I am a Soul. Soul is SIP. I am SIP. SIP is in all.

Book Description

I am a SOUL. Soul is SIP. I am SIP. SIP is in all. We live in ignorance thinking that we are the body that we appear to be but we don't realize the truth that we are neither the body nor the Mind and Ego, in reality, we are the SOUL, the Spark Of Unique Life. The SOUL is also nothing but SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that is everywhere, in everything. These four phrases are identical to the 4 Mahavakyas of the Vedas and the Upanishads which are as follows: Tat Twam Asi; Ayam Atma Brahma; Aham Brahmasmi; Prajnanam Brahma. These 4 phrases will lead us to Self-Realization and then to God-Realization. This book can help us attain the ultimate goal of life — Moksha.

The 8 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

Book Description

Spirituality is considered to be a mysterious and difficult subject. We grow up with the Myth and we live and die with it. We are enveloped in the darkness of ignorance. We don't know what Enlightenment is. There are 8 Stages of Spiritual Awakening, but unless we start a Quest, we will not even begin the journey of Enlightenment. This book explains the voyage to the ultimate truth. Start your journey today and be awakened.

My Journey Of Spiritual Awakening

Book Description

Spiritual Awakening is not something mystical and magical. Every human being has the right to be Enlightened. In this book, AiR-Atman in Ravi, the author, shares his journey and how he went from Achievement to Fulfillment to Enlightenment. This book will show you the way to being Enlightened and to a life of Eternal Bliss, Divine Love and Everlasting Peace.


Book Description

Shivoham literally means Shivo (Lord Shiva) + Aham (me). I am Shiva! But in reality, it is the Realization of the truth, it is Enlightenment that I am nothing, not this body, mind and ego, I am the Divine Soul. I am part of the Supreme Immortal Power, SIP. I am Shiva. Shiva is not in a temple, Shiva lives in the temple of our heart. It is for us to realize what Adi Shankara said in the 8th century, Chidanand Rupah Shivoham Shivoham. The reality of our existence is the Power of the Divine. This book will take you through from Om Namah Shivaya to Shivoham, from religion to Spirituality, from faith in God to realizing God.

Enlightened Ego!

Book Description

Our Ego makes us suffer. It creates anger, hate, jealousy and vengeance. It screams, ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘mine’. People often say, 'Kill your Ego!' While we cannot annihilate the Ego, we can transcend it and have an Enlightened Ego. And an Enlightened Ego is free from all misery, agony and anguish. This book will help you understand what an Enlightened Ego is and show you how to Enlighten your Ego.

From Yoga to Moksha

Book Description

What is the journey from Yoga to Moksha? Yoga is Yuj or union with the Divine. And Moksha is the ultimate goal of life. It is liberation from all suffering on earth and from the cycle of death and rebirth. It is unification with the Divine. Only a true Yogi is qualified to embark on the journey to Nirvana or Moksha. So, how can we be in Yoga? And what after that? This book will take you from Yoga to Moksha, on a life-transforming journey as you discover, ‘Who am I and why am I here?’

Spirituality for Children

Book Description

Children love stories. But are stories just meant for fun? Here is a book which has a collection of stories that will help children learn and evolve in a new science, the science of the Spirit known as Spirituality. Often we think that Spirituality is only for old people. We don’t realize that Spirituality is a science and young child must realize the truth. Unfortunately, we believe in the myth that we have all grown up with. Why not read this book and change your paradigm? Why not change the mindset of children and help them take a new path, the path of Enlightenment, the path of Realization of the truth, the path of overcoming ignorance?

Discover The AiR Happpiness Secret

Book Description

Do you know the spelling of Happiness? According to AiR-Atman in Ravi, Happpiness has 3 Ps — Pleasure, Peace and Purpose. As the happpiest man on earth, AiR has discovered the Happpiness Secret, a way to live in Eternal Bliss in Truth Consciousness. His HAPPPINESS SECRET is a combination of the 19 letters of the acronym, AiR HAPPPINESS SECRET. Those who adopt this in their lives can live a life of Eternal Bliss without any suffering or sorrow. Yes, it’s possible but only if we Discover the AiR Happpiness Secret that is in this book!

How to Live with Eternal Peace, Divine Love and Everlasting Bliss

Book Description

What does every human being in this world want? We want Happiness and Happiness comes from Peace and Love and this creates Bliss. What is Peace? Peace is within. Peace, we don’t have to find. We just have to still our mind. What is True Love? True Love is Bliss, not just a kiss. When we discover the Secret of Life, we will also discover Peace, Love and Bliss and live a life of Eternal Happiness. This book will reveal the Secret!

How to Overcome Fear, Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Book Description

We all struggle with these five monsters and suffer because of them. Is there a way to overcome them? There is. All we have to do is to still the Mind and be in the state of Consciousness. This book will show you how to flip over from Mind to Consciousness and eliminate Fear, Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Depression from your life.