How to Divorce a Narcissist and Win

Book Description

There is only one thing more difficult than being married to a Narc: Divorcing one.You thought you married your soulmate, but it was 'til Narc do you part. The first step in dismantling your opponent in the courtroom is knowing what you are up against. Knowledge is power. By getting into the Narc's mind, you can predict their next move and outsmart them at every turn. Leading divorce attorney Marie Sarantakis will teach you not only how to survive your divorce but thrive in rebuilding your world thereafter. The first step starts with the first page. Out of the Narc's darkness, you will discover your light. How to Divorce a Narcissist and Win is a comprehensive guide that will teach you how to: * Understand the Narc's twisted mind* Unpack your toxic relationship* Save time and money in divorce court* Obtain a more favorable settlement* Heal from the aftershocks of narcissistic abuse* Transform into a more powerful version of yourself

How to Divorce a Narcissist: and Succeed in the Family Court

Book Description

Leaving a narcissist and going through the family court is likely to be the scariest thing you'll ever have to do. This book will be your trusted companion and guide to the practical, legal and emotional challenges you'll face along the way. It contains information you won't find elsewhere and it costs a fraction of the price of an hour with a solicitor. Narcissists form a disproportionate percentage of those who separate and divorce because they're not good at relationships. They tend to fall out with family members and work colleagues too and they can't be in an intimate relationship without lying, manipulating, shaming, confusing and controlling. This book is for you if you are: A woman or a man who is or was married or cohabiting Leaving, or thinking of leaving, a difficult or narcissistic partner A parent facing children proceedings in the family court Being alienated from you child Trying to co-parent with a narcissist In divorce and/or financial proceedings with a narcissist A litigant in person (self-representing) Represented by a solicitor and/or barrister The different types of narcissist are explained, including covert narcissists, sociopaths, and those with borderline personality disorder. You're likely to find yourself in court when you leave because you can't negotiate with a narcissist and there's no other way to resolve the disputes around your children and/or come to a financial settlement. The book helps you to set boundaries with the narcissist, communicate with them and manage their behaviour to mitigate its effects on you and your children. Unfortunately, most lawyers and judges don't understand the narcissist's disordered personality and try to settle these disputes in the same way as they do other cases. That doesn't work, and it will cost you a lot of time and money and play into the narcissist's aim to ensure you can't afford legal representation. The narcissist has to win and doesn't care how they do it or who they hurt on the way - and that includes their own children. Author Diana Jordan is a former solicitor and now works with people needing help through court proceedings against a narcissist. Many of her clients can't afford a lawyer and she has written this guide to the family court in England and Wales with the litigant in person very much in mind. The book explains how to navigate the family court and build your case with compelling evidence. You'll learn about: Solicitors and barristers - when you need one and what you can do yourself - and how to deal with your ex's lawyers McKenzie Friends if you can't afford a barrister How to address the court The different types of court hearings and how they work Writing statements Collecting evidence to build your case Giving evidence and being cross-examined in court hearings Cafcass, and how to prepare for interviews What's likely to go wrong, and how to deal with it How to appeal and make a complaint One of the impossible things asked of you will be to co-parent with the narcissist. You'll learn how to use parallel parenting instead and to protect your children as best you can from the narcissists dreadful parenting. You'll learn about parental alienation which is the worst form of abuse inflicted by a narcissist, and how to take action against it. With real life case studies from people who have been through the family court this book is your companion you'll want by your side to achieve the best outcomes you can for yourself and your children.

Divorcing a Narcissist

Book Description

Tina Swithin was swept off her feet by a modern day Prince Charming and married him one year later. Tina soon discovered that there was something seriously wrong with her fairytale. The marriage was filled with lies, deception, fraud and many tears. Tina was left in an utter state of confusion. This wasn't the man that she married...or was it? Tina first heard the term, Narcissistic Personality Disorder from her therapist in 2008 but quickly dismissed the notion that something could be wrong with her husband. It took several years for Tina to begin researching the disorder and suddenly, the past ten years of her life made complete sense. Tina soon discovered that there is only one thing more difficult than being married to a narcissist and that is divorcing a narcissist. In her book, Tina will explain how a smart, independent woman can fall prey to a narcissistic man. Tina discusses the red flag reflections that she chose to ignore while dating and during the marriage. Tina acted as her own attorney in an extremely high-conflict divorce and she will share the strategies that helped her to navigate through this battle while maintaining her sanity and sense of humor. Tina will help you to feel less alone in your journey and will assure you that there is light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark things are right now. While Tina endured a tumultuous 6-year custody battle, she prevailed and today, her daughters have peace.

