. Also called "B" when first assigned.- A. A. Blair, James R. McCallum, Co. "D." Organized May 13 at Jonesboro, Washington County, with some men from Knox and Hawkins Counties. "The Kirby Smith Rifies."- Crockett R. Millard, Co. "E." Originally organized June 6, 1861 as Co. "K," 3rd (Vaughn's) Tennessee Infantry Regiment from Sullivan County. In the first Battle of Manassas. Reorganized May 14, 1862.- A. M. Millard, Co. "F." Organized May 14, 1862, from Sullivan County. Also called "G" when first assigned. Some men from 26th Tennessee Infantry.- F. A. Dyer, William H. Wilkerson, Co. "G." Organized May 6, 1862 at Knoxville. Also called "E" when first assigned. Some men from cavalry, some from 26th Tennessee Infantry.- B. F. Brittain, Co. "H." Organized May 16, 1862 at Cleveland, Bradley County. Formerly Co. "C" 1st (Rogers') East Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Captain William L. Brown.- James T. Gillespie, John A. Gammon, Co. "I." Organized June 14, 1862 at Jonesboro, Washington County. Mustered in as an independent company of cavalry but transferred to infantry July 17, 1862 by General E. K. Smith.- John W. Robertson, Co. "K." Organized July 19, 1862 at Jonesboro, Washington County. Some men from Companies "D" and "G" were transferred to this company.

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Tennessee 59th Infantry Regiment

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The Tennessee 59th Infantry Regiment was organized in June, 1862, using the 1st (Eakin's) Tennessee Infantry Battalion as its nucleus. Its members were from the counties of McMinn, Monroe, Carter, Knox, Grainger, Hamblen, and Polk. For a time the unit served at Cumberland and Big Creek Gaps, then was assigned to A. W. Reynolds' Brigade, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. It fought in the Vicksburg Campaign and was captured on July 4, 1863. After being exchanged and reorganized as mounted infantry, the regiment was placed under the command of General Vaughn. It went on to take part in the operations around Knoxville and in May, 1864, an inspection report showed the 59th with 241 present. The unit participated in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, and during the spring of 1865 it disbanded in Southwestern Virginia.CompaniesCompany A - Captains James B. Cooke (to colonel), Benjamin A. Prophet, John M. Van Dyke Mustered in at Firestones, McMinn County.Company B - Captains James Pryor Brown (to major), Charles F. Wilson - Mustered in at Madisonville, Monroe County.Company C - Captains James Brooks, Jacob M. Hays - Mustered in at Elizabethton, Carter County.Company D - Captain Reuben Giles - Mustered in at Knoxville, Knox County.Company E - Captains John R. Stradley, Joseph A. McDermott, John D. Wilson, John Smith - Mustered in at Madisonville, Monroe County.Company F - Captains Henry D. Giesler (to major), Jacob J. Giesler - Men from Sullivan County.Company G - Captains Josiah I Wright, John W Stratton - Mustered in at Madisonville, Monroe County.Company H - Captains John B. Cobb, William M. Cass, Edmond H. Benton - Mustered in at Athens, McMinn County.Company I - Captains William H. Smith, Reuben G. Clark - Mustered in at Morristown, then Grainger, now Hamblen County.