
Book Description

From individual grains to desert dunes, from the bottom of the sea to the landscapes of Mars, and from billions of years in the past to the future, this is the extraordinary story of one of nature's humblest, most powerful, and most ubiquitous materials. Told by a geologist with a novelist's sense of language and narrative, Sand examines the science—sand forensics, the physics of granular materials, sedimentology, paleontology and archaeology, planetary exploration—and at the same time explores the rich human context of sand. Interwoven with tales of artists, mathematicians, explorers, and even a vampire, the story of sand is an epic of environmental construction and destruction, an adventure in staggering scales of time and distance, yet a tale that encompasses the ordinary and everyday. Sand, in fact, is all around us—it has made possible our computers, buildings and windows, toothpaste, cosmetics, and paper, and it has played dramatic roles in human history, commerce, and imagination. In this luminous, kinetic, revelatory account, we do indeed find the world in a grain of sand.

The Amber Hot Sands

Book Description

The Amber Hot Sands is a fictional story that takes place in Pozzuoli during the reign of Emperor Titus (AD 80). The writers each portray a single character in a first person account. The story shows the five days leading up to a fight in the Primus between the two characters, Gratianus (Roman) and Mathos (of the city, Carthage). The Amber Hot Sands ends, ultimately, when the gruelling conflict comes to a bloody finish.

The Michigan technic

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Metal Industry

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Highway Focus

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Spotlight Social Studies 5

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Popular Mechanics

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Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.

Renewable Energy

Book Description

The United States is on the brink of an energy crisis. Every day, foreign oil and fossil fuels become more expensive and limited. Our energy needs increase while our power plants and power grids become more outdated. Our traditional energy sources damage the environment. With all of these energy problems, any clean, renewable energy source is a viable option, right? In Renewable Energy: A Common Sense Energy Plan, Bradford Linscott addresses the impending energy problems our nation faces. He covers our nation's renewable energy options while taking into account the economic feasibility of implementing them on a large scale. Linscott discusses the role foreign oil and fossil fuels play in our future and their environmental impact. He shares his Common Sense Energy Plan, which outlines a combination of clean, renewable energy sources and nuclear energy to sustain the power needs of the United States. Find out about our renewable energy options and our country's past, present, and viable future energy resources and plans in Renewable Energy: A Common Sense Energy Plan. 'It is long past time for the United States to undertake an Apollo-like program to wean ourselves away from oil dependence and on to clean, reliable, and domestically abundant energy alternatives.' - United States Senator George Voinovich, Ohio


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