Humans in Space (big Ideas

Book Description

Notable Native Americans (Big Ideas: Low Intermediate)

Book Description

You may already be familiar with the names Pocahontas, Sacagawea, and Crazy Horse. But how did they become so well known? What was their early life like? How was their relationship with the early settlers to the United States? The 15 profiles in this reader go beyond the legend to tell the real stories. This book takes a look at these and other important Native Americans. You will learn about Sequoyah, the inventor of the Cherokee alphabet. You will explore the incredible life of Susan La Flesche Picotte, the first Native American doctor in the United States. You will meet Sitting Bull, the legendary warrior who fought tirelessly against the U.S. government to protect native lands. You will also read about more contemporary Native Americans such as Olympian Jim Thorpe, astronaut John Herrington, and poet Joy Harjo. Notable Native Americans is a must-read for English language learners with an interest in learning more about the lives of the people who first called the New World home – and their modern-day descendants.

The Science of Weather

Book Description

Every time you go outside, you experience the weather. It may be good, it may be bad, and it may be so bad that it ruins all your plans for the day. Have you ever wondered why the weather changes? Why are the changes sometimes expected and sometimes completely unexpected? Why is the weather forecast on the TV, radio or internet sometimes right and sometimes wrong? Is it possible that the forecast is correct but we don’t know how to read it? Can you predict the weather correctly yourself? You will find the answers in this book. This book is full of exciting facts about the weather and climates in different parts of the world, with some incredible examples of weather records and extreme weather events. You will learn how the earth’s climate has changed over millions of years, with ice ages following warm periods. How do we know if the global warming today is natural or man-made? This book is also about people. You will read about the lives of some great people who observed the weather, recorded it, and learned to predict it. They studied clouds and winds, they invented measuring instruments, they sailed to new unwelcoming lands to build weather stations there, they learned to use mathematics to predict weather. Through the lives of those people, you will follow the path the science called meteorology has made from ancient Mayas’ predictions to modern AI-created forecasts. You will find out how this science not only informs us but also saves lives. Finally, you will take a look into the future. Will future technology allow people to make perfect forecasts that can never be wrong?

The Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction Set

Book Description

In der Vergangenheit war die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Human-Computer Interaction) das Privileg einiger weniger. Heute ist Computertechnologie weit verbreitet, allgegenwärtig und global. Arbeiten und Lernen erfolgen über den Computer. Private und kommerzielle Systeme arbeiten computergestützt. Das Gesundheitswesen wird neu erfunden. Navigation erfolgt interaktiv. Unterhaltung kommt aus dem Computer. Als Antwort auf immer leistungsfähigere Systeme sind im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion immer ausgeklügeltere Theorien und Methodiken entstanden. The Wiley Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction bietet einen Überblick über all diese Entwicklungen und untersucht die vielen verschiedenen Aspekte der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und hat den Wert menschlicher Erfahrungen, die über Technologie stehen, ganzheitlich im Blick.

Great Ideas Teacher's Manual

Book Description

Great Ideas is a unique collection of absorbing and enjoyable fluency practice activities designed to improve listening and speaking abilities. The Teacher's Manual contains detailed notes on the activities, as well as vocabulary suggestions, glossaries, answer keys (where appropriate), listening scripts, and suggestions for follow-up activities.

Human Frontiers

Book Description

Why has the flow of big, world-changing ideas slowed down? A provocative look at what happens next at the frontiers of human knowledge. The history of humanity is the history of big ideas that expand our frontiers—from the wheel to space flight, cave painting to the massively multiplayer game, monotheistic religion to quantum theory. And yet for the past few decades, apart from a rush of new gadgets and the explosion of digital technology, world-changing ideas have been harder to come by. Since the 1970s, big ideas have happened incrementally—recycled, focused in narrow bands of innovation. In this provocative book, Michael Bhaskar looks at why the flow of big, world-changing ideas has slowed, and what this means for the future. Bhaskar argues that the challenge at the frontiers of knowledge has arisen not because we are unimaginative and bad at realizing big ideas but because we have already pushed so far. If we compare the world of our great-great-great-grandparents to ours today, we can see how a series of transformative ideas revolutionized almost everything in just a century and a half. But recently, because of short-termism, risk aversion, and fractious decision making, we have built a cautious, unimaginative world. Bhaskar shows how we can start to expand the frontier again by thinking big—embarking on the next Universal Declaration of Human Rights or Apollo mission—and embracing change.

N A S A Activities

Book Description

Advanced Space System Concepts and Technologies, 2010-2030+

Book Description

Bekey presents an imaginative view of what space could be like in the next several decades if new technologies are developed and bold new innovative applications are undertaken. He discusses a future environment for space activities very different from the predominant conditions of the past and present.