If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Swap Seats!

Book Description

Jesus gave us the good news that if we make God our number-one priority, then everything else will fall into place, and our life will be full of joy, purpose, mission, meaning, and fulfillment. In the words of author James W. Moore: There's a saying that goes, “If God is your co-pilot, swap seats!” I think its message is something we all need to hear, namely this: Don’t just take God along for the ride. Rather, let God do the driving! Put God in the driver’s seat of your life. Don’t make God your assistant; ask God to be the chief pilot on your life’s journey. God is not only a comfort, God is a joy. God is the source of all pleasure. God is light and laughter. God is the Giver of Life, real life, abundant life, full life, meaningful life, joyful life, eternal life. And our chief purpose is to celebrate God, and to serve God, and to enjoy God forever.

If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats

Book Description

Profound insight often shows up in the most unlikely places. For B.J. Gallagher it was a bumper sticker she spotted on the freeway that read, “If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.” She knew instantly that the message was for her. This is a spiritual scrapbook of stories, poems, and words of inspiration about the gifts of spiritual surrender. Gallagher mixes her own personal stories and insights with inspirational quotes from a wide variety of spiritual teachers to show how surrendering our wills to a Higher Power can open us up to the miraculous. This beautifully packaged gift book features words of wisdom from Norman Vincent Peale, Martin Luther King, Jr., Sam Ervin, Rumi, Martin Buber, Rachel Naomi Remen, Henry Nouwen, and many others . An inspiring gift--perfect for Mother’s Day, graduation, and other special occasions.

Beyond Sunday

Book Description

Countless Catholics settle for a life of faith that begins and ends with the obligatory Sunday Mass. While essential, giving just one hour of our lives to God can never satisfy our deep longing for a purposeful, joy-filled life. In Beyond Sunday: Becoming a 24/7 Catholic, radio host Teresa Tomeo gets real about what it takes to live as a Catholic every day of the week. With personal stories and research, this book offers practical tips for seekers in any stage of faith. “Teresa Tomeo’s Beyond Sunday is an inspiring call to action for Catholics from all walks of life to fully embrace all the beauty and intelligence the Church has to offer.” — Bishop Robert Barron, author of To Light a Fire on the Earth “The ultimate source of a full and abundant life — not a life of simply existing but a life in which the holes in our hearts are filled — is to let ourselves be loved by God. And this means seeking that life we were made to live. There is a supreme adventure awaiting us in this life. Teresa Tomeo’s new book Beyond Sunday invites us to ignite this fire within and shows us like a beacon a practical way how. Everyone should read this book. Everyone.” — Chris Stefanick, author, speaker, and founder of Real Life Catholic ABOUT THE AUTHOR TERESA TOMEO has more than thirty years of experience in print and broadcast media and founded her own communications company, Teresa Tomeo Communications. She hosts a weekday radio program, Catholic Connection, which is heard daily on over 500 stations worldwide, as well as the popular television series, The Catholic View for Women. She is a bestselling author of Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture; and Noise: How Our Media Saturated Culture Dominates Lives and Dismantles Families. Teresa and her husband, Deacon Dominick Pastore, live in Michigan and speak around the world about marriage. Tomeo is a columnist and special correspondent for OSV Newsweekly and hosts the Catholic Leaders Webinar Series: Media Matters.

I Hear Voices, and That's a Good Thing!

Book Description

Everyone is guided by the voices of people in our lives--grandparents, parents, teachers, pastors, friends. Their words are woven into our life's fabric and influence how we live and the choices we make. As Christians, we are blessed also to hear the amazing voices of those who lived centuries ago--the voices found in Scripture. Author James W. Moore says, "When faced with choices and decisions, when trying to sort out priorities, when my heart is sad or glad, when challenges and problems thrust themselves into my life, when I need a word of assurance, or when faced with a new opportunity, I hear the voice of Jesus, I hear the voice of Mary, I hear the voices of Abraham and Micah and Esther and the apostle Paul and many other biblical voices whispering (or shouting!) to me powerful words that shape and direct my life." I Hear Voices...and That's a Good Thing! celebrates the voices of the Bible who continue, every day, to strengthen and encourage us when we not only hear but listen to them.

