The Huey Long Murder Case

Book Description

Hermann B. Deutsch's 'The Huey Long Murder Case' delves into the assassination of the infamous Louisiana governor Huey P. Long, offering a gripping blend of historical fiction and detective noir. Set in the 1930s, the book intricately weaves together political intrigue, corruption, and mystery, capturing the essence of the era with vivid prose and meticulous attention to detail. Deutsch's writing style is evocative, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they follow the investigation unfold. This novel is not only a thrilling page-turner but also a window into a tumultuous period of American history. Hermann B. Deutsch's vast knowledge of politics and history shines through in this masterfully crafted narrative. The author's deep understanding of the social and political climate of the time provides a rich backdrop for the story, adding layers of complexity to the characters and their motivations. 'The Huey Long Murder Case' is a must-read for history buffs, mystery enthusiasts, and anyone looking for a captivating tale that blends fact and fiction seamlessly.

The Huey Long Murder Case

Book Description

Until I undertook to gather all available evidence for what I hoped to make a definitive inquiry into the circumstances of Huey Long's assassination, I had no idea of how many gaps there were in my knowledge of what took place. Yet except for the actual shooting, which fewer than a dozen persons were present to see, and for what then took place in the operating room of Our Lady of the Lake Sanitarium, most of what had any bearing on the circumstances took place before my eyes.Consequently I am so deeply indebted to so many who were good enough to fill those gaps with eyewitness reports, that no words of mine could begin to settle the score. Chief among those whose claims on my gratitude I can never wholly acquit are Dr. Cecil A. Lorio of Baton Rouge, one of the only two surviving physicians who played any part in the pre-operative, operative, and post-operative treatment of the dying Senator; Dr. Chester Williams, the present coroner of East Baton Rouge parish, who made it possible for me to see, study and understand the microfilmed hospital chart sketchily covering the thirty hours that elapsed between the time of the shooting and its fatal termination; Col. Murphy J. Roden, retired head of the Louisiana State police, who was the only person to grapple with Dr. Weiss; my friend and for many years colleague, Charles E. Frampton; Sheriff Elliott Coleman of Tensas parish; Chief Justice John B. Fournet of the Supreme Court of Louisiana; and Juvenile Court Judge James O'Connor, who carried the stricken Kingfish to the hospital after the shooting.No less am I under obligations to Earle J. Christenberry,[x] Seymour Weiss, and Richard W. Leche, to whom I owe so much of the information on background elements that alone make intelligible some of the otherwise enigmatic phases of what actually occupied no more than a fractional moment of crisis.My thanks are likewise tendered to Captain Theophile Landry, formerly an officer of the state police; to General Louis Guerre who was that organization's first commandant; to Adjutant-General Raymond Fleming of Louisiana; to Charles L. Bennett, managing Editor of the Oklahoma City Times; and particularly to Dr. James D. Rives and Dr. Frank Loria of New Orleans.To my one time professional competitor but always close friend, Congressman F. Edw. Hebert, I tender this inadequate word of appreciation for the assistance so freely rendered by him in gathering material. To another friend and colleague, Charles L. Dufour, I am deeply indebted for assistance in proofreading.And finally, I am more grateful than I can say to my brother Eberhard, an unfaltering--and what is more, successful--champion before the courts of the principle of press freedom, for advice in preparing the final draft of this manuscript; to LeBaron Barker for invaluable suggestions in revising the original draft; and to all others who, in ways great and small, have been of assistance in making possible the completion of this task.Hermann B. Deutsch.

The Huey Long Murder Case

Book Description

On September 8, 1935, one of the most bizarre political careers in United States history came to an abrupt end in a fury of gunfire. Two victims lost their lives that night, one of them, Huey Long, United States Senator from Louisiana. The question of whether or not the other victim, Dr. Carl Austin Weiss, Jr., was Long's assassin is still the subject of bitter controversy.

The Day Huey Long was Shot, September 8, 1935

Book Description

Newspaperman's case history presenting his theory that Long was killed by his own bodyguards.

All the King's Men

Book Description

Willie Stark's obsession with political power leads to the ultimate corruption of his gubernatorial administration.

Every Man A King

Book Description

Huey Long (1893-1935) was one of the most extraordinary American politicians, simultaneously cursed as a dictator and applauded as a benefactor of the masses. A product of the poor north Louisiana hills, he was elected governor of Louisiana in 1928, and proceeded to subjugate the powerful state political hierarchy after narrowly defeating an impeachment attempt. The only Southern popular leader who truly delivered on his promises, he increased the miles of paved roads and number of bridges in Louisiana tenfold and established free night schools and state hospitals, meeting the huge costs by taxing corporations and issuing bonds. Soon Long had become the absolute ruler of the state, in the process lifting Louisiana from near feudalism into the modern world almost overnight, and inspiring poor whites of the South to a vision of a better life. As Louisiana Senator and one of Roosevelt's most vociferous critics, "The Kingfish," as he called himself, gained a nationwide following, forcing Roosevelt to turn his New Deal significantly to the left. But before he could progress farther, he was assassinated in Baton Rouge in 1935. Long's ultimate ambition, of course, was the presidency, and it was doubtless with this goal in mind that he wrote this spirited and fascinating account of his life, an autobiography every bit as daring and controversial as was The Kingfish himself.

Who Killed the Kingfish? the Huey Long Murder Case

Book Description

This "clever" play is a new, fresh look on the Huey Long shooting, one of the great mysteries of the 20th century. Although a play, the words of the witnesses of that horrid night in Louisiana are offered in a balanced way to allow the playgoers to decide if Dr. Carl A. Weiss was actually the true assailant. The play's audience serves as the jury for the trial making it interactive and a delight.

The Assassination of Fred Hampton

Book Description

Read the story behind the award-winning film Judas and the Black Messiah On December 4, 1969, attorney Jeff Haas was in a police lockup in Chicago, interviewing Fred Hampton's fiancÉe. Deborah Johnson described how the police pulled her from the room as Fred lay unconscious on their bed. She heard one officer say, "He's still alive." She then heard two shots. A second officer said, "He's good and dead now." She looked at Jeff and asked, "What can you do?" The Assassination of Fred Hampton remains Haas's personal account of how he and People's Law Office partner Flint Taylor pursued Hampton's assassins, ultimately prevailing over unlimited government resources and FBI conspiracy. Fifty years later, Haas writes that there is still an urgent need for the revolutionary systemic changes Hampton was organizing to accomplish. Not only a story of justice delivered, this book spotlights Hampton as a dynamic community leader and an inspiration for those in the ongoing fight against injustice and police brutality.

The Crime of Huey Dunstan

Book Description

A young man stands in the dock accused of murder. A brutal murder, apparently motiveless. When Professor Chesney, a psychologist specialising in trauma, is called as an expert witness, he is at first baffled. This young man, Huey Dunstan, was a bubbly, smiling child not so long ago. What brought him to bludgeon an old man to death? Why does he seem determined at all cost to incriminate himself? As Ches delves into Huey's past, with the sensitive insight that perhaps only a blind man could have, a psychological mystery unravels. And the jury is asked to consider an unthinkable defence. The Crime of Huey Dunstan takes us beyond questions of guilt and innocence to thought provoking ideas on justice and humanity. An emotionally engaging, beautifully written novel from one of New Zealand's most revered writers.