Home Energy Manual

Book Description

Explains energy-saving features of new homes in California. Shows you how to develop smart energy habits that will quickly lead to energy and dollar savings. Drawings and tables.

Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings

Book Description

The updated 5th edition of Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings identifies the most energy-efficient home appliances by brand name and model number. Reader-friendly and packed with illustrations, this handbook helps any homeowner save energy and money. Chapters include: -- energy use and the environment -- insulating and sealing air leaks -- new window options -- space heating -- cooling and air conditioning -- water heating -- refrigeration -- lighting...and much more This book is as compact and efficient as its subject matter. Its 274 pages are crammed with money-saving information. A directory of manufacturers helps the reader access purchase information on recommended appliances.

Energy Manual

Book Description

Während die Effizienz- und Nachhaltigkeitsoffensive in den meisten Wirtschaftsbereichen in vollem Gang ist, steht das Bauen damit noch ganz am Anfang – ökonomisch wie ökologisch. Die Politik auf globaler, europäischer und nationaler Ebene nimmt sich dieses Defizits inzwischen zunehmend an und versucht es durch rechtliche Anforderungen und Gesetze wie EnEV, Gebäudezertifizierungen und Wettbewerbe wettzumachen. Der Energie Atlas gibt in der bewährten Form der Atlanten eine umfassende Darstellung der konstruktiven Parameter von Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit wieder. Er nimmt die von der EU geplanten gesetzlichen Regulierungen vorweg und weist als unmittelbar verwendbare Arbeitshilfe für die tägliche Arbeit von Architekten, Ingenieuren und Designern den Weg zu effizientem und nachhaltigem Bauen und Betreiben von Gebäuden. Mit seiner Orientierung am gesamten Lebenszyklus eines Gebäudes leistet er eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung – eine unverzichtbare Voraussetzung für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften.

Home Energy Manual

Book Description

Energy Efficiency Manual

Book Description

Energy Efficiency Manual, by Donald Wulfinghoff, is the new comprehensive reference & how-to-book for energy conservation in commercial buildings, residential buildings & industrial plants. It combines the features of encyclopedia, textbook & practical field manual. This handbook details 400 actions for conserving energy in design, construction, retrofit, operation & maintenance. They cover heating & cooling efficiency, water conservation, insulation, air leakage, lighting, daylighting, solar heating & industrial equipment. The second part explains renewable energy sources, passive solar, wind energy, geothermal heat pumps, energy conservation codes, environmentally safe refrigerants, energy management computers & building automation systems, electricity rates, high efficiency motors, boilers, air conditioning equipment, fans, pumps, insulation, high efficiency lamps, thermostats, time controls & many other topics. Written as an easy conversation with readers of all backgrounds, it is packed with ratings, tips, illustrations & examples that make it easy to find the right conservation measures for every application. The clear non-mathematical presentation is for everyone from homeowners to architects, engineers, contractors, property managers, plant operators, business owners, financial managers, energy auditors, public utilities, students & faculty. Environmental protection, comfort, health & safety are major themes. Learn how to improve indoor air quality & avoid "sick building syndrome."

Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings-10th Edition

Book Description

The most complete and up-to-date guide available to energy savings in the home . Increasing the energy efficiency of your home can save you money, help the environment, and enhance your comfort, but how do you decide which improvements are the most beneficial and cost-effective? Completely revised to incorporate the latest developments in green technology, The Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings is the definitive resource for consumers who want to better their home's performance while reducing their energy bills. Well-organized and highly readable, The Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings begins with an overview of the relationships between energy use, economics and the environment. Updated and expanded chapters focus on specific aspects of any home, such as heating and cooling, ventilation, electronics, lighting, cooking and laundry, and provide helpful explanations for each, including: Energy use characteristics Comparisons between available technologies Cost-effective repair and replacement options Step-by-step guidance for finding the right equipment. This comprehensive resource is packed with tips on improving existing equipment and guidance for when and why to invest in new purchases, as well as a reminder to check local government and utilities for purchase or retrofit grants or incentives. It is a must-read for anyone concerned about reducing both their energy bills and their environmental impact.

Reader's Digest Energy-efficient Home Manual

Book Description

With advice on assessing your home's energy efficiency & dozens of simple energy-saving & water-wise tips, this manual will help you to cut down your bills. Topics covered include low energy light bulbs, solar panels, wind turbines, double glazing, draught-proofing, insulation, & water-saving devices.

The Visual Handbook of Energy Conservation

Book Description

Explains how to reduce energy use in the home.

Home Performance Diagnostics: the Guide to Advanced Testing

Book Description

NOW AT YOUR FINGERTIPS: Every performance test for completing a home energy audit. If you're a professional in today's fast-evolving industry of high performance construction and retrofits, then you've probably found yourself wondering a few things: Who can show me how to run that test? How do I get the most out of the equipment I own? Why do the tests work, and how do I explain them? What quality control methods should I use? Which tools will make my job faster and easier? With this guide, experienced and new diagnosticians alike will get step-by-step details on advanced testing, complete with best practices, important concepts and pitfalls, ways to present data to the client, Step-By-Step photographs, and time-saving tips, plus quiz questions for each diagnostic!