Will I Ever Be Free of You?

Book Description

"A practical guide to separating and divorcing from a narcissist, healing yourself, and protecting your children"--

Divorcing a Narcissist

Book Description

Prior to stepping onto the battlefield with a Narcissist, it is imperative to know their playbook both forwards and backwards. The behavior of individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder generally defies logic but sadly, their tactics in the Family Court System often fool Judges, Commissioners, Attorneys, Minor's Counsel, Social Workers, Therapists and even trained Evaluators. Narcissists are the masters of manipulation and projection and are known to launch stealth assaults that will leave their victims in an utter state of confusion and desperation. Victims are often left shattered and without a voice because they feel that no one could possibly believe or understand what they are silently enduring. Author, Tina Swithin, understands what it's like to divorce a narcissist. Tina spent over four years on the battlefield of the Family Court System while acting as her own attorney in a desperate attempt to protect her two young daughters. While Tina's first book, Divorcing a Narcissist: One Mom's Battle details Tina's personal journey and court battle, her new book offers solid advice and sanity-saving wisdom for transforming from victim to survivor. Education is power and Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice from the Battlefield is your personal guide and resource for navigating through high-conflict divorce. Receive advice for every stage of the battle: Leaving the Narcissist: Strategies and advice Divorcing: Advice on attorneys, tactical moves, courtroom preparation, anxiety/PTSD, evaluations and more. Narc Decoder: Learn to decode emails and communication. Children: Sharing custody, sheltering children and breaking the cycle. Life Beyond the Narcissist: Loving again, personal growth and healing. Stories of Hope Resources


Book Description

This highly anticipated second edition of Splitting includes new chapters on abuse, alienation, and false allegations; as well as information about the four types of domestic violence, protective orders, and child custody disputes. Are you divorcing someone who’s making the process as difficult as possible? Are they sending you nasty emails, falsifying the truth, putting your children in the middle, abusing you, or abusing the system? Are they “persuasive blamers,” manipulating and fooling court personnel to get them on their side? If so, you need this book. For more than ten years, Splitting has served as the ultimate guide for people divorcing a high conflict person, one who often has borderline or narcissistic (or even antisocial) personality disorder. Among other things, it has saved readers thousands of dollars, helped them keep custody of their children, and effectively guided them through a difficult legal and emotional process. Written by a family law attorney and therapist, and the author of Stop Walking on Eggshells, Splitting is an essential legal and psychological guide for anyone divorcing a persuasive blamer: someone who suffers from borderline personality disorder (BPD), narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), and/or antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). This second edition includes new information about antisocial personalities; expanded information about domestic violence, child abuse, alienation, and false allegations; how to approach protective orders and deal with child custody disputes; and a new chapter on how to successfully present your case to decision makers. Turn to this guide to help you: Predict what your spouse may do or say in court Take control of your case with assertiveness and strategic thinking Choose a lawyer who understands your case Learn how e-mails and social networking can be used against you If you need help navigating a high-conflict divorce from a manipulative spouse, this book includes all of the critical information you need to work through the process of divorce in an emotionally balanced, productive way.

Divorcing Your Narcissist: You Can't Make This Shit Up!