The Wisdom of the Rooms

Book Description

This is more than just daily meditation book—this is a book of Twelve Step quotes and daily reflections that come right from the meeting rooms of recovery. These are the ‘Aha' moments shared by people in the program, like: "Humility is not thinking less about yourself, but rather thinking about yourself less." Each timeless piece of practical recovery wisdom like this is followed by a three-paragraph reflection of "What it was like, what happened, and what it's like now." The most loved recovery quotes, across our Twelve Step programs are here: "There are no victims, only volunteers—you always have a choice," and they instantly offer the perspective we need to keep growing along spiritual lines. Fill your spiritual toolkit with your favorite quotes, "Once you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change," and see why these unique quotes resonate deeply with members—because they come directly from the meeting rooms of recovery. These quotes—by newcomers as well as old timers—offer people in recovery the experience, strength, and hope, they need, just when they need it: one day at a time. This book will remind you that "It is what it is, but it will become what you make it." The 365 Twelve Step Quotes collected here are the ones we hear in meetings, the quotes and sayings that offer us instant relief and revelation—the ones we wish we had written down and saved. Now you have them all at your fingertips. Quotes like, "We go to meetings for relief; but we work the Steps for recovery," and "Half measures do avail us something—it's just the half we don't want," and "When I say NO to you I'm saying YES to me," and hundreds of others help us all in the Fellowship both develop our practice of daily meditation and deepen our experience in the program. The Wisdom of the Rooms aids in our individual practice of recovery as well as provides inspiration for group discussions, reminding us all that "I'll never be all right, until it's all right, right now." Other Wisdom examples include quotes such as: "Instead of telling God how big your fears are, start telling your fears how big your God is." "The most spiritual thing you can do today is to help someone else." "Wisdom is the knowledge you learn after you know it all." "Let go of your old ideas, even the good ones." "When you own your part, you own your power." "Anger is one letter away from danger." And hundreds more…

Listening for God

Book Description

We all long to know the will of God in our lives, to obtain answers to our prayers, and to receive tangible evidence of the personal care of our heavenly Father. We deeply desire to hear His voice. And here's the good news: God is not silent. He is constantly reaching out to each of us. Often His voice is quiet and can be heard only in prayer. He frequently breaks into our lives with timely remedies, miraculous encounters, and surprising circumstances that can be explained only by the reality of a loving and caring God. Popular Catholic author and radio host Teresa Tomeo has gathered an inspiring collection of such “Godcidences” from her life, as well as personal stories from a variety of Catholics—including broadcasters Joan Lewis, Al Kresta, Steve Ray, and authors Greg and Julie Alexander—of the unmistakable ways God has spoken to them.

God Requires More Than Lip Service

Book Description

For Christians seeking to deepen or strengthen their spiritual relationship, More Than Lip Service serves as a beacon. This book provides a biblical definition and description of Christian behaviors and values. More Than Lip Service is a message to Believers at various stages in their walk with Christ —from those already in spiritual leadership positions to those who are just beginning. As this book assists in the development of spiritual maturity, it also challenges every reader, regardless of their current spiritual relationship, to consider their approach to serving and living for God.

If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats

Book Description

Profound insight often shows up in the most unlikely places. For B.J. Gallagher it was a bumper sticker she spotted on the freeway that read, "If God is your co-pilot, switch seats." She knew instantly that the message was for her. This is a spiritual scrapbook of stories, poems, and words of inspiration about the gifts of spiritual surrender. Gallagher mixes her own personal stories and insights with inspirational quotes from a wide variety of spiritual teachers to show how surrendering our wills to a Higher Power can open us up to the miraculous. This beautifully packaged gift book features words of wisdom from Norman Vincent Peale, Martin Luther King, Jr., Sam Ervin, Rumi, Martin Buber, Rachel Naomi Remen, Henry Nouwen, and many others. An inspiring gift--perfect for Mother's Day, graduation, and other special occasions.