Book Description

Has the person you married turned into an evil stranger ready for war? You fell in love. Your partner was charismatic, caring, and attentive. On your wedding day, you never dreamed it could end in divorce. Now you're in the midst of a heated battle, wondering where that person went. What you're discovering is that you married someone with a narcissistic personality disorder. To a narcissist, divorce is a game of psychological warfare. With no emotions to slow them down, this game (and the lies) comes easily to them. Meanwhile, you're in a downward spiral of anxiety, depression, and fear, not to mention legal bills that are mounting at an alarming rate. All is not lost. You can - and will - get through this. Author Tracy A. Malone has been there, along with countless others whose stories (and successes) offer quick, but enlightening, glimpses into their experiences and the methods used to not only outlast the attempts made to ruin them, but also flourish after the dust has settled. Delve inside and uncover:* What you can expect when divorcing a narcissist along with 8 tips to help you prepare. ** Learn from those who have come out the other side wishing they knew then what they know in hindsight. How much easier would it be if you could learn from the lessons of those before you? What could help you enter the arena with your eyes wide open? Top divorce tips from 26 experts in the narcissistic abuse field including lawyers, mediators, psychologists, therapists, coaches, authors, and financial planners. Acquire priceless advice regarding how to hire the right lawyer so you don't drain your bank account. Gain an understanding of which battles are important to fight and which are best to walk away from to save money and your sanity. Absorb how to avoid costly mistakes - legal and financial - that commonly occur post-divorce.

The Narc Decoder

Book Description

Divorcing a narcissist? You are probably left feeling baffled and shaken by the communication that you receive from the narcissist. In my mid-twenties, I contemplated learning multiple foreign languages. I envisioned dabbling in French to successfully make my way around Paris or Irish Gaelic to explore the rich history of Ireland along with my deep ancestral roots in that country. My day dreams about learning new languages always went hand in hand with the imagery of world travel. The thought of exploring exotic and old world places far away from home intrigued me. My mind summoned several foreign adventures, but never did I think I would need to learn a foreign language to navigate my own life. In 2008, I heard the words, "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" (NPD) to describe my then-husband, Seth. It took a couple years for the reality of those three little words to really sink in. Looking back, the red flags had been waving in the wind since our very first date. Those flags grew taller and more vibrant in color during our marriage. As it turns out, those same red flags that had been lining my path for years were dipped in a highly flammable mixture of kerosene. I realized the danger only when they exploded near the end of my marriage. Like any unexpected explosion, I was unprepared and left nursing deep, emotional, third-degree burns. In my research, I discovered a new language which took quite a bit of studying and insight on NPD to understand. As it turns out, the reason that I was so bewildered by Seth's communication style was that we were speaking completely different languages. I spoke the English version of "human" while he was speaking the non-human "Narc-ish." I am convinced there is a Narc-ish dictionary or manual hidden deep in a dark, musty hole somewhere in a faraway land with step-by-step instructions on how to inflict fear, confusion and despair. From this land, narcissists hail. Their secret language can only be decoded by those who aren't fooled by the narcissist's stealth ability to inflict confusion and chaos with it. My computer has a feature that allows me to translate most languages. However, this particular area of my life requires technology that is a bit savvier. Need is the catalyst of industry: and I was in need of a device to decipher Narc-ish. So, I invented one. I call it the "Narc Decoder" and have made life-altering good use of it. The good news is, everyone has access to the Narc Decoder because it is a machine that I am honored to replicate and share with anyone who is forced to communicate with a narcissist. Once you understand how to use the Narc Decoder, your life will change for the better. You will become empowered and will regain your voice. Over time, you will begin to find humor in the communication style that once left you on your knees begging for mercy.

How to Survive and Thrive When Divorcing a Narcissist

Book Description

FINALLY - AN HONEST APPROACH TO DIVORCING A NARCISSIST Living with a narcissist can be awful. Divorcing one is a nightmare. They're always right, they want everything their way and they leave little room for compromise. How to Survive and Thrive When Divorcing a Narcissist offers solid advice on creating and sticking to a strategy so that you can get what you need and want from the divorce. Inside you'll discover: How to prepare yourself for the battle. How to be ready for the inevitable court fight. Insider child custody tips and tricks. What to expect during and after the divorce. And much more! This book lays out the divorce process in New Jersey and explains the five things to know when divorcing a narcissist. It's a must-read for anyone who is leaving a narcissistic spouse who shows even some of the symptoms of being a narcissist.